Posted by on February 2, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c2g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 23 Apr 2024 Chinese military’s work on marine toxins raising new fears of biowarfare weapons [Washington Times]
SEVERE 18 Jan 2024 World Economic Forum Discusses 'Disease X' with Fervor [SHTFplan]
SEVERE 18 Jan 2024 Cleanup at Suspicious California Biolab with Ties to China Continues [Fox News]
SEVERE 17 Jan 2024 WSJ Says Chinese Lab Mapped Deadly Coronavirus 'Two Weeks before Beijing Told the World' [WSJ]
LOW 16 Jan 2024 Chinese Scientists Create Mutant Coronavirus Strain with 100% Kill Rate in Mice [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 20 Nov 2023 Illegal Biolab in California Received $1.3 Million from Chinese Banks [ZeroHedge]
LOW 15 Nov 2023 Owner of Chinese Biolab Busted in California Linked to CHICOM Military Program [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Oct 2023 Chinese Spy Agency Claims Gene Weapons to Target Specific Races Are Being Developed [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 21 Oct 2023 Behind a Secret Chinese Biolab in California, a Global Web of Connections [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 27 Sep 2023 'Highly Likely': China's 'Batwoman' Warns of New Covid Outbreak [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 22 Sep 2023 China’s quest for human genetic data spurs fears of a DNA arms race [MSN]
HIGH 17 Sep 2023 Neanderthal Genes Linked to Severe Covid Risk [WSJ]
LOW 27 Aug 2023 China Aims to Catalog the Genes of 1.4 Billion People Every Five Years [ZeroHedge]
MOD 01 Aug 2023 China-Linked Bio Lab Discovered in California [Gateway Pundit]
SEVERE 12 Jun 2023 Report: Covid-19 Created in Wuhan Lab through Classified Bioweapons Program [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Sep 2022 Biological weapons becoming easier to make and more lethal [Roll Call]
LOW 09 Aug 2022 Wuhan Institute Found to Have Studied Deadly Bioterrorism Agent [Washington Times]
LOW 24 Jul 2022 House Intelligence Committee Speaks of New DNA Bioweapons That Can Target a Single Person  [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 11 Mar 2022 Director of National Intelligence: China Still Blocking Virus Origin Probe [Washington Times]
LOW 10 Feb 2022 Wuhan Lab Also Sought Influenza Strain for 'Human Infection' [The National Pulse]
LOW 10 Feb 2022 Report: PLA Launches Hemorrhagic Fever Viral Attack against Chinese Population during Olympics [CD media]
LOW 31 Oct 2021 Chinese President Hasn't Left China in 21 Months [DNYUZ]
LOW 22 Oct 2021 National Counterintelligence and Security Center Warns of Efforts by China to Collect Genetic Data [DNYUZ]
HIGH 06 Oct 2021 Chinese PCR test orders soared before first confirmed COVID case [Nikkei Asian Review]
SEVERE 22 Sep 2021 CCP Defector Says China Deliberately Spread Covid at Military Event in 2019 [Infowars]
HIGH 27 Jul 2021 French Intelligence Warned State Department about Wuhan Lab in 2015 [We Are Change]
HIGH 18 Jun 2021 U.S. Intel Investigating Chinese Spies' Return to US ahead of 2020 Covid Travel Ban [Washington Free Beacon]
HIGH 07 Jun 2021 Claim: Vaccine Spike Proteins Are Chinese Military Bioweapons Designed to Kill [Natural News]
HIGH 07 Jun 2021 Chinese Defector Says China Is Producing Covid Variants to Cover up Wuhan Lab Leak [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 03 Jun 2021 Former Mi6 Head Warns China Will Have Had Lab Leak Evidence Destroyed or Made to Disappear [Summit News]
HIGH 25 May 2021 Mac Slavo: They Are Telling Us the Plan: A Future Virus More Deadly than Covid Is Coming [SHTFplan]
HIGH 21 May 2021 Covid 19 coronavirus: Wuhan virus lab scientist thought to be 'patient zero' still missing [NZ Herald]
SEVERE 11 May 2021 More Signs COVID Was an Act of War upon America [All News Pipeline]
SEVERE 09 May 2021 Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID in 2015 to Cause Enemy's Medical System to Collapse [ZeroHedge]
LOW 08 Feb 2021 5th Gen Warfare: Former Navy Doctor calls COVID-19 vaccines 'weaponized medicine' [Humans Are Free]
LOW 06 Feb 2021 Customs Data shows China Exported Millions of Counterfeit Masks, Test Kits to US [Epoch Times]
LOW 01 Feb 2021 Claim: China Tried to Collect US DNA Samples from Nose Swabs [Technocracy.News]
LOW 29 Jan 2021 Chinese Biowarfare Campaign: 'They've discovered 2000 new viruses' [ Sara A. Carter]
LOW 29 Jan 2021 U.S. Intelligence Officials say Chinese government is collecting American DNA [CBS]
LOW 21 Jan 2021 Canadian Army Whistleblower: Soldiers Returning from Military Games in Wuhan Brought Home COVID-19 [Humans Are Free]
MOD 01 Jan 2021 2020 Bio-Economic World War: Communist China Lied, Millions of Humans Died [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Dec 2020 China Hides the COVID-19 Truth [Bloomberg]
LOW 31 Dec 2020 Bat Research Team Investigating Coronavirus Origins in China Reportedly Had Their Samples Confiscated [Yahoo]
HIGH 15 Dec 2020 COVID-19 Vaccines Caught Containing HIV [Infowars]
LOW 05 Nov 2020 Obama-Biden Administration approved Beijing purchase of US genomics firm with American DNA database in 2012... [Washington Times]
LOW 05 Nov 2020 Can the World Stop China's Surge into Biological Warfare? [Washington Times]
SEVERE 09 Oct 2020 COVID-19 Is Unrestricted Bioweapon says Chinese Virologist turned Whistleblower [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 17 Sep 2020 Second Chinese Military Defector Gives Bioweapons Information [Washington Times]
LOW 05 Apr 2020 Lawsuit filed alleging coronavirus is a Chinese bioweapon [Ibtimes]
LOW 27 Mar 2020 State Department Marks Bioweapons Accord 45th Anniversary with Reference to Wuhan Virus [Washington Times]
LOW 21 Mar 2020 National Interest: The question if coronavirus is a bioweapon are not out of bounds [National Interest]
LOW 11 Mar 2020 Iranian and Russian Media Claim COVID-19 is Bioweapon [Defense One]
LOW 05 Mar 2020 Iranian General: Coronavirus Is a Manmade Bioweapon [Summit News]
LOW 11 Feb 2020 Senator Demands Beijing Prove Covid-19 Is Not a Bioweapon [ZeroHedge]
LOW 08 Feb 2020 Russian Media claims coronavirus is US 'ethinc bioweapon' attacking China [UK Express]
LOW 08 Feb 2020 White House Asks Scientists to Investigate If Coronavirus Was Bio-Engineered [Infowars]
LOW 03 Feb 2020 Creator of Bioweapons Act Says Coronavirus Is One [GreatGameIndia]
LOW 02 Feb 2020 Thai Doctors Say HIV Drug Effective on Wuhan Virus Patient [Bangkok Post]
LOW 01 Feb 2020 Coronavirus Contains 'HIV Insertions', Stoking Fears over Artificially Created Bioweapon [ZeroHedge]