Posted by on January 27, 2024 12:19 pm
Categories: c2g1


Current Indicator Threat Grade
Grade HIGH


Mainstream reports and/or official corroboration of this indicator are confirmed. Consider this in combination with the current grade of other active indicators on the Heatmap Dashboard.


The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
HIGH 22 Jul 2024 FBI Finds Foreign Encrypted Apps on Trump Gunman's Phone []
HIGH 22 Jul 2024 Secret Service Director Says Agency Has 'No Radio Communications' from Assassination Attempt [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 21 Jul 2024 Secret Service Busted, 'Repeatedly' Denied Trump Security Requests [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 18 Jul 2024 Audio of Shooting Analyzed [Youtu]
HIGH 18 Jul 2024 Secret Service Whistleblowers Emerge following Trump Assassination Attempt [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 18 Jul 2024 Evidence of a Second Shooter in Butler Is Getting Stronger [RVIVR]
HIGH 17 Jul 2024 Secret Service Tells Senators Shooter ‘Identified’ Roughly 50 Mins before Trump Took Rally Stage [Daily Caller]
HIGH 17 Jul 2024 AP Says Trump Shooter 'Remains an Elusive Enigma' Days after Assassination Attempt [AP]
HIGH 17 Jul 2024 Local Officer Fired at Trump Gunman but Name and Details Still Unclear [NYT]
HIGH 17 Jul 2024 Cops Radioed 'Blanket Tactical Channel' about Shooter after Rooftop Confrontation, yet Nothing Was Done [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 17 Jul 2024 Purported Trump Shooter Seen at Rally with Rangefinder 3 Hours before Shots Fire [UK Mirror]
HIGH 17 Jul 2024 Secret Service Explanations for Security Failures Not Adding Up; DHS Inspector General Launches Investigation [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 15 Jul 2024 Veteran Sniper: 'No Doubt' Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Help -- 'Most F**king Obvious Thing' Left Unguarded [Breitbart]
HIGH 15 Jul 2024 Alleged Trump Shooter Spotted by Police nearly Half Hour before Shots Fired, Sources Say [WPXI]
HIGH 15 Jul 2024 FBI Purportedly Struggling to Crack Trump Shooter's Phone [Headline USA]
HIGH 15 Jul 2024 10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking about the Trump Shooting [EOTAD]
HIGH 15 Jul 2024 Secret Service Blames Local Police, Says It Was Tasked with Securing Properties Surrounding Trump's PA Rally [NY Post]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 NBC Sources: Secret Service Identified Rooftop Security Risk Before Trump Rally Shooting [NBC]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 FBI Says Trump Rally Shooter Acted Alone with His Father's AR [WESA]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 Local Cop Encountered Gunman Just before He Shot Trump at Rally [Denver Post]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 What to know about Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle [Axios]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 Navy Seal and Blackwater Founder: Malice or Massive Incompetence [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 Thomas Matthew Crooks or Maxwell Yearick? [PJ Media]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 Massive Secret Service Failure Led to Nearly Successful Assassination of Trump? [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 'I Am Thomas Matthew Crooks': Video of Supposed Dead Guman Man Surfaces [MSN]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 Secret Service Sniper appears to detect suspect moments before shots fired at Trump [Indian Express]
HIGH 14 Jul 2024 Witnesses frantically tried to warn police of rifle-carrying sniper on roof before Trump assassination attempt [MSN]
HIGH 13 Jul 2024 Congress Moves to Investigate Attempted Trump Assassination [Washington Examiner]
HIGH 13 Jul 2024 Second witness reported gunman to police before Trump was shot [Youtu]
HIGH 13 Jul 2024 Wkitness outside Trump Rally Says He Saw Shooter Crawling up Roof with Rifle, nearby Police Ignored [WND]
