Posted by on February 5, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c2g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 12 Jun 2024 Hezbollah rains rockets on Israel after strike kills commander [MSN]
LOW 12 Jun 2024 Hezbollah rains rockets on Israel after strike kills commander [MSN]
LOW 05 Jun 2024 Israeli troops exchanging near-daily fire with Hezbollah fighters [Barrons]
LOW 04 Jun 2024 Fires Rage in Northern Israel after Uptick in Hezbollah Attacks [ZeroHedge]
LOW 25 Apr 2024 Iranian Lawmaker Suggests Country Is Ready for Nuke Test [ZeroHedge]
LOW 23 Apr 2024 Hezbollah Deepens Rocket, Drones Attack on Northern Israel after Commander Elimination by IDF [Ynet]
LOW 09 Apr 2024 Israel 'will be punished,' Iran FM says from Damascus [The Cradle]
LOW 06 Apr 2024 Israel Prepares for Retaliation from Iran after Airstrike against Embassy in Syria [Natural News]
LOW 29 Jan 2024 Israeli Defense Minister says troops will "very soon go into action" at northern border with Lebanon [Barrons]
LOW 26 Jan 2024 Israel Attacks Hezbollah Airstrip Believed Built by Iran to Launch Drones [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 Jan 2024 Israeli Reserve Soldiers Refuse to Fight in Gaza [The Cradle]
LOW 13 Jan 2024 Hezbollah Could Turn All of Lebanon into a War Zone, IDF Chief Warns [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 08 Jan 2024 Israel Kills a Senior Hezbollah Commander in Lebanon [Yahoo]
LOW 07 Jan 2024 Hezbollah Strikes Israeli Intel Base with 60+ Rockets [ZeroHedge]
LOW 29 Dec 2023 Israeli Airstrikes Target Syria Twice within Hours [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 24 Dec 2023 Israeli Military Strikes Hezbollah Command Center [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Dec 2023 Syria says IAF hits sites near Damascus [Times of Israel]
LOW 26 Nov 2023 Israeli-Owned Ship Comes under Iranian Suicide Drone Attack in Indian Ocean [ZeroHedge]
LOW 22 Nov 2023 Israel Bombs near Shia Shrine in Damascus Hours Ahead of Gaza Truce [ZeroHedge]
MOD 20 Nov 2023 Israeli Base Destroyed by Hezbollah Rocket Strike [The Express]
LOW 07 Nov 2023 Israel Increases Strikes on Hezbollah in Lebanon [SHTFplan]
LOW 02 Nov 2023 Hezbollah Escalates Rocket Attacks amid Reports Russia Could Supply Anti-Air System [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Oct 2023 IDF Strikes Hezbollah in Lebanon [Times of Israel]
LOW 28 Oct 2023 Iran Stages Massive Military Exercises [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 25 Oct 2023 WSJ Claims Iran's Quds Force Trained 500 Hamas Terrorists for October 7 Massacre [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 24 Oct 2023 Israel Strikes in Syria after Rocket Fired into Golan Heights [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 20 Oct 2023 Iranian proxy fires cruise missiles potentially headed toward Israel from Yemen [ABC]
LOW 17 Oct 2023 Iran Warns of 'Pre-emptive Action' against Israel [Barrons]
LOW 15 Oct 2023 Report: Iran trying to deploy weapons in Syria to open new war front [MSN]
LOW 12 Oct 2023 Israel Bombs Damascus & Aleppo Airports Before Iranian Foreign Minister due to Arrive [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Oct 2023 Israeli Armor Moves to Nothern and Southern Borders [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 10 Oct 2023 Report: Iran Helped Hamas Plan Attack on Israel [Breitbart]
LOW 09 Oct 2023 Israel Hunting down Infiltrators In North amid Shelling from Lebanese Hezbollah [ZeroHedge]
LOW 08 Oct 2023 Hamas Says Attacks on Israel Were Backed by Iran [WSJ]
LOW 08 Oct 2023 Israel Battles Hamas for a Second Day and Trades Fire with Hezbollah in Lebanon [AP]
LOW 07 Oct 2023 Hamas Attacks Israel, Hezbollah Next to Attack? [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Aug 2023 Report: Iran Close to Testing Nukes for First Time [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 07 Aug 2023 Large Israeli Missile Strike on Damascus Kills 4, Follows Lull in Attacks [ZeroHedge]
