Posted by on August 30, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c3g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 16 Jul 2023 IMF Hints at Allowing Countries to Use Chinese Yuan for Debt Repayment [ZeroHedge]
MOD 25 May 2023 The End of King Dollar? The Forces at Play in De-Dollarization [MSN]
LOW 07 May 2023 Why China and Its Trading Allies Are Well Placed to Topple the Dollar [New Statesman]
HIGH 05 Apr 2023 'No Reason' for Malaysia to Rely on US Dollar, PM Warns as Yuan Influence Grows [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 04 Apr 2023 The Death of the Dollar Is Coming Sooner than Expected [All News Pipeline]
HIGH 04 Apr 2023 BRICS Alliance Working to Create Its Own Currency, Says Russian Official [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 04 Apr 2023 Mexico Plans to Join BRICS amid Growing Tensions with US [EurasiaMedia Network]
HIGH 04 Apr 2023 7 Signs Global De-Dollarization Just Shifted into Overdrive [TEC]
HIGH 29 Mar 2023 China, Brazil Strike Deal To Ditch Dollar For Trade [Barrons]
LOW 12 Mar 2023 Dollar Is Becoming an At-Risk Currency [NY Post]
HIGH 22 Dec 2022 Foreign Governments Hunt for Alternatives to the US Dollar [Yahoo]
MOD 20 Apr 2022 Israel Adds Yuan to $206 Billion Reserves in ‘Philosophy’ Change [Bloomberg]
LOW 27 Apr 2021 Share of Russian exports sold in US dollars falls under half for the first time [MSN]
LOW 08 Feb 2021 Dollar May Be Nearing Its 'End Game' [Newsmax]
LOW 29 Jul 2020 Goldman Sachs Says Spike in Gold Puts Dollar's Reserve Status in Question [The Hill]
MOD 23 Nov 2019 China now has currency swaps with 20 countries, clearing arrangements with 7 more [Maritime Executive]
MOD 18 Nov 2019 China diversifying foreign exchange reserves to counter reliance on the dollar [CNBC]
LOW 14 Nov 2019 Russia Says BRICs Seeking Common, Non-Dollar Payment System [ZeroHedge]
MOD 05 Jun 2019 Russia, China Prepare to Dump Dollar, Agree to Bilateral Trade in National Currencies [ZeroHedge]
LOW 05 Jun 2019 Russia, China Prep to Dump Dollar, Agree to Bilateral Trade in National Currencies [ZeroHedge]
MOD 05 Jun 2019 Russia, China Prepare to Dump Dollar, Agree to Bilateral Trade in National Currencies [ZeroHedge]
LOW 03 Jan 2019 Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Indians and Turks Continue De-Dollarization [ZeroHedge]
MOD 03 Dec 2018 EU Proposes Widespread 'De-dollarization' Initiatives [ZeroHedge]
MOD 18 Oct 2018 Russia and China Prepare to Ditch Dollar in Bilateral Trade [ZeroHedge]
MOD 16 Oct 2018 Dollar's Reserve Status Slumps to 5 Year Lows [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Oct 2018 Holding of Renminbi by World's Central Banks Rises []
LOW 25 Sep 2018 Europe unveils 'Special Purpose Vehicle' to bypass SWIFT, jeopardizing Dollar's Reserve Status [ZeroHedge]
LOW 22 Jul 2018 Nigerian Central Bank Commences Sale of Chinese Yuan [Premium Times]
MOD 03 Jun 2018 De-dollarization escalates in Africa [ZeroHedge]
LOW 21 May 2018 Turkey repatriates all gold from the US in attempt to ditch the dollar [ZeroHedge]
LOW 05 May 2018 Nigeria secures $2.4 billion currency deal with China [CNN]
LOW 24 Apr 2018 Iran, China seek to loosen dollar’s grip on global markets [WSJ]
LOW 22 Apr 2018 Iran, Russia stop bilateral payments in dollars [Financial Tribune]
LOW 10 Mar 2018 Dollar decline rekindles reserve currency worries [Reuters]
LOW 01 Mar 2018 Iran bans use of dollars in trade [ZeroHedge]
LOW 14 Feb 2018 Russian Deputy PM: Our banks are ready to turn off SWIFT [ZeroHedge]
LOW 19 Sep 2017 Russian President orders end to US dollar trade at country's seaports [ZeroHedge]
LOW 19 Sep 2017 Ronald-Peter Stöferle: The World Is Creeping Toward De-Dollarization [Mises]
LOW 28 Aug 2017 'Unloading dollar assets would be most effective' - Chinese state media unveils trade war 'countermeasures' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 07 Aug 2017 Russia to reduce reliance on us dollar & payment systems [RT]
LOW 28 Jul 2017 Brandon Smith: The Globalist One World Currency Will Look A Lot Like Bitcoin [Alt-Market]
LOW 25 Jul 2017 Managing Director hints at moving International Monetary Fund to China in future [ZeroHedge]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 Australia exports record amount of gold to China [Goldseek]
LOW 09 Jul 2017 The Economist: 'Get ready for a world currency by 2018' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 06 Jul 2017 Wall Street's migration to crypto continues: Former Bain manager opens LatAm Bitcoin fund [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Jun 2017 Russia and China continue to stockpile gold... [Sputnik]
LOW 04 May 2017 Alasdair Macleod: China's Plan to Subvert the Global Dollar Standard [Mises]
MOD 27 Mar 2017 Mac Salvo: The dump begins... [SHTFplan]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 SKorea, Australia agree to extend, expand currency swap deal [Nasdaq]