Posted by on July 20, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c3g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade
Federal Government Debt-to-GDP Ratio


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 18 Jun 2024 Fed Govt debt to exceed $50 trillion by 2034 [MSN]
LOW 11 May 2024 Commission to Address Fed Govt's $34T in Debt Appears Dead in Congress [AP]
LOW 18 Jan 2024 Interest Payments Spike on Fed Govt Debt [Daily Wire]
LOW 11 Jan 2024 Fed Govt Budget Deficit Soars by 50% in December [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 Jan 2024 Fed Govt Debt Tops $34T for First Time [Fox Business]
LOW 28 Nov 2023 Demand Sagging for US Treasury Bonds [Semafor]
LOW 20 Nov 2023 CBO Projects Federal Debt, Interest Payments to Surge as Percent of GDP [MRCTV]
LOW 20 Nov 2023 DC Realizing Debt Disaster Looms [Politico]
LOW 07 Nov 2023 Fed Govt Debt Interest Bill Rockets Past $1 Trillion a Year [Yahoo]
LOW 25 Oct 2023 Federal Reserve losses since last fall contribute $100B to Federal Deficit []
LOW 25 Oct 2023 Monstrous peace-time, non-emergency deficit blows historic $2T hole in Fed Govt budget [NY Post]
LOW 23 Oct 2023 POTUS 46 Runs Third-Largest Budget Deficit in US History [Schiff]
LOW 21 Oct 2023 Fed Govt ends FY23 with $1.7T budget deficit, up 23% from FY22 [CNBC]
LOW 29 Sep 2023 Fed Govt Preps Employees for Shutdown [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 Sep 2023 Continuing Resolution needed by Sept. 30th to avoid 4th Fed Govt shutdown in a decade [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 Sep 2023 Fed Govt Debt Rises above $33T for the First Time, Soars by $1T in 3 Months [ZeroHedge]
LOW 08 Sep 2023 Fed Govt deficit doubled to $2 trillion in one year [Axios]
LOW 01 Aug 2023 Fed Govt Debt Spikes to $32.7 Trillion, Treasury to Add $1.5 Trillion More by Year-End [Blacklisted News]
LOW 05 Jun 2023 Fed Govt Debt to Rise from $31 Trillion to $50 Trillion by 2030 [ZeroHedge]
MOD 24 May 2023 Federal revenues cover only 75 percent of outlays [ZeroHedge]
MOD 23 May 2023 Treasury Asks about Later Payments as Debt Ceiling Deadline Nears [Washington Post]
MOD 22 May 2023 How damage from a Fed Govt debt default could cascade [AP]
MOD 21 May 2023 President again claims 14th Amendment authority to ignore Fed Govt debt ceiling [Axios]
LOW 16 May 2023 Fed Govt Now Spends More Servicing Its Debt than on National Defense [ZeroHedge]
MOD 09 May 2023 Fed Govt Owes Whopping $7 Trillion to Foreigners [Washington Times]
MOD 07 May 2023 President Floats 14th Amendment as Debt Ceiling Override [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 May 2023 Fed Govt could default as soon as June 1st [AP]
LOW 18 Apr 2023 US Sovereign Risk Nears Record High [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 Apr 2023 Fed Govt Annualized Debt Costs Exceed $800 Billion [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 Apr 2023 Tax Day Cash Will Indicate Just How Close US Is to Default [Yahoo]
LOW 12 Apr 2023 Fed Govt Deficit Tops $1 Trillion in First Six Months of FY2023 [CNSNews]
LOW 12 Mar 2023 Treasury Secretary Warns House Members of 'Economic Collapse' from Default [Reuters]
LOW 10 Mar 2023 Fed Govt Debt to Exceed $50T by 2033 [NY Post]