LOW 03 Aug 2023 Israeli Reservists Start Missing Duty [WSJ]
LOW 09 Jul 2023 Report: Iran Moves toward Possible Atom Bomb Test [Fox News]
LOW 13 Jun 2023 Israel issues daily warnings of Iranian nukes [Yahoo]
LOW 18 Apr 2023 Iran threatens to destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 06 Apr 2023 Dozens of Rockets Pound Israel from Lebanon [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Mar 2023 Damascus Rocked by Israeli Attack on Heels of Saudi-Iran rapprochement [ZeroHedge]
LOW 28 Mar 2023 Israeli PM Admits Country Is on the Brink of Civil War [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 26 Mar 2023 Israeli PM Sacks Defense Minister amid Mutiny in IDF [Axios]
LOW 13 Mar 2023 Syrian Media Reports Israeli Strike on Northwest City Rumored to include Iranian Targets [Ynet]
LOW 23 Feb 2023 Explosions in Iranian City Which Hosts Nuclear Facility, Air Defenses Activated [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Feb 2023 Iran detected to have uranium enriched to levels just below weapons-grade [Bloomberg]
LOW 17 Feb 2023 Israeli-Owned Tanker Reportedly Attacked by Iranian Drones in Persian Gulf [ZeroHedge]
MOD 29 Jan 2023 Unidentified drones attack military industry factory near central Iranian city [Reuters]
LOW 25 Oct 2022 Israeli Air Force Destroys Iranian Drone Manufacturing Plant in Syria [CD media]
LOW 06 Sep 2022 Alleged Israeli airstrikes target Syrian Aleppo airport for second time in week [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 24 Aug 2022 Israeli stealth fighters reportedly penetrating Iranian airspace undetected [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 19 Jul 2022 IDF Chief Says Israel Has 'Moral Obligation' to Prepare for Iran Strike if Diplomacy Fails Read more: Israel Has 'Moral Obligation' to Prepare for Iran Strike if Diplomacy Fails [Newsmax]
LOW 17 Jul 2022 Iran claims ability to build nukes [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 05 Jun 2022 Israel Warns It Will Use 'Right to Self-Defense' to Keep Nukes out of Iran []
LOW 05 Jun 2022 Senior Iranian Officer Dies, Leaving Questions about His Death [DNYUZ]
LOW 05 Jun 2022 Thousands of Israeli troops, hundreds of aircraft and navy vessels train on all fronts, including Iran strike [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 27 May 2022 Sensitive Iranian Military Site Attacked by Drones [NYT]
LOW 23 May 2022 Iran Blames Israel, Vows Revenge, for Brazen Motorcycle Assassination of IRGC Colonel [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 May 2022 Israel to simulate striking Iran in massive IDF drill [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 17 Feb 2022 Iran digging a new unbombable nuke facility [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 16 Feb 2022 Israel carries out surface-to-surface missile strike south of Damascus [National Post]
LOW 28 Dec 2021 Israel Launches Massive Attack on Syrian Port, Fires Burn 14 Hours [ZeroHedge]
LOW 05 Dec 2021 Was Iranian nuclear facility just attacked for the third time in two years? [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 31 Oct 2021 IDF Drills for 2,000 Rockets a Day and Internal Strife [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 18 Oct 2021 Israel Accused of Sniping Syrian Druze Official across Border []
LOW 28 Aug 2021 Israel to Accelerate Covert Action Against Iran [Al-Masdar Al-Arabi]
LOW 17 Aug 2021 Israeli Missiles Strike Hezbollah Post in Syria [Debka]
LOW 06 Aug 2021 Worst Fighting since 2006 War [J. The Jewish News of Northern California]
LOW 06 Aug 2021 Hezbollah, Israel trade fire in dangerous Mideast escalation [AP]
LOW 06 Aug 2021 Hezbollah launches 19 rockets against Northern Israel [Debka]
MOD 06 Aug 2021 Israel Ready to Attack Iran as Defense Minister Says 'We Need to Take Military Action' [MSN]
LOW 04 Aug 2021 Understanding the Shadow War Between Israel and Iran [Bloomberg]