LOW 12 Jun 2024 J6 Capitol Police Chief Says Speaker's Staff Blocked Additional Security [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 18 Jan 2024 New Footage Shows Secret Service Let Group of Children Walk Past 'Pipe Bomb' Planted ahead of J6 [Information Liberation]
SEVERE 07 Jan 2024 Congressman Calls J6 Riot a 'Conspiracy 'at the Highest Level' [New American]
SEVERE 29 Nov 2023 Former House Speaker's Daughter Caught on Video Appearing to Explain Key Parts of the J6 Psyop [Revolver News]
SEVERE 29 Nov 2023 Albin Sadar: With More Information about January 6, Why It Happened Is Now Obvious [American Thinker]
HIGH 20 Nov 2023 New J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot by Firing Munitions into Peaceful Crowd [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 31 Oct 2023 NIH-run Lab in Montana Experimented with Coronavirus Strain Shipped in from Wuhan a Year before Covid Pandemic Began [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 13 Aug 2023 Senator Says Pandemic 'Preplanned by an Elite Group of People' Who Conducted 'Event 201' [ZeroHedge]
MOD 09 Jul 2023 Claim: Capitol Police Chief Admitted J6 Crowd Was Filled with Feds [Summit News]
MOD 09 Jul 2023 Claim: DOD Issued Contract for ‘Covid-19 Research’ In Ukraine in 2019 [Expose News]
MOD 27 Jun 2023 Was a Patriot Front 'White Supremacist' Just Unmasked as a False Flagger? [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 20 Apr 2023 Most Americans Now Suspect Federal Agents Provoked Jan 6th Riot [The National Pulse]
HIGH 27 Mar 2023 Prosecutor Admits DC Police Officers Acted as Provocateurs at US Capitol on Jan. 6 [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 23 Dec 2022 House Speaker's Office Was Directly Involved in Failed Jan. 6 Security, Texts and Emails Reveal [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 17 Nov 2022 Polish Politician Blames Ukraine for Missile 'Provocation' [Summit News]
LOW 18 Oct 2021 New Jan 6 Footage Shows Police Opening Doors of Capitol to Peaceful Protesters [Infowars]
LOW 17 May 2021 LIHOP: Police Gave Protesters OK to Enter Capitol Building [Information Liberation]
LOW 09 Mar 2021 FBI Releases New Video of Suspect Planting Bombs Night before Capitol Riot [NBC]
SEVERE 19 Jan 2021 Brother of Leftist Who Stormed US Capitol Says Hundreds of Antifa Started the Riot [DC Clothesline]
SEVERE 13 Jan 2021 House Member Accuses Dem Colleagues of Conducting 'Surveillance' for Capitol Rioters [Jonathan Turley]
SEVERE 12 Jan 2021 BLM Activist Posted Picture Posing as Trump Supporter Before Capitol Siege [Natural News]
SEVERE 11 Jan 2021 CNN Interviews Antifa Leader Present inside Capitol Riot [100PercentFedUp]
SEVERE 11 Jan 2021 LIHOP: Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says House and Senate Sergeants-At-Arms Refused Security Measures [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 08 Jan 2021 Capitol Police Rejected Multiple Offers of Federal Help [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 08 Jan 2021 Protestors Might Have Breached Capitol Security with 'Inside Assistance,' Congresswoman Says []
SEVERE 08 Jan 2021 Questions about the Chaos at the Capitol That Desperately Need to Be Answered [Natural News]
SEVERE 08 Jan 2021 Video: President's Supporters Tried to Stop Antifa Infiltrators from Breaking Capitol Windows [Natural News]
SEVERE 08 Jan 2021 Video: Antifa Infiltrated US Capitol, Initiated Siege [Infowars]
SEVERE 07 Jan 2021 Evidence Emerges of Antifa Infiltrating Capitol Hill Protests [OANN]
SEVERE 07 Jan 2021 Police: Known Antifa Posed as Pro-President to Infiltrate Capitol Riot [NY Post]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 'Viking' Who Stormed the Capitol Building Previously Photographed at BLM Rally [Natural News]
HIGH 04 Jan 2021 Moderna Stock Prospectus Reveals SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Was Developed before First COVID-19 Case Was Discovered in America [American Thinker]
LOW 30 Nov 2020 DARK WINTER: The Bioattack Scenario against the America in 2001 [TMIN]
LOW 14 Oct 2020 POTUS 45 Promotes Theory Alleging 44 Staged Bin Laden's Killing [Forbes]