LOW 15 Feb 2023 Congressional Budget Office Report Forecasts Fed Govt Debt Default as Soon as July [The Hill]
LOW 15 Feb 2023 Fed Govt on Track to Add $19 Trillion in New Debt over 10 Years [DNYUZ]
LOW 06 Feb 2023 Annual Interest Rate Payment on Fed Govt Debt is $850 Billion and Rising Fast [Mishtalk]
MOD 20 Jan 2023 Treasury Says Fed Govt Default Could Cause Global Financial Crisis [Newsmax]
MOD 19 Jan 2023 Treasury Department taking 'extraordinary' accounting steps to avoid default [AP]
MOD 19 Jan 2023 Fed Govt Hit Its Debt Limit [DNYUZ]
LOW 12 Jan 2023 Fed Govt to Hit Debt Ceiling on January 19th [ZeroHedge]
LOW 24 Dec 2022 President Signs $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill [The Center Square]
LOW 20 Dec 2022 Congress Unveils Sweeping 'Omnibus' Funding Bill with $1.7 Trillion Price Tag [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Dec 2022 Federal Deficit Widens to a Record $249 Billion [WSJ]
LOW 15 Nov 2022 Annual Fed Govt Interest Expense Increases 40% Compared to Last October [SGT Report]
LOW 07 Nov 2022 MN Gordon: Are You Ready for the Coming US Government Default? [Economic Prism]
LOW 12 Oct 2022 Questions Swirl about Who Will Buy Most of Fed Govt's $31T in Debt and at What Price [MarketWatch]
LOW 04 Oct 2022 Fed Govt Debt Tops $31 Trillion for First Time [DNYUZ]
LOW 25 Jun 2022 Fed Govt Paying More to Borrow as Fed Raises Rates [WSJ]
LOW 26 May 2022 Interest on the Debt Is a Huge Threat [The Hill]
LOW 01 Feb 2022 Fed Govt debt surpasses $30 trillion for the first time [MSN]
LOW 31 Dec 2021 1% increase in Fed interest rates would translate into $30T increase in Fed Govt interest costs [Reason]
LOW 14 Dec 2021 Senate Passes $2.5T Debt Limit Increase [Politico]
LOW 01 Dec 2021 Treasury Secretary Claims$1.75 Trillion Spending Plan Will ‘Actually Reduce Annual Deficits’ [Mediaite]
LOW 01 Dec 2021 Fed Govt nears possible shutdown [MSN]
LOW 17 Nov 2021 Treasury Secretary Warns Fed Govt Could Default Soon after December 15th [Epoch Times]
LOW 11 Nov 2021 Fed Govt spending hits $448,983,000,000 in October [CNSNews]
LOW 11 Nov 2021 Inflation Will Make Government Budget Problems Worse [Reason]
LOW 02 Nov 2021 Treasury Boosts Quarterly Borrowing Estimate to $1 Trillion [Yahoo]
LOW 19 Oct 2021 World Faces Fiscal Problems Much Worse than Those from Covid Says 38-member Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [Yahoo]
MOD 05 Oct 2021 Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin Could Be Minted at the Last Minute - Axios [Axios]
MOD 04 Oct 2021 Fed Govt moving closer to its first-ever default [Yahoo]
LOW 30 Sep 2021 Treasury Secretary pushes for removal of Fed Govt debt ceiling [CNBC]
LOW 27 Sep 2021 Debt-Limit Standoff Could Force Fed to Revisit Emergency Playbook [WSJ]
LOW 22 Sep 2021 Officials Warn of Dire Consequences of Debt Default [CNN]
LOW 20 Sep 2021 Congress Has to September 30th to Increase Debt Ceiling [Forward Observer]
LOW 20 Sep 2021 Majority Party in Congress Links Debt Ceiling to Spending Bill [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Aug 2021 Social Security Costs Expected to Exceed Total Income in 2021 [WSJ]