LOW 04 Aug 2021 Rockets from Lebanon Strike Israel, Drawing Retaliation [Reuters]
LOW 04 Aug 2021 British Navy Says Iranian Hijackers Fled the Asphalt Princess [VOA]
LOW 04 Aug 2021 Israeli Defense Minister Says Iran Is 10 Weeks from Breakout to a Nuclear Weapon [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 03 Aug 2021 6 ships in Gulf of Oman loose power and can no longer steer... [Times of Israel]
LOW 03 Aug 2021 British authorities say an incident is underway around a vessel off the UAE port of Fujairah [Debka]
LOW 03 Aug 2021 Claim: Exchange of missile fire between Iranian, Israeli, US and UK warships... [Twitter]
LOW 03 Aug 2021 Israeli Defense Minister urges action against Iran over last week’s drone attack on an Israeli-operated ship near Oman []
LOW 03 Aug 2021 Panama-Flagged Tanker Asphalt Princess Possibly Hijacked off UAE [Tass]
LOW 03 Aug 2021 Report: Iran-Backed Forces Seize Tanker in Persian Gulf [Reuters]
LOW 27 Jul 2021 Report: Israel Conducts Airstrikes Deep Inside Iraq [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 May 2021 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Warns of Broader Destabilization Risk from Israel-Palestinian hostilities [Reuters]
LOW 24 Apr 2021 Iran Fuel Tanker Attacked off Syria [France24]
LOW 20 Apr 2021 Iran Rattled as Israel Repeatedly Strikes Key Targets [DNYUZ]
LOW 13 Apr 2021 Report: Israeli-Owned Ship Attacked in Gulf of Oman, No Casualties [MarineLink]
LOW 13 Apr 2021 Iran says it will enrich uranium to 60%, highest level ever [AP]
LOW 13 Apr 2021 Natanz Attack Hit 50 Meters Underground, Destroyed Most of the Facility [DEFCON Warning System]
MOD 25 Mar 2021 Iran Fires Missile at Israeli Ship in Arabian Sea [ZeroHedge]
LOW 08 Mar 2021 'We'll level Tel Aviv': Iran Responds to Israel Preparing Strike Plans against Nuclear Sites [ZeroHedge]
LOW 06 Mar 2021 Israeli PM tells VPOTUS Israel Will Never Allow Iran to Obtain Nukes [ZeroHedge]
LOW 28 Feb 2021 Israeli Air Attack near Damascus [National Post]
LOW 11 Feb 2021 IDF says Iran can enrich enough uranium for nuclear bomb within 4 months [Israel Hayom]
LOW 10 Feb 2021 Iran Producing Uranium Metal [Stars & Stripes]
LOW 08 Jan 2021 Iranian Revolutionary Guards Unveil Underground Missile Base [Reuters]
MOD 07 Jan 2021 Israel Pounds Iranian Bases near Damascus with Round of Airstrikes [Harbringers Daily]
LOW 07 Jan 2021 Is open warfare between Iranian Proxies in Yemen and Israel next? [Strategic Culture]
LOW 06 Jan 2021 Israeli Airstrikes Rock Damascus at Moment All Eyes Are on US Capitol [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 IDF official: Major flare-up on northern border almost certain [Israel Hayom]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 Israeli sub with ballistic nuke missiles sails to Persian Gulf [Breaking Defense]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 Iran Planning More Uranium Enrichment [The Hill]
LOW 30 Dec 2020 Damascus Alleges Second Israeli Air Strike This Week [Debka]
LOW 15 Dec 2020 Iranian President for first time accuses Israel of killing of nuclear scientist last month [UK Independent]
LOW 30 Nov 2020 Iranian Revolutionary Guards Commander Reported Killed in Drone Strike along the Syrian-Iraqi Border [Times of Israel]
LOW 30 Nov 2020 Iranian State Media Claims Weapon Used in Nuclear Scientist's Assassination Made in Israel [Press TV]
LOW 27 Nov 2020 Iranian scientist tied to nuclear program assassinated; Tehran alleges Israeli involvement [Fox News]
LOW 28 Oct 2020 Satellite photos show construction at Iran nuclear site [AP]
LOW 05 Sep 2020 Iran Stockpiling Enriched Uranium Needed for Bomb [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 03 Sep 2020 Israeli Aircraft Reportedly Attack Important Syrian T4 Airbase [Debka]
LOW 01 Sep 2020 Iranian-backed Syrian militia killed in alleged Israeli air strike [Debka]
LOW 24 Aug 2020 Iran Confirms Explosion at Nuclear Site an 'Act of Sabotage' [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 29 Jul 2020 Iran Fires Ballistic Missiles from Underground for First Time [Reuters]