LOW 03 Jun 2020 California man impersonating National Guardsman arrested with 'massive arsenal' [youtube]
MOD 18 Apr 2020 AG Refuses to Release 9/11 Documents Implicating Saudis [ProPublica]
LOW 24 Oct 2019 Wikileaks Releases New Documents Questioning April 2018 Douma Syria Chemical Attack Narrative [ZeroHedge]
LOW 07 Sep 2019 Lawsuit Alleges Mueller Helped Saudi Arabia Cover up Its Role in 9/11 Attacks [NY Post]
LOW 31 Jul 2019 Alleged 9/11 Mastermind Could Blow Saudi Role Wide Open in Lawsuit Testimony [ZeroHedge]
LOW 23 Apr 2019 Claim: CIA Helped Jihadists in Syria [globalgeonews]
HIGH 14 Feb 2019 BBC Producer Says Syrian 'Gas Attack' Footage 'Was Staged' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Feb 2019 Saudis Deny Supplying Al Qaeda-Linked Fighters with US Weapons in Yemen [WRAL]
LOW 02 Jan 2019 Hackers Threaten to Expose 9/11 Secrets [UK Mirror]
MOD 03 Dec 2018 US Attorney taking evidence explosives used to bring down World Trade Centers on 9/11 to Special Grand Jury [Free Thought Project]
LOW 22 Nov 2018 Directive-11: Global Islamist Militant Group had POTUS 44's Secret Support [Washington Times]
LOW 25 Oct 2018 Several 'Hoax' Mail Bombs 'Not Capable of Exploding' Sent to Democrats Days before Elections [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Sep 2018 One Year Later, Still No Vegas Shooter Motive [WSJ]
LOW 06 Aug 2018 Saudi Arabia appears to threaten Canada with 9/11-style Attack [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 04 Aug 2018 Police report 'no motive' for Las Vegas Mass Shooter Stephen Paddock [San Diego Tribune]
LOW 29 Jul 2018 Broward Schools to ask Florida Supreme Court to block release of Parkland school shooting video [Miami Herald]
HIGH 04 Jul 2018 Mainstream Media admits FBI groomed and supplied Terrorist for 4th of July Attack [Activist Post]
HIGH 04 Jul 2018 Report: POTUS may go after Special Counsel for 9/11-Saudi Cover-up [Infowars]
SEVERE 25 Jun 2018 Staffer admits Obama armed jihadists in Syria in bombshell interview [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 11 Jun 2018 30 phone calls to 911 from the night of the Vegas Massacre [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 13 May 2018 School district shuts down information after Parkland shooting [Sun Sentiel]
LOW 15 Apr 2018 Russian Foreign Minister: 'Irrefutable' evidence alleged chemattack in Syria staged by foreigners [WND]
LOW 15 Apr 2018 Independent Swiss lab report on Skripal poisoning raising questions [ZeroHedge]
LOW 14 Apr 2018 Russia claims Syria chemical attack was staged by Britain [UK Sun]
LOW 11 Apr 2018 Russian Military: White Helmets ‘staged’ chemical attack in Syria [CNSNews]
LOW 08 Apr 2018 Russia says Syria gas attack reports 'fabricated' [Reuters]
HIGH 04 Apr 2018 New study provides yet more proof of Saudis sponsored ISIS [ZeroHedge]
MOD 30 Mar 2018 Judge allows 9/11 lawsuits against Saudi Arabia to proceed [Middle East Eye]
LOW 26 Mar 2018 Motion reveals Orlando Jihadist's father was FBI informant [ClickOrlando]
LOW 08 Mar 2018 SWAT officers suspended for heading to Parkland massacre [Sun Sentiel]
HIGH 27 Feb 2018 Watch: Parkland Teacher Stacy Lippel interview [YouTube]
HIGH 27 Feb 2018 News agencies sue for Parkland video captured on cameras outside school but not inside [Intellihub]
HIGH 27 Feb 2018 Parkland first responder: I was told to stand down [Infowars]
HIGH 27 Feb 2018 Flordia AG says 'more going on', sheriff’s office lying... [BizPac Review]
HIGH 26 Feb 2018 Police radio system 'overloaded' during early moments of Florida school shooting [WFTS]
HIGH 26 Feb 2018 Florida school's security cameras were rewound 20 minutes... [Fox News]
HIGH 26 Feb 2018 Watch the video YouTube keeps scrubbing: Parkland survivor says there were 2 shooters [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 26 Feb 2018 Mystery: Teacher witnessed a Parkland shooter in armor [Intellihub]
HIGH 20 Feb 2018 President's son likes tweet suggesting ex-FBI agent's child is a hoax Florida shooting survivor [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 20 Feb 2018 5 reasons to question the official narrative of the Florida school shooting [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 17 Feb 2018 FBI admits protocol not followed for Nikolas Cruz... [SHTFplan]