LOW 24 Aug 2021 House Authorizes $3.5 Trillion of Spending as Fed Govt Debt Climbs to $29 Trillion []
LOW 11 Aug 2021 Senate OKs More than $4 Trillion of Spending in Less than 24 Hours []
LOW 10 Aug 2021 Senate Passes $1.2 Trillion Bill [NY Post]
LOW 10 Aug 2021 Fed Govt carrying $28.6 trillion debt load [Forbes]
LOW 27 Jul 2021 $1 Trillion in Covid Relief Still Unspent as Congressional Majority Seek More [Headline USA]
LOW 15 Jul 2021 Federal Taxes and Spending Set Records through June [CNSNews]
LOW 21 Jun 2021 How Long Can America Keep Borrowing? [WSJ]
LOW 10 Jun 2021 Fed Govt budget deficit for current year hits record $2.1 trillion [AP]
LOW 10 Jun 2021 Federal Taxes, Spending and Deficit All Set Records through May [CNSNews]
LOW 05 May 2021 Treasury warns of need to deal with Fed Govt debt limit [AP]
LOW 26 Apr 2021 Federal Taxes, Spending and Deficit All Set Records in First Half of FY2021 [CNSNews]
LOW 12 Apr 2021 Fed Govt Runs $660 Billion Deficit in March, Third Largest Monthly Deficit on Record []
LOW 30 Mar 2021 $4 Trillion Infrastructure Plan with Tax Hikes [NY Post]
LOW 23 Mar 2021 President Prepares $3 Trillion in New Fed Govt Spending [MSN]
LOW 06 Mar 2021 Senate Passes $1.9 Trillion Coronavirus Federal Spending Law [Breitbart]
LOW 02 Mar 2021 Fed Govt Debt Surpasses $28 Trillion for First Time [CGTN]
LOW 12 Feb 2021 Deficit projected at $2.3 trillion for 2021, not counting additional stimulus [CNBC]
LOW 08 Feb 2021 Government Accountability Office: Some of $1.9 Trillion stimulus going to dead people [Law Enforcement Today]
LOW 21 Jan 2021 Fed Govt Debt Grew 39% under POTUS 45 [Truth in Accounting]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 $900B COVID relief bill passed by Congress, sent to President [AP]
LOW 10 Dec 2020 Fed Govt Starts off Fiscal 2021 with Largest Two-Month Budget Deficit on Record [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 Oct 2020 $6.55 Trillion FY20 Federal Spending Smashes Record [CNSNews]
LOW 09 Oct 2020 Annual Fed Govt deficit totaled $3.1 Trillion in Fiscal 2020, 15.2% of GDP [WSJ]
LOW 08 Oct 2020 Fed Govt Debt Now Projected to Be Larger than American Economy [CNN]
LOW 21 Sep 2020 America's Debt Will Be Twice the Size of the Economy by 2050 [Reason]
LOW 21 Sep 2020 CBO: Federal Debt Nears Unsustainable Levels [Washington Times]
LOW 21 Sep 2020 Fed Govt debt rose at 59% pace in Q2 [CNBC]
LOW 11 Sep 2020 Federal Spending Tops $6 Trillion for First Time; Deficit Tops $3 Trillion for First Time [CNSNews]
LOW 08 Sep 2020 Fed Govt Budget Deficit Hits Record $3 Trillion [The Hill]
LOW 02 Sep 2020 Fed Govt Debt to Exceed Size of the Economy Next Year [WSJ]
LOW 15 Aug 2020 Fed Govt Debt to Surpass $78 Trillion by 2028 [Forbes]
LOW 12 Aug 2020 Fed Govt Spends 100% More than It Collects [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Aug 2020 Fed Govt budget deficit climbs to record $2.81 trillion [AP]
LOW 06 Aug 2020 Annual Fed Govt Spending Approaches Historic Territory [Nextgov]
LOW 06 Aug 2020 Treasury ramps up auctions as borrowing, virus surges [AP]
LOW 13 Jul 2020 Fed Govt Budget Deficit Passes $3 Trillion for 12 Months through June [WSJ]
