Posted by on September 20, 2024 6:26 pm
Categories: c1g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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This is the freedom to advance truth, science, morality, and arts by the communication of thoughts between individuals. It is essential for holding authority to republican values. Free speech restricts only Government action, not action by private employers, property owners, householders, churches, universities, etc. It applies to all levels and branches of Government. Nonverbal communication, such as waving or burning a flag or wearing clothes with messages, is free. Conduct that is necessary in order to speak effectively, for example, running this website, is free. Limiting the use of money for speech purposes is a speech limit. It encompasses all perspectives, good or evil.
There are some forms of unacceptable speech. People are not free to incite imminent unlawful conduct, intentionally lie to a court, possess obscenities of children or purvey them to children, make un-rhetorical threats of violence, steal copyrighted work, or mislead through commercial advertising.
Most of the humanity, for most of human history, has experienced political censorship.
The fastest way to live under an abhorrent regime is to accept “lawful” restrictions to speech. As James Madison wrote, speech that creates “a contempt, a disrepute, or hatred [of the Government] among the people" must stay unrestricted, because the only way to decide whether such disdain is reasonable is "by a free examination [of the government's actions], and a free communication among the people thereon."
The urge of tyrants to impose by force that which the marketplace of ideas does not seem to be correcting quickly enough is eternal. Be vigilant for efforts to re-define the traditional types of unacceptable speech to limit your free expression. Legislation will increasingly try to specify categories of “hate” speech to curry favor with “protected” groups, rationalizing it as incitement to violence.
In 1949, George Orwell published the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. In it, a fictional language called the Newspeak was introduced. Newspeak was a Government-organized language created by a totalitarian state as an instrument to limit freedom of thought. Carefully observe how your Government changes the meaning of words over time, and how your fellow citizens fall in line.
Our Founding Generation
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SEVERE 18 Sep 2024 California Governor Targets AI-Made Election Deepfakes []
SEVERE 31 Aug 2024 Federal Court Upholds Ban on Let's Go, Brandon Shirts in High School [Jonathan Turley]
LOW 29 Aug 2024 Openai Agrees to Run Gpt Models Past US Government to 'Evaluate' for Safety [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 03 Jun 2024 Fed Govt Attempts to Shut down Alex Jones' Infowars in Bankruptcy Dispute [AP]
SEVERE 30 May 2024 Supreme Court Unanimously Rules against NY State in NRA Free Speech Case [ZeroHedge]
MOD 23 Apr 2024 Federal Judge Appears Ready to Reimpose J6 'Disinformation' Monitoring [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 08 Jan 2024 Supreme Court Declines X's Challenge to Surveillance Gag Order [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 25 Oct 2023 ACLU says Trump gag order in DC election interference case violates 1st Amendment [CNBC]
SHTF 19 Oct 2023 Man gets 7 months in prison for telling people they could vote in 2016 election by text [Yahoo]
MOD 17 Sep 2023 Special Counsel Asks Court to Gag POTUS 45 [NBC]
MOD 09 Jul 2023 Michigan House Passes Bill Criminalizing Criticism of Transgender Ideology [LifeSiteNews]
SEVERE 21 Jun 2023 Student Wearing Shirt Saying 'There Are Only Two Genders' Ruled as Unprotected Speech [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 31 Mar 2023 Man Convicted for Publishing 2016 Election Meme [Law and Crime]
SHTF 04 Jan 2023 California Bill to Punish Doctors for 'False' Covid-19 Information Goes into Effect [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 11 Oct 2022 California Bill Gives Government Control over What Doctors Can Say to Patients [The Blaze]
HIGH 02 Sep 2022 California Bill Targets Family Doctors Who Spread Vaccine 'Disinformation' [Blacklisted News]
LOW 01 Sep 2022 Truth Social barred from Google Play store over content moderation concerns [CNBC]
SEVERE 18 May 2022 NY Governor Wants to 'Silence' Constitutionally Protected Speech [Reason]
SEVERE 12 May 2022 FBI Targeted News Media, Used Geo Tracking Devices [Blacklisted News]
LOW 27 Feb 2022 California to Punish Doctors Promoting Covid 'Misinformation' [Natural News]
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 Chief Medical Advisor to the President Demands Cable News Host Be Fired [WND]
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 Pentagon to Punish Troops for 'Liking' Social Media Containing Unapproved Ideology [Information Liberation]
LOW 06 Dec 2021 Former President's media venture 'eyed by regulators' [AP]
LOW 30 Nov 2021 Prosecutors demanded records of fundraising to expose 2020 Election Fraud [MSN]
HIGH 30 Aug 2021 San Diego County Board vows to stop the spread of health misinformation [Jonathan Turley]
HIGH 23 Aug 2021 Police Question Man at His Home for Criticism of Local Govt [Free Thought Project]
SEVERE 15 Jul 2021 Surgeon General Demands Social Networks Crack down on Covid Speech [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 25 May 2021 Father against Critical Race Theory Barred from Daughter's Graduation by Maine School Board [TPM]
LOW 24 May 2021 DoD pilot program for social media screening to contract private surveillance to circumvent 1st Amendment restrictions [EOTAD]
MOD 18 May 2021 Pentagon Plans to Monitor Military Member's Social Media for 'Extremism' [The Intercept]
