Current Indicator Threat Grade
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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References
Full Indicator Record
Indicator Historical Trend
Grade | Date | Headline | Source |
SEVERE | 30 Nov 2021 | Xenobots: Programmable frog stem cells spontaneously replicate | [UK Daily Mail] |
HIGH | 20 Apr 2019 | Scientists Create 'Living' Machines that Eat, Grow, and Evolve | [The Next Web] |
HIGH | 30 Nov 2017 | Man-made DNA used to create semi-synthetic strain of bacteria | [AP] |
HIGH | 02 May 2017 | Scientists secretly near to synthesizing human DNA | [CNBC] |
HIGH | 12 Mar 2017 | Five designer chromosomes bring synthetic life a step closer | [NewScientist] |
SEVERE | 02 Mar 2017 | Artificial human life could soon be grown in lab after embryo breakthrough | [UK Telegraph] |
LOW | 08 Feb 2017 | Synthetic cells pass bacterial Turing Test | [Chemistryworld] |
MOD | 30 Jan 2017 | Synthetic cells convince living bacteria that they're alive | [Seeker] |
MOD | 23 Jan 2017 | Organisms created with synthetic DNA pave way for entirely new life forms | [UK Guardian] |