LOW 08 Jul 2020 Fed Govt Budget Deficit Hits a Record $863 Billion in June, a 100x Increase [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Jul 2020 Unemployment Payments by Treasury Hit Pandemic High in June [MSN]
LOW 01 Jul 2020 POTUS Supports Second Round of Coronavirus Stimulus Payments [Washington Times]
LOW 18 Jun 2020 Fed Govt Borrowing More than Total Cost of Revolutionary, Civil, and Both World Wars [CNSNews]
LOW 16 Jun 2020 POTUS Weighs $1 Trillion for Infrastructure to Spur Economy [MSN]
LOW 11 Jun 2020 Treasury Secretary: Another $1 Trillion Rescue of the Economy This Month [ZeroHedge]
MOD 10 Jun 2020 Total US Debt Increases by $1 Trillion in One Month [ZeroHedge]
MOD 10 Jun 2020 Econimica: Failed State Walking [Of Two Minds]
MOD 10 Jun 2020 Federal Debt Tops $26 Trillion for First Time; Jumps $2 Trillion in Just 63 Days [CNSNews]
LOW 18 May 2020 Fed Chairman Urges Congress to Spend More [SFGate]
LOW 14 May 2020 Spending and Deficit Set All-Time Records [CNSNews]
LOW 05 May 2020 $4.5 Trillion to be Borrowed for Fiscal Year 2020 [WSJ]
LOW 04 May 2020 US Treasury seeks to borrow a record $3 Trillion this quarter [CNBC]
LOW 02 May 2020 Fed Govt Debt Could Reach $30 Trillion by End of September []
LOW 28 Apr 2020 Fed Govt Will Sell $4 Trillion in Debt This Year, a 300% Increase [ZeroHedge]
LOW 24 Apr 2020 Congressional Budget Office Projects $3.7T Fed Govt Deficit [The Hill]
LOW 14 Apr 2020 Annual deficit forecast at $4 trillion [Roll Call]
LOW 13 Apr 2020 US Deficit to Quadruple to $3.8 Trillion; Total Debt Will Surpass World War II Record [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Mar 2020 Treasury Secretary Anticipates $2T Will Provide Economic Relief for about 10 Weeks [CNSNews]
LOW 30 Mar 2020 Fiscal conservatism in Congress is gone [AP]
LOW 27 Mar 2020 Only one member of Congress stands against $2.2T coronavirus economic 'rescue plan' [Reuters]
LOW 26 Mar 2020 Coronavirus Stimulus Bill: When $2T Is Not Enough [Axios]
LOW 25 Mar 2020 $2T in Emergency Spending Authorized [AP]
LOW 23 Mar 2020 US Debt-to-GDP Will Hit New All-Time High In 2020 [Of Two Minds]
LOW 21 Mar 2020 Fed Govt Coronavirus Stimulus Package to Total $2T = 10% of American GDP [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Mar 2020 A Trillion-Dollar Deficit This Year Is Now Officially the Best Case Scenario [Reason]
LOW 19 Mar 2020 White House Mulls New 50-, 25-Year Bonds to Finance Stimulus [Yahoo]
LOW 18 Mar 2020 Treasury Secretary virus aid proposal: $500B in aid personal checks, $200B in corporate aid, $50B billion for airlines, $150B for 'other distressed sectors' and $300B for small businesses [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 Mar 2020 Fed Govt Deficit Set to Soar in Response to Coronavirus [WSJ]
LOW 17 Mar 2020 Boeing in Talks for Fed Govt Bailout [Yahoo]
LOW 17 Mar 2020 Fed Govt Postpones April 15 Tax Deadline by 90 Days [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Mar 2020 Federal Spending Set Records through February [CNSNews]
LOW 12 Feb 2020 Fed Govt Budget Deficit Blows out to Nine Year High, up 25% from Year Ago [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Feb 2020 Federal Reserve Chairman Issues Stark Warning to Congress on Deficits [The Hill]