LOW 17 Feb 2018 Top 10 curious circumstances that led to the rise of isis - 21st century wire [21st Century Wire]
LOW 15 Feb 2018 Unverified Video: Florida School massacre witness says 'definitely two shooters involved' [DJT Twitter]
LOW 14 Feb 2018 Four big questions still hang over Vegas police mass murder report [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 13 Feb 2018 Was Vegas Shooter sheep-dipped? Obituary shows a dead Paddock in 2013 [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 10 Feb 2018 Court orders release of body cams in Vegas shooting while ignoring casino surveillance footage [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 01 Feb 2018 Coroner defies Court Order to release autopsy of Vegas Mass Murderer [Daily Caller]
LOW 30 Jan 2018 Search warrant shows 2nd ‘person of interest’ after Vegas shooting [Las Vegas Review Journal]
HIGH 23 Jan 2018 Vegas Massacre Update [Free Market Shooter]
LOW 19 Jan 2018 Vegas shooter had child porn on computer, FBI investigating 'person of interest' [Fox News]
LOW 09 Jan 2018 Saudis demand US court reject lawsuit showing they funded 9/11 [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 23 Dec 2017 Michael Ledeen: Many Unanswered Questions about Amtrak Crash and Vegas Shooting [PJ Media]
MOD 22 Dec 2017 FBI says info on motive may take until next October to release... [Fox News]
MOD 22 Dec 2017 Vegas Massacre Witness: ‘There was a helicopter above us shooting’ [SHTFplan]
LOW 19 Dec 2017 Mass casualty drill was taking place in the same area as the Washington State train derailment [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 14 Dec 2017 Las vegas shooting survivors: 'We're in the dark' [CNN]
HIGH 01 Dec 2017 Video: Vegas concertgoers pinned down from gunfire during attack, helicopter clearly visible [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 16 Nov 2017 Retired FBI agent accuses 9/11 Commission of lying about Saudi connections [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 13 Nov 2017 Claim: Video proves at least 7 different shooters during Vegas Massacre [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 08 Nov 2017 Witness to Vegas Massacre 'smelled gunpowder' in adjacent hotel's lobby just after the shooting... [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 28 Oct 2017 Qatar confesses secrets behind Syrian War [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 28 Oct 2017 JFK Files: CIA planned to murder American citizens in Miami and blame it on Cuba [SHTFplan]
HIGH 28 Oct 2017 The one paragraph you need to read from the JFK assassination files... [True Pundit]
MOD 27 Oct 2017 Authorities are now refusing to release any new Vegas massacre information [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 27 Oct 2017 FBI Director said public must believe Oswald acted alone [NBC]
MOD 27 Oct 2017 Soviet suspected LBJ was behind JFK’s assassination [NY Post]
MOD 27 Oct 2017 POTUS backtracks on JFK files; vows to release 'just about everything' [ZeroHedge]
MOD 27 Oct 2017 British newspaper received mystery call minutes before JFK assassination  [UK Telegraph]
MOD 26 Oct 2017 Mysterious Vegas guard reportedly left the country days after massacre [NY Post]
MOD 26 Oct 2017 Release of full JFK assassination file is delayed at last minute [NBC]
MOD 25 Oct 2017 Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive [ABC]
MOD 25 Oct 2017 FBI releases docs on Sandy Hook showing Feds visited shooter before massacre [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 23 Oct 2017 US now admits Syrian 'rebels' have used chemical weapons [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 21 Oct 2017 Video: 2nd shooter spotted firing from billboard into the crowd during Vegas massacre? [SHTFplan]
HIGH 21 Oct 2017 Report: FBI SWAT confiscated key surveillance video of Vegas massacre from nearby hotel [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 21 Oct 2017 Trump to release final Kennedy Assassination docs [NYT]
