Posted by on September 12, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c3g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 16 Dec 2023 Can the Government Ban Bitcoin? [ZeroHedge]
LOW 27 Oct 2023 Treasury Dept warns cryptocurrency firms against allowing their platforms to be used to 'finance terrorism' [MSN]
LOW 25 Oct 2023 Coinbase Denies Rumors of $5,000 Withdrawal Limit [FinanceFeeds]
MOD 25 Oct 2023 California Seeks $1k Bitcoin ATM Limit to 'Combat Fraud' []
LOW 24 Oct 2023 IRS Proposes Unprecedented Data-Collection on Crypto Users [Cointelegraph]
LOW 03 Oct 2023 Fed Govt frames use of blockchain analysis countermeasures as criminal [Bitcoin Magazine]
LOW 31 Jul 2023 Coinbase CEO Says SEC Told It to Delist Everything but Bitcoin [Cointelegraph]
MOD 17 Apr 2023 SEC Charges Bittrex with Operating Unregistered Securities Exchange [Reuters]
LOW 12 Mar 2023 Federal Reserve Setting up New Squad of Crypto Specialists for 'Supervision' [CoinDesk]
HIGH 14 Nov 2022 Claim: FTX Collapse Designed to Usher in Heavy Crypto Regulation [Natural News]
LOW 10 Nov 2022 White House Spox: Crypto Needs Oversight to Avoid Harming Americans [Streetinsider]
MOD 16 Sep 2022 White House Releases Digital Asset Regulatory Framework [Bitcoin Magazine]
LOW 04 Jun 2022 NY Legislature Approves Bill to Limit Cryptocurrency Mining [WSJ]
LOW 03 Jun 2022 Is Bitcoin Immune to Government Regulation? [Bitcoin Magazine]
LOW 03 May 2022 SEC to Hire More Crypto Regulators [WSJ]
LOW 27 Mar 2022 UK crypto regulations coming in weeks [CNBC]
SEVERE 08 Mar 2022 President to Sign Executive Order on Regulating, Issuing Cryptocurrency [The Hill]
SEVERE 08 Mar 2022 Largest American cryptocurrency exchange cuts off 25,000 Russian wallets [ZeroHedge]
MOD 27 Feb 2022 European Central Bank President Urges Immediate Crypto Regulation to Stop Russia from Evading Sanctions [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Feb 2022 Hungarian Central Bank Chief Supports Crypto Ban [Crypto Briefing]
MOD 27 Jan 2022 President Threatens Crypto Rules as a Matter of National Security [Barrons]
LOW 25 Jan 2022 Drop bitcoin as legal tender, IMF urges El Salvador [CNBC]
LOW 07 Dec 2021 The CIA Is Deep into Cryptocurrency, Director Reveals [Vice]
HIGH 16 Nov 2021 Senators try to amend infrastructure bill provision that will stifle digital currencies [Bitcoin Magazine]
LOW 09 Nov 2021 Infrastructure Bill Would Force Crypto Reporting [Fast Company]
LOW 18 Oct 2021 New York AG Orders Two Cryptocurrency Lending Platforms to Cease Activity [Reuters]
HIGH 08 Oct 2021 President Mulls New Regulations on Crypto via Executive Order; May Hire 'Crypto Czar' [ZeroHedge]
MOD 23 Sep 2021 US Congress Taking Revolutionary Steps towards a Central Bank Digital Currency [Decentralized Law]
MOD 22 Sep 2021 Crypto Equated to Toxic Pre-Crisis Swaps by Treasury Department [Yahoo]
MOD 22 Sep 2021 Treasury Sanctions First Cryptocurrency Exchange to Combat Ransomware [Nextgov]
MOD 22 Sep 2021 Crypto Risks 'Existential Threat' as Fed Govt Crackdown Gathers Steam [MSN]
HIGH 10 Aug 2021 Broad oversight of virtual currencies still in legislation set to pass the Senate [MSN]
MOD 03 Aug 2021 Cryptocurrency Surveillance Provision Buried in the Forthcoming Infrastructure Bill [Blacklisted News]
MOD 08 Jul 2021 Senator Presses SEC on Crypto Oversight Authority [Reuters]
MOD 24 May 2021 IRS Seeks Tools for Cracking Crypto Wallets [Nextgov]
MOD 24 May 2021 Bitcoin sell-off as China and US move to regulate and tax cryptocurrencies [CNBC]
LOW 20 May 2021 Fed Govt Rushing to Regulate Crypto [protocol]
MOD 05 May 2021 Treasury Secretary Hints at New Regulatory Structure for Cryptocurrency [Ledger Insights]
LOW 09 Mar 2021 Bitcoin Could Soon Run Head First into Fed Govt Money Laundering Laws [True Pundit]
LOW 23 Feb 2021 Can Governments Stop Bitcoin? [Quillette]
MOD 02 Jan 2021 Treasury Department to crack down on anonymous crypto transactions and self-hosted wallets [The Block]
HIGH 22 Dec 2020 SEC to sue Ripple for allegedly selling unlicensed securities in the form of XRP tokens [Cointelegraph]
LOW 07 Nov 2019 FBI Says Bitcoin Concern Is Getting 'Bigger and Bigger' - Bitcoin News [Bitcoin News]
LOW 26 Jul 2019 IRS Sends Warning Letters to over 10,000 Cryptocurrency Investors [Yahoo]
LOW 24 Jul 2019 Treasury Secretary Bashes Bitcoin [ZeroHedge]
LOW 15 Jul 2019 Treasury Secretary: 'We will not allow digital asset service providers to operate in the shadows' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Jul 2019 POTUS Slams Cryptos [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Jul 2019 Major Korean Bank Clamps down on Crypto-Linked Accounts [ZeroHedge]
LOW 25 May 2019 Congressman talks ban on crypto due to the threat posed to international financial power [Forbes]