LOW 15 Jan 2020 Fed Govt Spending Sets Record through December [CNSNews]
LOW 13 Jan 2020 Fed Govt budget deficit running 11.8% higher this year [AP]
LOW 27 Dec 2019 Fed Govt Sets Record for Debt Auctions [WSJ]
LOW 12 Dec 2019 Fed Govt Collect Record Taxes through November But Still Runs $343.3 Billion Deficit [CNSNews]
LOW 12 Dec 2019 $1.3 Trillion in 2020 Federal Spending Bill Brewing in House Appropriations Committee [MSN]
LOW 27 Nov 2019 Fed Govt Debt up $1.3 Trillion since Last Thanksgiving [CNSNews]
LOW 14 Nov 2019 Federal Deficit Hits $134 Billion in One Month [The Hill]
LOW 11 Nov 2019 Fed Govt Debt Jumps $1T in 3 Months [Newsmax]
LOW 25 Oct 2019 Federal deficit increases 26% to $984 billion for fiscal 2019, highest in 7 years [CNBC]
LOW 16 Oct 2019 Federal Debt up $1.2 Trillion in FY19 [CNSNews]
LOW 07 Oct 2019 Federal Deficit Estimated at $984B, Highest in Seven Years [The Hill]
LOW 09 Sep 2019 Fed Govt Debt Is Now More than Ten Times Annual Tax Receipts [Mises]
LOW 09 Sep 2019 Real American debt levels could be 1,832% of economy [CNBC]
LOW 21 Aug 2019 Fed Govt Deficits to Exceed $12 Trillion through 2029 [The Hill]
LOW 12 Aug 2019 Fed Govt Budget Gap Widens 27% in First 10 Months of Fiscal Year [WSJ]
LOW 29 Jul 2019 Federal Borrowing Soars as Deficit Fear Fades [WSJ]
LOW 23 Jul 2019 It’S Over: The Democrats and the Republicans Are Both Conspiring to Bankrupt America and Destroy Our Future [EOTAD]
LOW 19 Jul 2019 2020 Candidates ignore rapidly expanding Fed Govt Debt [Daily Caller]
LOW 15 Jul 2019 Treasury Secretary Warns Debt Ceiling Could Be Hit in September [ForexLive]
LOW 15 Jul 2019 Marching to a Federal Debt Crisis [Cato]
LOW 11 Jul 2019 Fed Chairman warns of 'unthinkable' harm if Debt Ceiling isn't raised [The Hill]
LOW 10 Jul 2019 Fed Govt deficit climbs 25% since January 2017 [The Hill]
LOW 25 Jun 2019 CBO projects 'unprecedented' debt of 144% of GDP by 2049 [The Hill]
LOW 12 Jun 2019 May Deficit Surges 42% Higher than Last Year [The Hill]
LOW 12 Jun 2019 Federal Spending Tops $3 Trillion for First Time; Deficit Hits $738 Billion [CNSNews]
LOW 15 May 2019 Mac Salvo: We Have 3 Years Before the National Debt 'Death Spiral' [SHTFplan]
LOW 10 May 2019 Fed Govt Budget Deficit Grew 38% in First 7 Months of Fiscal 2019 [WSJ]
LOW 01 May 2019 Treasury may hit debt limit as early as July [Reuters]
LOW 26 Apr 2019 Alasdair Macleod: The US Government Debt Crisis [Goldmoney]
LOW 12 Apr 2019 Federal Spending at 10-Year High, Taxes Collected at 5-Year Low [CNSNews]
LOW 10 Apr 2019 Frd Govt Budget Deficit Running 15% Higher than a Year Ago [News Observer]
LOW 29 Mar 2019 Fed Spending Hits Highest Level since 2009 Bailouts and Stimulus [CNSNews]
LOW 22 Mar 2019 Federal budget posted a record monthly deficit in February [Axios]
LOW 10 Mar 2019 As budget deficit balloons, few in Washington seem to care [AP]
LOW 05 Mar 2019 US Budget Deficit Soars 77% as Federal Interest Expense Hits Record High [ZeroHedge]
LOW 03 Mar 2019 Treasury Dept Takes Steps to Avoid Exceeding the $22 Trillion Debt Limit [Time]
LOW 20 Feb 2019 US Debt Hits Record [Yahoo]
LOW 13 Feb 2019 Fed Govt Debt Tops $22 Trillion [USA Today]
LOW 10 Feb 2019 Fed Govt Debt to Pass $22 Trillion [Freedom Outpost]