LOW 28 Jul 2020 Israel Sends Reinforcements to North, Bracing for Hezbollah Attack [Times of Israel]
LOW 21 Jul 2020 Israel Strikes Iranian-Backed Militias in Syria [Haaretz]
LOW 17 Jul 2020 Iranian air defense on high alert amid explosions [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 08 Jul 2020 Does a Series of Mystery Explosions inside Iran Mean the Next Big Middle East War Is about to Begin? [EOTAD]
LOW 03 Jul 2020 Iran threatens retaliation after claiming cyberattack on nuclear site [Reuters]
LOW 03 Jun 2020 Israel Claims Iranian Cyberattack on Water Supply [Times of Israel]
LOW 03 Jun 2020 Israel Tests Ballistic Missiles [MEO]
LOW 13 Mar 2020 Iran Triples Enriched Uranium Stockpile since November [The Trumpet]
LOW 06 Mar 2020 Israel Reportedly Attacked Hezbollah in Syria Overnight [CBN]
LOW 09 Feb 2020 Iranian rocket fails to put a satellite into orbit [Haaretz]
LOW 09 Feb 2020 Iran Unveils New Ballistic Missile [Times of Israel]
LOW 09 Feb 2020 Powerful Cyberattack Takes Down Quarter of Iranian Internet [Forbes]
LOW 03 Feb 2020 IDF Launches Drill Simulating Multi-Front War [Times of Israel]
LOW 03 Feb 2020 Iran to launch satellite this week [Reuters]
MOD 09 Jan 2020 Iran Warns Israel Will Be Bombed If US Responds to Iraqi Base Missile Attack [TMIN]
MOD 09 Jan 2020 Israel Bombs Weapons Depot Run by Iranian Militia near Iraqi-Syrian Border [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 Jan 2020 Israel on Alert for Iranian Reprisal after US Strike on IRGC Al Qods Chief [Debka]
LOW 09 Dec 2019 Israel Threatens Iran with 'Own Vietnam' in Syria, Hints at Major Preemptive Strike [ZeroHedge]
MOD 23 Nov 2019 Preventive War Against Iran? [National Interest]
MOD 23 Nov 2019 23 Killed as Israel Strikes over 20 Iranian, Syrian Regime Targets [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 23 Nov 2019 The Rules Have Changed: Iran-Israel Tensions Hit High Gear with Syria Attack [Middle East Eye]
LOW 22 Nov 2019 Israel on War Alert for Iranian Reprisal after IDF Assaults on Al Qods’ Syrian Bases [Debka]
LOW 03 Oct 2019 Iran Says It Thwarted Arab-Israeli Plot to Assassinate Top Guards Commander [Yahoo]
LOW 30 Sep 2019 Top Iran General Says Destroying Israel Is an Achievable Goal [Yahoo]
LOW 28 Sep 2019 Israel Believed behind Overnight Attack on Iran's 'Land Bridge' From Iraq to Syria  [ZeroHedge]
LOW 09 Sep 2019 Northern Israel on High Alert for More Iranian Retaliation [Debka]
LOW 09 Sep 2019 Iran, Hezbollah’s New Ground Rules: Instant Reprisal for Israeli Strikes [Debka]
LOW 09 Sep 2019 Hezbollah Shoots down Israeli Drone over Lebanon [Debka]
LOW 03 Sep 2019 Hezbollah TV Airs Footage of Missile Attack on Israeli Army Vehicle [ZeroHedge]
LOW 24 Aug 2019 Israeli Struck Iranian Proxies in Iraq Last Month [Military Times]
LOW 01 Aug 2019 Syria Claims Israeli Military Attack on Golan Border Garrison [Debka]
LOW 28 Jul 2019 Israel tests missile defense system in Alaska [Times of Israel]
LOW 25 Jul 2019 Iran Fires Ballistic Missile 1,000km in Provocative Test [UK Sun]
LOW 23 Jul 2019 Israel Attacks Strategic Area in Southern Syria [Daily Sabah]
LOW 21 Jul 2019 Israeli Minister Boasts His Country Has Been 'Killing Iranians' [France24]
LOW 09 Jul 2019 Israeli PM warns Iran that its stealth fighters can an reach 'anywhere in the Middle East' [Times of Israel]
LOW 07 Jul 2019 Iran Announces New Breach of Nuclear Deal Limits, Threatens Further Violations [NYT]
LOW 07 Jul 2019 Iranian Cleric: Strike on Israeli Nuclear Facility in Dimona 'Would Suffice' [World Israel News]
LOW 05 Jul 2019 Top Iranian Commander Says Country Has Secret Weapons [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 03 Jul 2019 Top Iranian Commander Says Country Has Secret Weapons' [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 02 Jul 2019 Israel Talks 'Preemptive Strike' on Iran [Newsweek]
LOW 01 Jul 2019 Concern Grows Israelis May Strike Iran After It Confirms Uranium Breach [UK Express]