MOD 20 Oct 2017 Body language expert scrutinizes wounded Vegas guard on Ellen [YouTube]
MOD 20 Oct 2017 Las Vegas strip manhunt for multiple gunmen, one hour after Mandalay Bay shooting [YouTube]
HIGH 19 Oct 2017 Coverup questions emerge... [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 18 Oct 2017 CIA urges POTUS to delay release of 3,000 never-before-seen documents on assassination of JFK [The Duran]
HIGH 18 Oct 2017 Vegas survivor who died suddenly had planned group to expose cover-up [Infowars]
HIGH 16 Oct 2017 Vegas guard Jesus Campos vanishes [Fox News]
HIGH 15 Oct 2017 Video: Vegas eyewitness says she saw a woman get shot from 1st volley & believes there were multiple shooters [DJT Twitter]
HIGH 13 Oct 2017 FBI 'hand-in-hand' with Vegas PD, begin damage control [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 13 Oct 2017 NYT: Another shift in Las Vegas timeline caps days of confusion [NYT]
HIGH 12 Oct 2017 Vegas eyewitness: 'There was 100% more than one shooter' [SHTFplan]
HIGH 12 Oct 2017 Las Vegas shooter’s Reno home broken into [Reno Gazette-Journal]
HIGH 12 Oct 2017 Investigative reporter: 'LVMPD officers feel there were additional shooters that corralled police for their slaughter' [Intellihub]
HIGH 12 Oct 2017 Report: FBI wipes phones & laptops of Vegas massacre eyewitnesses [Infowars]
MOD 12 Oct 2017 MGM says 'now confident' police timeline is 'not accurate' [LA Times]
MOD 12 Oct 2017 Security guard shot by Vegas killer is not registered as a security guard in Nevada? [Gateway Pundit]
MOD 12 Oct 2017 Pressure mounts for Vegas police to explain response time [AP]
HIGH 11 Oct 2017 Brandon Smith: A Tactical Analysis of the Las Vegas Mass Shooting Incident [Alt-market]
HIGH 11 Oct 2017 Hotel worker warned police of shooter before massacre began [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 11 Oct 2017 Casino contradicts cops... [Infowars]
HIGH 10 Oct 2017 Washington Post: Unanswered Vegas questions loom... [Washington Post]
HIGH 10 Oct 2017 DAHBOO7: Soros had a $42 million short open on MGM before Vegas massacre [YouTube]
HIGH 09 Oct 2017 Timeline mystery... [LA Times]
HIGH 09 Oct 2017 Experts confident there were multiple shooters at Vegas Massacre [Infowars]
HIGH 06 Oct 2017 Vegas shooter investigators 'puzzled', believe he was not alone for two reasons [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 05 Oct 2017 Police scanner audio clips suggest more than one shooter [Youtu]
HIGH 05 Oct 2017 Sheriff: 'You got to assume shooter had help' as 'mystery woman' emerges [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 05 Oct 2017 Why did it take police so long to breach room? [LA Times]
HIGH 05 Oct 2017 Audio: Vegas survivor tells Michael Savage she heard multiple shooters [Savage Nation]
HIGH 04 Oct 2017 Hotel guest in the next room claims 'multiple gunmen'... [SHTFplan]
HIGH 04 Oct 2017 Michael Snyder: 16 Unanswered Vegas Massacre Questions... [TEC]
LOW 04 Oct 2017 Russian military accuses US of 'supporting' ISIS [Yahoo]
HIGH 03 Oct 2017 Was there a second shooter in Vegas? [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 02 Oct 2017 Who was the mystery lady? Threats made 45 minutes before Mandalay Massacre [Dahboo77 YouTube]
HIGH 02 Oct 2017 Five things that just don’t add up about the Las Vegas mass shooting [Natural News]
LOW 13 Sep 2017 Security contractor says he was silenced by Clinton State Department on Benghazi [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Sep 2017 Pentagon caught falsifying paperwork for weapons transfers into Syria [Zerohedge]
LOW 05 Sep 2017 Syrian rebel defector says his US-trained unit sold arms to ISIS [RT]
LOW 16 Aug 2017 Report: Charlottesville racist leader was former Occupy activist, Obama supporter [Google]
LOW 02 Aug 2017 Seymour Hersh: 'RussiaGate is a CIA-planted lie, revenge against Trump' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 28 Jul 2017 Veteran intel pro's memo: Was the 'Russian hack' an inside job? [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 06 Jul 2017 Report: Saudis are the 'foremost' funder of terrorism in Britain [Business Insider]