SEVERE 25 Jan 2021 Man Charged in Capitol Riot Barred from Commenting about 'Matters Related to US Govt' Online [True Pundit]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 Pennsylvania School District Asks Supreme Court to Allow It to Continue to Violate Student 1st Amendment Rights [Techdirt]
LOW 15 Dec 2020 Newsweek Promotes Calls for Alex Jones to Be Arrested after Speech about Removing Biden [Newsweek]
HIGH 09 Oct 2020 Fed Judge in Connecticut Says Holding 'Cops Are Ahead' Sign Is Not Free Speech [Techdirt]
HIGH 07 Oct 2020 CA Officials Topple Giant Trump Sign on Private Property overlooking Freeway [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 21 Sep 2020 Michigan Clerk Files Criminal Complaint against Resident Who Mocked Mail-In Voting [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 18 Sep 2020 Executive branch telling software companies what code they can or cannot host [Techdirt]
SEVERE 18 Apr 2020 Federal Judge blocks Twitter's bid to reveal DOJ surveillance requests [Reuters]
MOD 06 Feb 2020 Californians Who Register to Vote Would Be Required to Cast Ballots under New Bill [MSN]
MOD 04 Feb 2020 HOA Attempts Fines for Negative Social Media Posts [Infowars]
MOD 03 Feb 2020 Lawsuit: City threatened businessman with prosecution for opposing zoning plans [Yakima Herald]
MOD 16 Jan 2020 Congressman Sued by Physicians for Censoring Vaccine Debate [AAPS]
HIGH 04 Dec 2019 A New York County Makes It Illegal to 'Annoy' Police [Route Fifty]
MOD 23 Nov 2019 Dozens of cities prohibiting counseling that seeks to change sexual orientation [StarTribune]
HIGH 29 Sep 2019 NYC to Levy $250K Fine for Saying Illegal Aliens are Illegal Aliens [Epoch Times]
MOD 10 Aug 2019 Dad Sued for Criticizing Public School Curriculum Corporation [Sovereign Man]
MOD 02 Aug 2019 Federal Judge Prohibits Confederate Flag from Parade founded to Honor Civil War Veterans [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
HIGH 01 Aug 2019 Michigan City Ordinance Forces Citizens to Promote Political Views They Oppose [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 02 Jul 2019 Congresswoman says those who mock members of Congress online should be prosecuted [DJT Twitter]
LOW 06 May 2019 Man Arrested, Facing a Year in Prison for Telling Police They Are 'Pissing on the Constitution' [Activist Post]
LOW 17 Mar 2019 POTIS Asks If FEC, FCC Should Investigate TV Satire [Washington Examiner]
MOD 26 Feb 2019 CA AG Suggests Prosecuting Reporters Possessing Secret List of Criminal Cops [East Bay Times]
HIGH 10 Feb 2019 Software Developer sues NJ AG for attempt to suppress the sharing of 3D-printable firearm plans [New American]
HIGH 09 Jan 2019 The Feds Are Using a Gag Order to Censor a Critique of Its Prosecutions [Reason]
LOW 07 Jun 2018 Connecticut town bans ‘for sale’ signs on homes [CBS]
LOW 03 Jun 2018 Massachusetts town forces business to remove ‘excessive’ American flags [CBS]
LOW 23 May 2018 Oregon student suspended for wearing Trump shirt [Sacramento Bee]
LOW 16 May 2018 US State passes law defining any criticism of Israel as 'anti-semitic' [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 05 May 2018 War of words between anti-vaxxers results in an unconstitutional gag order [Techdirt]
MOD 20 Feb 2018 Preachers jailed for talking about Christianity without getting police permission first [Free Thought Project]
SEVERE 01 Jan 2018 California prosecuting man for insulting posts on Islamic facebook page [Reason]
LOW 16 Nov 2017 Sheriff threatens charges over ‘f*ck Trump’ sticker [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 09 Oct 2017 New California law allows jail time for using wrong gender pronoun [Fox News]
LOW 18 Aug 2017 New bill in California would imprison healthcare workers for using incorrect pronouns with trans patients [ZeroHedge]
MOD 28 Jul 2017 Court rules against politician who banned access to her private Facebook page [WSJ]
SEVERE 26 Jul 2017 Father of 8 sentenced to jail for distributing jury nullification pamphlets [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 43 Senators support making criticism of Israel a thought crime [Personalliberty]
MOD 04 Jul 2017 Court bars Facebook from notifying users about warrants for their information [Buzzfeed]
SEVERE 27 Jun 2017 Court upholds San Fran ban on anti-abortion clinics due to 'false commercial speech' [Charlotte Observer]
LOW 16 Jun 2017 DoJ seeking identities of commenters critical of a veterans health-care company under investigation [WSJ]
MOD 02 Jun 2017 School Board prohibits member from alleging colleague has conflict of interest [Kcur]
LOW 02 Jun 2017 Man found guilty of 'tampering' after passing out juror rights pamphlets on public sidewalk [Fox17online]
HIGH 26 May 2017 Nevada bans speech based on its content – no gay conversion therapy allowed [Mesquitelocalnews]
LOW 17 May 2017 Former Police Chief turned Congresswoman: 'My First Amendment right is different from yours' [Washington Free Beacon]
HIGH 01 May 2017 Man points out math flaw in Oregon red light camera system – fined for 'unlicensed engineering' [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 17 Mar 2017 NY Assemblyman unveils bill to suppress non-government-approved free speech [ZeroHedge]
MOD 07 Mar 2017 Utah judge won't let the Constitution get in the way of a little prior restraint [Techdirt]
LOW 17 Feb 2017 DOJ annoys Judge by using cut-and-paste legal argument in Twitter surveillance disclosure lawsuit [Techdirt]
MOD 08 Feb 2017 Oregon school district bans confederate flag [Daily Caller]
LOW 25 Jan 2017 8th Circuit hints at unconstitutionality of Missouri restrictions on commercial speech [National Law Review]
LOW 22 Jan 2017 Timothy Sandefur: All price restrictions are limits on Free Speech [Reason]