Posted by on May 30, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
HIGH 21 Feb 2023 Over 1 Million Gallons of Contaminated Water Excavated from Ohio Train Derailment Site [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 19 Feb 2023 Cincinnati Cuts off Drinking Water from Ohio River due to East Palestine Derailment Contamination [TPM]
HIGH 09 Aug 2022 Scientists Say Rainwater Everywhere on Earth Unsafe to Drink Due to 'Forever Chemicals' [euronews]
MOD 14 Jan 2022 Pipeline Spills 300,000 Gallons of Diesel near New Orleans, Killing Thousands of Fish, Birds and Other Animals [Strange Sounds]
LOW 05 Apr 2021 Toxic Wastewater Reservoir in Central Florida Suffers Breaches [NBC]
LOW 17 Oct 2019 California Finds Widespread Water Contamination of Forever Chemicals [MSN]
HIGH 04 Sep 2019 22 Million Pounds of Plastics Entering Great Lakes Each Year [Chicago Tribune]
LOW 12 Sep 2018 Hurricane Could Flood Many Waste Sites, Creating Toxic Brew [AP]
HIGH 04 Jun 2018 Toxic algal blooms exploding in American waterways [Strange Sounds]
LOW 10 Mar 2018 Nearly two-thirds of Scottish waters 'contaminated by toxic plastic' [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 22 Feb 2018 Report: Mexican cartel dumped hundreds of corpses into Texas border-area lakes [Breitbart]
MOD 11 Feb 2018 Hawaiian cesspools threaten drinking water [WSJ]
LOW 05 Feb 2018 Sticky piles of toxic foam plaguing Michigan lake [Mlive]
SEVERE 16 Nov 2017 Toxic algae now a severe Nationwide threat [AP]
MOD 16 Nov 2017 Toxic chromium spilled into a Lake Michigan tributary [YouTube]
MOD 13 Sep 2017 Cities swimming in raw sewage as hurricanes overwhelm systems [Bloomberg]
MOD 08 Sep 2017 50,000 marijuana farms putting pesticides in California water [U.S. News & World Report]
LOW 31 Aug 2017 Harvey's wrath: Chemicals ignite at flooded plant in Texas [Washington Post]
LOW 29 Aug 2017 Giant chemical manufacturer in Texas warns plant in 'real danger' of exploding [ZeroHedge]
LOW 16 Aug 2017 New 'potential discharge' of wastewater at Niagara Falls [Buffalo News]
LOW 31 Jul 2017 Black sewer gunk discharged into Niagara Falls [Buffalo News]
MOD 16 Jul 2017 Toxins in water under Tennessee power plant... [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 04 Jul 2017 'Dangerous' algae bloom in lake San Antonio continues [Ksbw]
MOD 01 Jul 2017 Toxic algae kills 2 dogs after swim in Californian pond [SFGate]
MOD 13 May 2017 Just another lake on fire in India [Strange Sounds]
MOD 12 May 2017 Dakota access oil pipeline leaking [Thepublicopinion]
MOD 10 May 2017 'Catastrophic failure' causes oil spill in NYC East River, massive cleanup required [YouTube]
MOD 28 Apr 2017 Attack on Columbia's 2nd largest pipeline contaminates water source for thousands [YouTube]
LOW 13 Apr 2017 Lake Michigan beaches shut down after steel maker's toxic spill [Nwitimes]
MOD 08 Apr 2017 Neonic pesticides detected in American drinking water for the first time [Strange Sounds]
MOD 25 Mar 2017 Scientists puzzled by mercury's jump in Great Lakes fish [Detroit Free Press]
LOW 28 Feb 2017 Millions of gallons of human waste spills into river in Michigan [YouTube]
LOW 25 Feb 2017 Large sewage spill in Tijuana flows north of border [Sacramento Bee]