HIGH 28 Jun 2017 Gareth Porter: How America armed terrorists in Syria [The American Conservative]
LOW 23 Jun 2017 Syrian white helmets volunteer caught on video dumping mutilated corpses [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 23 Jun 2017 Man seen exiting WTC 7 on 9/11, wearing 'radiation hood,' was a DOE/OST tech for nuke weapons office [Intellihub]
MOD 21 Jun 2017 Ron Paul: Why is the US ‘taking military actions that benefit ISIS?’ [WND]
MOD 17 Jun 2017 FBI asks Miami judge to reconsider, keep secret ‘sensitive details’ about 9/11 [Floridabulldog]
LOW 12 Jun 2017 Iran claims to have proof of 'direct US support' for ISIS [ZeroHedge]
LOW 05 Jun 2017 Dahboo7 reports: London suspect appeared in UK documentary, links to MI5... [YouTube]
LOW 05 Jun 2017 Russian President hints JFK was murdered by the Deep State [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 May 2017 BBC 'proof' of Syrian chem-weapons came without details from unnamed intel agency [Theantimedia]
LOW 13 May 2017 Saudis paid American veterans to fight 9/11 Families’ Lawsuits [AP]
LOW 06 May 2017 Yet another hate crime turns out to be a hoax [Daily Caller]
LOW 04 May 2017 Al-Qaeda claims it is fighting alongside US-backed coalition in Yemen [New American]
MOD 04 May 2017 Al-Jazeera said to film false flag chemical attack against Syrian civilians [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 ISIS apologized to Israel for attacking IDF soldiers? [ZeroHedge]
MOD 23 Apr 2017 Claim: Pak spy agency protecting Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri [India]
HIGH 18 Apr 2017 MIT professor explains why the Assad gas attack was a sham [SHTFplan]
MOD 14 Apr 2017 US insurers sue Saudis for $4.2 billion over 9/11 [Theantimedia]
MOD 14 Apr 2017 Russia: Syrian warplane struck building where jihadists kept sarin [Bloomberg]
MOD 13 Apr 2017 Matt Argoist: 5 major stories that blow the 'official' narrative on Syria out of the water [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 11 Apr 2017 Russian President: Expect 'fake' gas attacks to discredit Syrian Govt [Yahoo]
MOD 09 Apr 2017 Philip Giraldi: IC-Military Doubt Assad Gas Narrative [Libertarian Institute]
MOD 09 Apr 2017 Robert Parry: ‘Wag the dog’ psyop in Syria? [Consortiumnews]
HIGH 08 Apr 2017 Alex Newman: Was chemical attack in Syria a false flag to trigger US war? [New American]
MOD 06 Apr 2017 CNN anchor speechless after Congressman questions Syria chemical attack narrative [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 06 Apr 2017 FLASHBACK: The Red Line and the Rat Line – Erdoğan and the Syrian Rebels [Lrb]
LOW 05 Apr 2017 False flag in Syria? Journalists raise alarms on gas attack [We Are Change]
SEVERE 31 Mar 2017 Wikileaks exposes CIA false flag hacking as Russians [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 23 Mar 2017 The Saudi Reckoning: Pursuing the 9/11 Paymasters [NY Daily News]
HIGH 20 Mar 2017 9/11 families sue Saudis, accuse of complicity in attacks [Pix11]
MOD 18 Mar 2017 9/11 widow's letter to POTUS: America first or Saudi Arabia first? [Strategic Culture]
MOD 17 Mar 2017 Russian bank says Trump computer connections may have been 'hacker hoax' [Circa]
MOD 13 Mar 2017 Federico Pieraccini: A CIA Cyber False Flag [Strategic Culture]
HIGH 07 Mar 2017 US attacking al-Qaeda in Yemen while supporting Saudi coalition that includes al-Qaeda [Financial Times]
MOD 07 Mar 2017 Wikileaks: CIA steals malware to ‘attribute’ cyberattacks to nations like Russia [Breitbart]
MOD 06 Mar 2017 Report: NATO insiders suspect Turkey coup was staged [Opposingviews]
LOW 23 Feb 2017 CIA aid to Syrian rebels frozen 'until matters are organized' [Reuters]
LOW 19 Feb 2017 CIA honors Saudi for fighting terror, despite nation’s terror ties [WND]
LOW 22 Jan 2017 Before leaving, POTUS 44 bombs 'CIA-vetted' Syrian rebels embedded with Al-Qaeda [PJ Media]
LOW 21 Jan 2017 European Union spies say Turkish President triggered coup attempt with planned purges [Breitbart]