LOW 28 Jan 2019 Treasury Set to Borrow $1 Trillion for Second Year to Finance Deficit [Bloomberg]
LOW 09 Jan 2019 Republican House Increased Debt $7.9 Trillion in 8 Years [CNSNews]
LOW 08 Jan 2019 Federal Deficit Climbs Again, Putting It on Track for $1 Trillion This Year [NYT]
LOW 27 Dec 2018 Federal Debt Interest Will Soon Exceed National Defense Spending [Hotair]
LOW 26 Dec 2018 The U.S.'s interest payments are about to skyrocket. Does it matter? [CBS]
LOW 26 Dec 2018 Federal Debt up $1.37 Trillion since Last Christmas [CNSNews]
LOW 13 Dec 2018 Fed Govt budget deficit hits record $204.9 billion for November [AP]
LOW 12 Dec 2018 Fed Govt Debt Poised to Hit $22 Trillion Mark [TEC]
LOW 06 Dec 2018 Claim: POTUS said 'I Won't Be Here' When the Coming Debt Crisis Goes Nuclear [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 Dec 2018 Fed Govt budget deficit to near $1 trillion in 2019, double level of 2015 [The Hill]
LOW 09 Nov 2018 Debt Ceiling Will Be Set to Record High of $22 Trillion, Fund Government to Just Summer [Washington Examiner]
LOW 31 Oct 2018 US. Treasury to increase size of debt auctions [Reuters]
LOW 29 Oct 2018 Fed Govt to Borrow over $1.3 Trillion in 2018 [ZeroHedge]
LOW 06 Oct 2018 Fed Govt Spent a Record $523 Billion on Debt Interest in Fiscal 2018 [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 Oct 2018 Skyrocketing Deficit? So What, Says New Washington Consensus [Bloomberg]
LOW 01 Oct 2018 Fed Govt Debt Up $1.27 Trillion [CNSNews]
LOW 26 Sep 2018 Fed Govt Will Soon Spend More on Interest Than on the Military [CNBC]
LOW 20 Sep 2018 Fed Govt Debt Projected to Hit $99 Trillion by 2048 [TEC]
LOW 18 Sep 2018 ‘Unprecedented’ Fed Govt Spending Spree Picks up Speed [Nextgov]
LOW 13 Sep 2018 Fed Govt Collects Record Taxes and Still Runs Deficit [CNSNews]
LOW 11 Aug 2018 Fed Govt spending on interest hits All Time High [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Jul 2018 US Debt Sales to Surge: Treasury Raises 2018 Borrowing Need to $1.33 Trillion [ZeroHedge]
LOW 19 Jul 2018 Fed Govt Deficit Projected to Top $1 Trillion Starting Next Year [WSJ]
LOW 12 Jul 2018 Fed Govt Budget Deficit hits $607 Billion in 9 Months, as Spending on Interest Explodes [ZeroHedge]
LOW 26 Jun 2018 Federal debt to reach almost 100% of GDP within 10 years [Roll Call]
LOW 12 Jun 2018 Fed Govt budget deficit hits $530 billion in 8 months, as spending on interest explodes [ZeroHedge]
LOW 07 Jun 2018 Fed Govt deficit surges to $530 billion in May [The Hill]
LOW 21 May 2018 Federal debt/GDP ratio projected at 85% of GDP by 2021 [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 May 2018 Fed Govt collects record taxes through April, still runs $385 billion deficit [CNSNews]
LOW 30 Apr 2018 Fed Govt borrows $488 billion in one quarter, the most since the Financial Crisis [ZeroHedge]
LOW 21 Apr 2018 8 things to know about last week’s CBO report... [FFWiley]
LOW 12 Apr 2018 Feds collect record individual income taxes through March; Still run $0.6T deficit [CNSNews]
LOW 09 Apr 2018 Trillion-dollar deficits come roaring back [Washington Times]
LOW 09 Apr 2018 Federal debt primed to explode [CNBC]
LOW 07 Apr 2018 Deficit nears $600 billion in first half of 2018 [The Hill]