LOW 30 Jun 2019 Syria Says Four Killed as Israeli Jets Hit Targets in Homs and Damascus [Times of Israel]
LOW 20 Jun 2019 Iran Stages Snap Civil Defense Drill against Air, Missile, Radiation Attacks on Tehran [Debka]
LOW 20 Jun 2019 Israel Holds Large Military Drill Amid US-Iran Tensions [Washington Times]
LOW 05 Jun 2019 Report: Iran is six months away from a nuke [Israel National News]
LOW 03 Jun 2019 Second Round of Deadly Israeli Strikes Hit Syria [France24]
LOW 02 Jun 2019 Mulri-pronged sustained pre-dawn air raid... [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Jun 2019 Israel Attacks Iranian-Hezbollah Concentrations in Syria [Debka]
LOW 18 May 2019 Israel Attacks Syria Two Consecutive Nights [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 May 2019 Syria Says Israel Carries out Strike, Claims to Intercept Missiles [Times of Israel]
LOW 08 May 2019 Israeli missile defense showing weaknesses [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 13 Apr 2019 Syria: Israeli Missiles Struck “Military Positions” near Hama [Debka]
MOD 28 Mar 2019 Report: 7 Iranians Killed in Israeli Strike in Syria [Haaretz]
LOW 18 Mar 2019 Iranian Commander: All of Israel within reach of Hezbollah's missiles [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 23 Feb 2019 Iran Begins Massive War Games to Show off Its First Ever Submarine Missiles [Newsweek]
LOW 21 Feb 2019 Iranian ‘Suitcase’ GPS Kits Turn Hezbollah Rockets into Guided Missiles [Daily Beast]
LOW 08 Feb 2019 Iran Revolutionary Guards Unveil 'New Ballistic Missile' [Yahoo]
LOW 02 Feb 2019 Iran Unveils New Cruise Missile with 800 Mile Range [Debka]
LOW 28 Jan 2019 Iranian General Threatens to Wipe Israel off Map [Times of Israel]
LOW 24 Jan 2019 Iran to Launch 'Massive' War Drills [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 23 Jan 2019 Syria threatens to 'strike Tel Aviv Airport' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 23 Jan 2019 Rapid Military Escalation between Iran and Israel Underway [UK Express]
LOW 20 Jan 2019 Israeli Missiles Fall on Damascus; Syrian Forces Retaliate [Breaking911]
LOW 13 Jan 2019 Iranian Space Launch Cover for Test of Nuclear-Capable Missile Tech [Washington Free Beacon]
MOD 13 Jan 2019 Israeli PM: Attacks to Continue on Iranian Targets in Syria [Debka]
LOW 12 Jan 2019 Israeli Missiles Strike Damascus Airport [VOA]
LOW 22 Dec 2018 Israel to Intensify Attacks in Syria after US Troop Withdrawal [Al-Masdar Al-Arabi]
LOW 06 Dec 2018 Hezbollah on High Alert as Israel Begins Operation along Lebanese Border [ZeroHedge]
LOW 03 Dec 2018 Iran Tests a Medium-range Ballistic Missile with Multiple Warheads [Debka]
LOW 22 Nov 2018 Iranian-back Hezbollah Building New Militias in Syria against Northern Israel [Debka]
LOW 10 Nov 2018 Israel and Hezbollah Trade Threats over Iranian Missiles [Debka]
LOW 31 Oct 2018 Israel Silent as Iran Hit by Computer Virus [Times of Israel]
LOW 17 Oct 2018 Iran Extends Missile Range [Newsweek]
LOW 18 Sep 2018 Russia says Syria accidentally shot down plane as Israeli air strikes put plane in danger [Reuters]
LOW 16 Sep 2018 Israel Strikes Weapons Depot Meant for Iran or Hezbollah near Damascus Airport [Haaretz]
LOW 04 Sep 2018 Iran Secretly Smuggling Weapons on Civilian Flights to Lebanon [Fox News]
LOW 04 Sep 2018 200 targets, 800 missiles this year... [i24 News]
LOW 04 Sep 2018 Report: Israeli airstrikes in Syria [Ynet]
LOW 03 Sep 2018 Israel Threatens Attack on Iranian Assets Installed in Iraq [Yahoo]
LOW 01 Sep 2018 Iran Moves Ballistic Missiles to Iraq - within Easy Striking Distance of Tel Aviv [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Sep 2018 Report: Iranians set up Surface-to-Surface Missile Facility in Syria [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 27 Aug 2018 Hezbollah Builds Mock Israeli Village to Train Invasion Forces [Debka]
LOW 11 Aug 2018 Iran Test-Fires Ballistic Missile [Fox News]
