Posted by on May 26, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
MOD 19 Oct 2022 Portion of Mississippi River Closes Again as Drought Crisis Worsens [ZeroHedge]
LOW 04 Oct 2022 California Suffering through Driest Three Years Ever Recorded [Yahoo]
LOW 16 Aug 2022 Arizona, Nevada and Mexico to Get Less Colorado River Water after Reservoir Levels Hit Critical Low [U.S. News & World Report]
MOD 24 Jul 2022 Intense Heat and Dry Conditions Threatening Crops, Herds [ZeroHedge]
LOW 06 Jul 2022 Great Salt Lake Drops Below Historic Low Level [The Hill]
MOD 21 Jun 2022 Dams, Taps Running Dry in Northern Mexico amid Historic Water Shortages [Yahoo]
MOD 01 Jun 2022 Southern California drought worsening [MSN]
HIGH 12 May 2022 California braces for extreme summer drought after dismal wet season [MSN]
MOD 03 May 2022 Colorado River Reservoirs at record-low levels l [DNYUZ]
LOW 27 Apr 2022 Southern California Asks Millions to Cut Outdoor Water Use amid Drought [ZeroHedge]
LOW 07 Apr 2022 Texas drought is worst in years [Star-Telegram]
HIGH 14 Feb 2022 West megadrought worsens to driest in at least 1,200 years [AP]
MOD 05 Dec 2021 California to Cut Water to Cities and Farmland amid Persisting Drought [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 Oct 2021 California Records Driest Year in 100 Years [Strange Sounds]
MOD 24 Aug 2021 Drought Worsens in Southern California [Yahoo]
MOD 24 Aug 2021 American Crops Wither under Scorching Heat [WSJ]
LOW 17 Aug 2021 Colorado River Water Shortage: Mandatory Water Cuts Coming [SHTFplan]
MOD 06 Aug 2021 Arizona Drought among the Worst in the Country [Yahoo]
MOD 06 Aug 2021 Lake Powell dips to historic low [AP]
LOW 28 Jul 2021 Megadrought Pushes Two Major US Lakes to Record-Low Water Levels [ZeroHedge]
MOD 13 Jul 2021 Lake Mead water level reaching record low [Yahoo]
MOD 26 Jun 2021 Drought Indicators in West Flash Warnings of the 'Big One' [Yahoo]
MOD 10 Jun 2021 Hoover Dam Reservoir Hits Record Low [Reuters]
LOW 07 Jun 2021 California and Nevada Are Now 100% in Drought [Organic Prepper]
LOW 23 Apr 2021 Drought Conditions Covering 85% of Mexico as Lakes and Reservoirs Dry up [The Watchers]
LOW 30 Mar 2021 Worst Drought in 40 Years Leads to Rising Hunger and Severe Food Shortages in Angola [The Watchers]
LOW 10 Feb 2021 Drought Threatens Water Supply for More than 330,000 in Southern and Eastern China [The Watchers]
LOW 01 Dec 2020 Drought-Driven Hunger Threatens 1.5 Million People in Southern Madagascar [The Watchers]
LOW 11 May 2020 Ominous trend in American West could signal a looming megadrought [CBS]
LOW 21 Feb 2020 Lengthy Dry Spell Raises Concerns about Possible Californian Drought [CBS]
LOW 14 Nov 2019 Most of California once again abnormally dry [Fresno Bee]
LOW 07 Nov 2019 Over 52 Million Face Hunger Crisis Due to Extreme Weather in Africa [The Watchers]
LOW 22 Oct 2019 More than 50 Elephants Starve to Death in Zimbabwe Drought [UK Guardian]
LOW 03 Oct 2019 Worst Drought in 90 Years Hits Namibia, over 61,000 Cattle and Other Livestock Perish [The Watchers]
LOW 05 Jul 2019 Severe Drought Leaves 2.9 Million Acres of Crops Damaged in China [The Watchers]
LOW 01 Jul 2019 Severe Drought Leaves 2.9 Million Acres of Crops Damaged in China [The Watchers]
LOW 13 May 2019 Famine Looms after Early Drought Hits North Korea [The Watchers]
LOW 20 Sep 2018 Severe Drought in Argentina [The Watchers]
LOW 05 Sep 2018 Over Half US Hit by Drought as Lakes Powell and Mead Drop to 'Dangerous' Low Levels [EOTAD]
LOW 02 Jun 2018 Southwest drought worsens as hot June weather arrives [Weather Network]
LOW 23 May 2018 Drought intensifying over Southwest [KOB]
LOW 05 May 2018 Dozens of wild horses found dead amid southwest drought [AP]
LOW 25 Apr 2018 Drought in Afghanistan affecting over million people [The Watchers]
LOW 21 Apr 2018 San Diego headed to driest year ever [San Diego Tribune]
LOW 18 Apr 2018 Drought returns to huge swaths of US [Pew Trusts]
LOW 30 Mar 2018 Drought expands across Southwest [Yahoo]
LOW 13 Feb 2018 Dry, hot California winter revives drought fears [LA Times]
LOW 29 Jan 2018 Cape Town prays as 'day zero' looms; security forces to guard water-collection points [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 14 Nov 2017 Drought in Somalia kills up to 75% of livestock, pre-famine alert issued [The Watchers]
LOW 14 Sep 2017 NKorea faces food shortages after intense drought and 'very bad harvest' [CNBC]
MOD 22 Jul 2017 Rome risks water rationing as drought-hit lake set to go offline [Reuters]
MOD 22 Jul 2017 Worst drought in 16 years threatens food supplies in NKorea [Asahi Shimbun]
LOW 20 Jul 2017 Severe drought devastating Southern European crops [The Watchers]
LOW 17 Jun 2017 SD Governor declares drought emergency [Argusleader]
LOW 01 Jun 2017 Severe water crisis in Cape Town caused by worst drought in over a century [The Watchers]
LOW 09 Apr 2017 Drought brings cholera to Somalia, famine looms [Eastafricamonitor]
LOW 14 Mar 2017 Sri Lankan drought causes worst harvest in 40 years [The Watchers]
MOD 08 Mar 2017 Somali Drought: Deteriorating rapidly to starvation [Yahoo]
LOW 04 Mar 2017 Hundreds dying from hunger as severe drought grips Somalia [The Watchers]
LOW 22 Feb 2017 Brazil's poorest region suffers worst drought in a century [Yahoo]