LOW 27 Mar 2018 Fed Govt needs to borrow almost $300 billion this week [CNN]
LOW 21 Mar 2018 It didn’t take long for the US to rack up another trillion dollars of debt [MarketWatch]
LOW 20 Mar 2018 At $21T, the Federal debt is growing 36% faster than the US economy [Sovereign Man]
LOW 17 Mar 2018 Federal debt hits $21 trillion [Washington Examiner]
LOW 12 Mar 2018 February budget deficit surges as interest on Federal Govt debt hits all time high [ZeroHedge]
LOW 27 Feb 2018 Treasury Department reports $1.2 Trillion loss in 2017 [Sovereign Man]
MOD 22 Feb 2018 Fed President sounds panic over level of US debt [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Feb 2018 Fed Govt debt would hit $30 trillion in 10 years under President's budget [ZeroHedge]
LOW 09 Feb 2018 Alarm bells are ringing on the Federal Debt [The Hill]
LOW 04 Feb 2018 Fed Govt set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year [Chicago Tribune]
LOW 30 Jan 2018 US Treasury says borrowing will hit 8-year high [AP]
HIGH 12 Jan 2018 Fed Govt collects record income taxes, still run $225B deficit [CNSNews]
LOW 27 Dec 2017 Social security beneficiaries hit record 61,859,250 [CNSNews]
MOD 04 Dec 2017 'For the first time in modern history' Fed Govt debt will surpass household debt [ZeroHedge]
MOD 30 Nov 2017 CBO: Fed Govt will run out of cash in by April without debt ceiling hike [Washington Examiner]
MOD 30 Nov 2017 Fed Chairwoman's last warning: Federal debt 'should keep people awake at night' [Washington Examiner]
MOD 30 Oct 2017 Fed Govt quietly added $200+ billion to the debt this month alone [Sovereign Man]
MOD 26 Oct 2017 Social Security Administration spending tops $1 trillion for first time [CNSNews]
MOD 20 Oct 2017 Fed Govt ran $666 Billion deficit in Fiscal 2017 [WSJ]
HIGH 06 Oct 2017 The Fed Govt lost nearly $1 trillion in FY2017... again [ZeroHedge]
LOW 27 Sep 2017 Fed Govt collects record taxes through August; still run $673.7b deficit [CNSNews]
MOD 13 Sep 2017 Fed Govt collects record taxes through August, still run $674 billion deficit [CNSNews]
LOW 13 Sep 2017 Michael Snyder: Does anyone actually care that our exploding National Debt is destroying our future? [TEC]
LOW 11 Sep 2017 Federal Debt tops $20 trillion for first time [CNSNews]
LOW 08 Sep 2017 Can Kicked: House passes raised debt ceiling [ZeroHedge]
MOD 18 Aug 2017 USA is now twice as likely to 'default' than Germany [ZeroHedge]
MOD 14 Aug 2017 Debt ceiling countdown: Congress has 12 working days to avoid an economic disaster [Business Insider]
MOD 10 Aug 2017 Federal Government runs $43 billion deficit in July [WSJ]
LOW 03 Aug 2017 'The US is staring down a technical default' - Here are the five debt ceiling scenarios [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Jul 2017 Treasury to issue half a trillion dollars in debt in fourth quarter [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Jul 2017 Next Up for GOP Congress: Raising the Debt Ceiling [WSJ]
LOW 29 Jul 2017 US hits debt limit by October... [YouTube]
LOW 25 Jul 2017 Federal spending is skyrocketing — along with US debt [NY Post]
MOD 16 Jul 2017 Budget deficit expected to surge to $702 billion this year [Hosted]