LOW 10 Aug 2018 Mossad accused of killing top Syrian rocket scientist [NPR]
LOW 05 Aug 2018 Blast Kills Head of Syrian Arms Research Program [Yahoo]
LOW 02 Aug 2018 Israeli PM Threatens Iran with ‘All Israel’s Arms’ if Tehran Blocks Key Waterway off Yemen [RT]
LOW 31 Jul 2018 Iranian and Hezbollah Forces Now Face Israeli Golan Positions [Debka]
LOW 24 Jul 2018 Israel Shoots Down Syrian Warplane [Reuters]
LOW 22 Jul 2018 Report: Israeli Fighter Jets Strike a Military Site in Western Syria [Debka]
LOW 11 Jul 2018 IDF Patriot Intercepts a Drone Flying in from Syria [Debka]
LOW 11 Jul 2018 Israel to Russia: Assad's safe from us, but Iran must quit Syria [Reuters]
LOW 11 Jul 2018 Iranian Revolutionary Guard says 'awaiting orders" to attack Israel [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Jul 2018 Israel-Syria Crisis: Fears of New Conflict [Bloomberg]
LOW 08 Jul 2018 Syria says Israeli struck air base [Yahoo]
LOW 30 Jun 2018 Israel security cabinet to discuss preparations for war [Debka]
MOD 26 Jun 2018 Israeli air strike in Syria kills an Iranian general [Debka]
LOW 26 Jun 2018 Israeli jets strike Iranian cargo plane unloading munitions in Syrian capital [Debka]
LOW 19 Jun 2018 Unprecedented Israeli strikes target Iraqi Shia militias in Syria [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Jun 2018 Iranian-Syrian coalition force beefs up air defenses on border with Israel [Debka]
LOW 10 Jun 2018 Report: Israeli stealth jets penetrated Iranian airspace, circled undetected above Tehran [Jewish Press]
LOW 05 Jun 2018 Ayatollah calls Israel a 'cancerous tumor' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 May 2018 Israel blames Iran for most serious escalation on it’s southern front in four years [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 23 May 2018 Iran quietly advances missile technology [NYT]
LOW 22 May 2018 Israel takes security cabinet meetings to an underground bunker [Times of Israel]
LOW 21 May 2018 Iranian electronic warfare facility blown up south of Damascus, second explosion in 4 days [Debka]
LOW 18 May 2018 11 killed, Iranian missiles hit in blasts at Syrian airport [Haaretz]
HIGH 12 May 2018 Iran cleric threatens destruction of Israeli cities [AP]
HIGH 10 May 2018 Shadow War bursts into open [NYT]
HIGH 10 May 2018 Israel says bombed 'nearly all Iran infrastructure in Syria' overnight [Naharnet]
HIGH 09 May 2018 Extensive retaliatory attack... [Haaretz]
HIGH 09 May 2018 Iran attacks Israel directly for the first time... [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 09 May 2018 Major Escalation... [ZeroHedge]
MOD 09 May 2018 Strategic Sentinel: Intense skirmishes... [DJT Twitter]
MOD 09 May 2018 Israeli tanks mass on Syrian border as locals escape to bunkers [UK Express]
MOD 09 May 2018 Israel launches airstrikes on Syria immediately after POTUS withdraws from Iran nuclear deal [SHTFplan]
MOD 09 May 2018 Israeli Army Chief inspects Golan forces [Debka]
MOD 09 May 2018 IDF: Iranian forces fire 20 rockets at Israel, some intercepted [Times of Israel]
MOD 09 May 2018 Syria bombards Israel with rockets and artillery after Damascus air strikes [UK Sun]
MOD 01 May 2018 Syria braces for potential war between Israel and Iran [Newsweek]
MOD 30 Apr 2018 Unnamed Israeli officials saying country prepping to attack 'on Iranian soil' [Washington Times]
MOD 30 Apr 2018 Israeli PM: 'Secret files' show Iran still trying to develop nuclear weapons [UK Independent]
MOD 30 Apr 2018 Unusually heavy Israeli military traffic heads to Syrian border [Debka]
MOD 30 Apr 2018 Supreme Leader: Era of ‘hit-and-run’ strikes over, any attack on Iran's bases will get ‘heavy response’ [RT]
MOD 30 Apr 2018 Suspected Israeli strikes hit Iran-linked targets in Syria [Washington Post]
LOW 23 Apr 2018 Israelis and Syria in tense border shelling exchange [Debka]
LOW 22 Apr 2018 Iran threatens to 'annihilate' Israel, as Hezbollah boasts of reach of rockets [Times of Israel]
