Posted by on September 4, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c3g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SEVERE 08 Oct 2023 Wall Street Isn’t Sure It Can Handle All of Washington’s Bonds [WSJ]
SEVERE 05 Oct 2023 Treasury Bond Collapse Ranks among the Worst Market Crashes in History [Business Insider]
SEVERE 28 Oct 2022 Growing Pile of Distressed Debt Signals Coming Default Wave [Yahoo]
SEVERE 25 Oct 2022 Bond market is enduring its worst selloff in a generation [Yahoo]
HIGH 14 Oct 2022 Bond Market Volatility Is at Covid-Crisis Levels [Axios]
MOD 06 Sep 2022 Junk-Loan Defaults Worry Wall Street Investors [WSJ]
MOD 12 May 2022 Bonds, Haven for Elderly and Cautious, Are Getting Torched [Washington Times]
LOW 11 Dec 2021 Bonds Flash Fed Policy Danger [Bloomberg]
LOW 11 Nov 2021 A Treasury maturing in 30 years is now paying a lower yield than one maturing in 20 years [AP]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 Only 15% of All Global Bonds Have a Yield above 2%, and Only 10% above 3% [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 17 May 2020 Dangerous signs in the triple-B rated segment of corporate bond market [MarketWatch]
SEVERE 09 Apr 2020 The Day the Fed Nationalized the Bond Market [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 09 Apr 2020 Fed Seizes Control of the Entire Bond Market [Yahoo]
SEVERE 03 Apr 2020 Record Downgrades to Junk [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 23 Mar 2020 Mortgage Bond Sales Flood Market [Yahoo]
SHTF 20 Mar 2020 Investor exodus roils municipal bond market [Reuters]
SHTF 19 Mar 2020 Municipal Bonds Massacre Accelerates [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 18 Mar 2020 Short-Term Bond Market Roiled by Panic Selling [WSJ]
SEVERE 18 Mar 2020 Severe Selling Pressure on Municipal Bond Market [Bond Buyer]
SEVERE 18 Mar 2020 Treasury Market Goes Haywire as Fed Struggles to Contain [Wolf Street]
LOW 13 Nov 2017 Bond market wobbles... [UK Telegraph]
MOD 18 Oct 2017 Bond market flashing warning sign [CNBC]
LOW 04 Jun 2017 Central Banks now own a third of the entire $54 trillion global bond market [ZeroHedge]