MOD 16 Jul 2017 House GOP weigh massive spending bill [Politico]
MOD 16 Jul 2017 Will Trump use Obama's 'secret debt ceiling plan' to avoid a Treasury default? [ZeroHedge]
MOD 16 Jul 2017 Michael Snyder: Is this the generation that is going to financially destroy America? [TEC]
LOW 29 Jun 2017 Treasury will run out of cash in mid-October, CBO warns [ZeroHedge]
MOD 12 Jun 2017 POTUS 44 program made $729 million in erroneous payments to doctors [Washington Free Beacon]
MOD 12 Jun 2017 Fed Govt spending surges 17% pushing May deficit 70% higher; there is just one problem [ZeroHedge]
MOD 10 Jun 2017 Speaker won't commit to Treasury timetable for debt increase [Fox Business]
MOD 10 Jun 2017 Treasury Dept readying ‘plans and backup plans’ if debt ceiling isn’t raised soon [Washington Post]
LOW 02 Jun 2017 Falling tax receipts pose a debt-ceiling dilemma [Insidebitcoins]
LOW 31 May 2017 Debt ceiling crisis looms... [Newsweek]
LOW 26 May 2017 Congress faces debt limit vote sooner than expected as revenue slows [USA Today]
LOW 13 May 2017 Treasury runs $182 billion surplus in April – but says debt frozen at $19.8 trillion for entire month [CNSNews]
MOD 04 May 2017 Cost of interest on Federal Government debt rises above half a trillion dollars [ZeroHedge]
LOW 03 May 2017 Michael Snyder: Does Anyone in Washington Even Care That We Are 20 Trillion Dollars in Debt? [EOTAD]
LOW 03 May 2017 GOP Congress authorizes itself $77 million more [Charlotte Observer]
MOD 12 Apr 2017 Federal Government spending just hit an all time high [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Mar 2017 CBO: Debt and deficits are going to explode in 'next 30 years' [CNBC]
LOW 24 Mar 2017 Debt limit looks like a real struggle after health bill stalls [MarketWatch]
MOD 19 Mar 2017 Treasury begins 'cash management measures' to avoid default [U.S. News & World Report]
MOD 17 Mar 2017 Debt ceiling deadline has passed... [TEC]
MOD 15 Mar 2017 Carson Block: Beware the Debt Ceiling [Bloomberg]
LOW 14 Mar 2017 Brian Riedl: Interest Rate Hikes Could Explode Federal Debt [National Review]
LOW 13 Mar 2017 US Government now has less cash than Google [Sovereign Man]
LOW 09 Mar 2017 Treasury Secretary warns Congress of 'extraordinary measures' when debt limit hits on March 16 [ZeroHedge]
LOW 04 Mar 2017 Treasury Dept burning through cash as debt ceiling approaches [Washington Examiner]
LOW 03 Mar 2017 Debt limit could hit same day as Fed Govt funding runs out [Washington Examiner]
LOW 01 Mar 2017 Former Reagan official warns of Fed Govt shutdown amid debt crisis [MRCTV]
LOW 01 Mar 2017 Nick Gillespie: Is the military really 'depleted' after years of record-high spending? [Reason]
LOW 27 Feb 2017 Swap spreads surge to 5-year highs as debt ceiling despair strikes [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 Feb 2017 Remember the debt ceiling? Here it comes again [CNBC]
LOW 18 Feb 2017 Senator says debt ceiling could be used as hostage to force POTUS-Russia hearings [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 25 Jan 2017 Congressional Budget Office projects $559B budget deficit [Wbaltv]
LOW 19 Jan 2017 POTUS 44 leaves America $9,335,000,000,000 deeper in debt [CNSNews]