LOW 22 Apr 2018 Israel keeps warplanes home from US training exercises [KAUC]
LOW 20 Apr 2018 Iranian Rev Guards General: Israel's airbases within reach Israeli PM: IDF is ready [Debka]
LOW 18 Apr 2018 Iran unveils new missile system [UK Daily Star]
MOD 17 Apr 2018 Israel planning for direct retaliatory attack from Iran [Jerusalem Post]
MOD 17 Apr 2018 Debka: IDF and Rev Guards closing in on clash in Syria [Debka]
MOD 16 Apr 2018 Another suspected Israel airstrike in Syria [UK Express]
MOD 15 Apr 2018 Report: Casualties after warplanes hit Iranian military base in Syria [ZeroHedge]
MOD 15 Apr 2018 Syrian media: Explosions at largest Iranian base in Syria [Jerusalem Post]
MOD 14 Apr 2018 Israel declares no-fly zone over Golan [Debka]
MOD 10 Apr 2018 Israel on high alert, prepares for possible Iranian retaliation after strike on Syrian base [Haaretz]
MOD 10 Apr 2018 Israel now directly confronting Iran in Syria [Haaretz]
MOD 09 Apr 2018 Iran threatens to restart nuke enrichment program in matter of days [Washington Free Beacon]
MOD 09 Apr 2018 Israeli airstrikes kill 4 Iranians in Syria [AP]
LOW 29 Mar 2018 Report: Israeli stealth fighters flown over Iran [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 22 Mar 2018 Israel admits to strike on suspected Syrian nuclear reactor in warning to Iran [NBC]
LOW 28 Feb 2018 Report: Iran building base near Damascus [Haaretz]
LOW 22 Feb 2018 Israel, Iran head toward military clash over Syria [Washington Times]
LOW 20 Feb 2018 Iran threatens to level Israeli capital, kill PM if attacked [Times of Israel]
LOW 17 Feb 2018 Israeli military censor denies Syrian missiles flew over country last week [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 13 Feb 2018 Damascus warns Israel of 'more surprises' in Syria [Reuters]
LOW 12 Feb 2018 Iran unveils new nuke-capable ballistic missiles [Washington Free Beacon]
MOD 11 Feb 2018 Israeli air defense forces mobilized [Jerusalem Post]
MOD 11 Feb 2018 Is this the start of an Israeli-Iranian War? [Newsweek]
MOD 10 Feb 2018 Israel threatens: Iran and Syria are playing with fire [Jerusalem Post]
MOD 10 Feb 2018 Iran warns: 'Era of Israeli strikes over' [Times of Israel]
MOD 10 Feb 2018 First direct Israeli-Iranian combat in Syria [Debka]
MOD 10 Feb 2018 AIR WAR: Israeli warplane goes down [Haaretz]
MOD 10 Feb 2018 Israeli Air Force currently striking Iranian targets in Syria [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 10 Feb 2018 Air Raid Sirens Heard in the Golan Heights [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 06 Feb 2018 Report: Israelis attack Damascus military airbase [Beholdisrael]
LOW 30 Jan 2018 Israeli Defense Minister: We won’t let Iran build a missile factory in Lebanon [Debka]
LOW 25 Jan 2018 Israeli UN Ambassador to Security Council: 'Iran is currently controlling 82,000 thousand fighters in Syria' [Debka]
LOW 09 Jan 2018 Mossad Chief: 'We have eyes, ears and more in Iran...' [Debka]
LOW 09 Jan 2018 Israeli air strikes, rockets hit Syria [France24]
LOW 06 Jan 2018 Israeli military chief outlines Hezbollah’s Syria commitment [Janes]
LOW 31 Dec 2017 Leaked secret Israeli cable confirms coordination with Saudis to escalate tensions with Iran [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Dec 2017 Claim: NKorea transferred 3 nuclear warheads to Iran [Eurasia Review]
LOW 04 Dec 2017 Report: Israel continues attacks in Syria [Ynetnews]
LOW 02 Dec 2017 Or surface-to-surface missiles? [UK Independent]
LOW 02 Dec 2017 Iranian State Media: Syria launches missiles at Israeli aircraft [PressTV]
LOW 02 Dec 2017 Iranian forces hit? [Times of Israel]
LOW 01 Dec 2017 Israeli warplanes launch airstrike near Syrian capital [RT]
LOW 26 Nov 2017 Israel vows to destroy Iranian forces near Syrian border [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 13 Nov 2017 Israel shoots down Syrian recon drone over Golan Heights [ZeroHedge]