LOW 03 Mar 2019 Fed Concerned about Potential System Risks of a Crypto Market Collapse [ETHNews]
MOD 06 Dec 2018 Treasury Dept Sanctions Bitcoin Wallets for First Time [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Aug 2018 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network says it now receives 1,500 Crypto complaints a Month [CoinDesk]
LOW 22 Jul 2018 US Congressman Who Proposed Bitcoin Ban Has Credit Card Industry as His Largest Donor [CryptoComes]
LOW 17 Jun 2018 The CIA ‘can neither confirm nor deny’ it has documents on Satoshi Nakamoto [Motherboard]
LOW 10 Jun 2018 Commodity Futures Trading Commission demands data from cyrptocurrency exchanges [News BTC]
LOW 24 May 2018 DOJ probing Bitcoin price manipulation [MarketWatch]
MOD 17 Apr 2018 NY AG launches probe of 13 major crypto exchanges [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 25 Mar 2018 US & Japanese regulators deepen clampdown on cryptocurrencies [Crypto Currency News]
HIGH 21 Mar 2018 Top secret NSA report: Bitcoin users targeted for surveillance, passwords hacked, internet activity monitored [Block Cubed]
LOW 21 Mar 2018 Court case may make Bitcoin use a crime [Block Cubed]
LOW 07 Mar 2018 NY City weighs 18-month 'moratorium' on Bitcoin-mining [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Mar 2018 SEC cracking down on ICOs [ZeroHedge]
LOW 25 Feb 2018 Bitcoin slides as Coinbase informs 13,000 customers of imminent data handover to IRS [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 Feb 2018 SEC halts trading of 3 companies after they said they were diving into crypto [Business Insider]
LOW 14 Feb 2018 Bank for International Settlements fears systemic threat of Bitcoin, urges 'pre-emptive action' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 09 Feb 2018 World Bank Chief says cryptocurrencies are 'ponzi schemes' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Feb 2018 Cryptos tumble after India says it will 'take all measures to eliminate' their use [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Jan 2018 Commodity Futures Trading Commission subpoena crypto exchange Bitfinex, Tether [Bloomberg]
LOW 17 Jan 2018 Mapping Bitcoin's legality around the world [ZeroHedge]
LOW 16 Jan 2018 Bitcoin prices plunge as SKorea says ban still an option [CBS]
MOD 12 Jan 2018 Treasury Secretary: 'We want to make sure bad people can't use Bitcoin to do bad things' [ZeroHedge]
MOD 12 Jan 2018 JP Morgan Chase Boss: 'Cryptocurrencies will soon be under Government Control' [SHTFplan]
MOD 10 Jan 2018 Crypto exchanges raided for tax evasion in Korea [ZeroHedge]
LOW 03 Jan 2018 Chinese central bank prepares to regulate Bitcoin mining [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Dec 2017 Australian banks reportedly freeze accounts of Bitcoin users [ZeroHedge]
LOW 28 Dec 2017 Washington Post ominously warns Bitcoin being used by ‘extremist groups’ [TEC]
LOW 26 Dec 2017 Regulators scrambling after Bitcoin [WSJ]
LOW 20 Dec 2017 Michigan Bank threatens to close account because of Coinbase purchases [SHTFplan]
LOW 20 Dec 2017 Department of Defense rushes to study blockchain as 'hybrid wars' loom [ZeroHedge]
LOW 19 Dec 2017 Group of Twenty finance and foreign ministers to discuss Bitcoin regulation [ZeroHedge]
MOD 11 Dec 2017 SEC warns people away from Bitcoin [CBS]
MOD 07 Dec 2017 Banks issue last minute warning about risks of Bitcoin futures, ask regulator for review [ZeroHedge]
MOD 04 Dec 2017 Crypto surge sparks Establishment panic [ZeroHedge]
MOD 03 Dec 2017 UK Treasury plans to force cryptocurrency traders to disclose identities [ZeroHedge]
MOD 30 Nov 2017 Fed Governor warns digital currencies pose 'serious financial stability issues' as they grow [Google]
HIGH 25 Jul 2017 SEC cracks down on digital assets, says subject to Federal securities laws [ZeroHedge]
LOW 24 Jul 2017 Former 'Plunge Protection Team' member warns 'blockchain is freaking Governments out' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 23 Jun 2017 How Central Banks intend to fight cryptocurrencies [Smaulgld]
LOW 12 Jun 2017 Congressional bill will oblige travelers entering US to show digital currency holdings [YouTube]
MOD 07 Jun 2017 House Terrorism & Illicit Finance Subcommittee to hold a hearing on virtual currency [ETHNews]
LOW 16 May 2017 Congress studying virtual currency link to terrorism [CoinDesk]
LOW 30 Apr 2017 Federal agents arrest Arizona bitcoin trader [CoinDesk]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Florida lawmakers target virtual currencies [Jdsupra]
MOD 02 Mar 2017 Hawaii forces Bitcoin companies to hold fiat reserves [Coinbase]
LOW 01 Feb 2017 New immigration enforcement to boost bitcoin remittances to Mexico? [Bitcoin Magazine]