LOW 07 Nov 2017 Israel begins 'largest-ever aerial military drill' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Nov 2017 Russia begins construction of two nuclear plants in Iran [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Oct 2017 Syrian President meets visiting Iranian Chief of Staff [Israel National News]
LOW 19 Oct 2017 Israeli tanks hit target in Syria [Daily Sabah]
LOW 16 Oct 2017 Israeli fighter jets launch air strike on Syrian air defense battery near Damascus [ZeroHedge]
LOW 16 Oct 2017 Is war between Israel and Hezbollah imminent? [ZeroHedge]
LOW 21 Sep 2017 Syrian media claim Israeli airstrike on Damascus airport [Stratfor]
LOW 19 Sep 2017 Israel destroys Iranian-built drone on Syrian border [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 11 Sep 2017 Israeli jets rattle Lebanon and raise tensions with Syria [ZeroHedge]
LOW 08 Sep 2017 Israel bombs Syria [Washington Post]
LOW 08 Sep 2017 Israel launches its largest military exercise in almost 20 years [Foreign Policy]
LOW 31 Aug 2017 Report: Al Qaeda mining uranium for Iran [Fox News]
LOW 28 Aug 2017 Israeli PM: Iran can’t be allowed to build missile plants in Syria & Lebanon [Debka]
LOW 23 Aug 2017 Claim: Iran building a separate troop landing terminal in Syrian port [Debka]
LOW 18 Aug 2017 Israeli TV: Iran building long-range rocket factory in Syria [Reuters]
LOW 14 Aug 2017 Hezbollah leader threatens Israeli reactor [i24 News]
LOW 14 Aug 2017 Mossad Chief: Mid East 'changing for the worse,' Iran threat growing... [Algemeiner]
LOW 02 Aug 2017 Two advanced Israeli satellites launched into space [Debka]
LOW 28 Jul 2017 Report: Iran puts satellite into space [Debka]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 Iranian-backed Yemeni rebels promise to send forces to back Hezbollah in war with Israel [Ynet]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 Iran mass producing new anti-air missile [ABC]
LOW 04 Jul 2017 Defense Minister: Israel 'won't ignore' new Hezbollah weapon factories [Times of Israel]
LOW 29 Jun 2017 Iran marks ballistic missile target area with large Star of David [Debka]
LOW 27 Jun 2017 Missiles and threats fly over Syria, as Israel responds to mortar fire [CNSNews]
LOW 25 Jun 2017 Golan battles bring Hezbollah near Israeli border [Debka]
LOW 24 Jun 2017 Israeli Air Force strikes Syrian positions [Debka]
LOW 21 Jun 2017 Iranian foothold in southern Syria grows stronger [Haaretz]
LOW 21 Jun 2017 Former Israeli defense official suggests retaliating against Iran for Hezbollah strikes [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 21 Jun 2017 NKorea helping Iran accelerate ballistic missile buildup, testing [Washington Times]
LOW 17 Jun 2017 500 Israeli commandos, 200 Air Force personnel exercise in Cyprus [Thetower]
LOW 29 May 2017 Israel tests long-range missile [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 25 May 2017 Iran builds third underground ballistic missile factory [Reuters]
LOW 20 May 2017 Al-Radwan Division of Iranian-backed Hezbollah sent to Lebanese-Israeli border [Debka]
LOW 17 May 2017 Tensions are escalating... [Fox News]
LOW 17 May 2017 Report: Hezbollah rushes 1,000 troops to south Syrian borders [Debka]
LOW 16 May 2017 Israel Minister calls for assassination of President of Iranian ally [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 13 May 2017 Director of National Intelligence: Iran making strides in developing ballistic missiles [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 12 May 2017 Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman: Hezbollah presence in Syria a big threat to Israel [Times of Israel]
LOW 08 May 2017 Iran test fires high-speed torpedo [NBC]
LOW 04 May 2017 Israelis worry POTUS may negotiate Syria deal putting Iranians too close [Debka]
LOW 03 May 2017 Iranians attempt sub-launched cruise missile [Fox News]
LOW 01 May 2017 Report: Syrian, Hezbollah, pro-Iranian units pushing toward Israeli border [Debka]
LOW 30 Apr 2017 Alex Fishman: Greenlighting an Israeli attack on Iran in Syria? [Ynet]
LOW 30 Apr 2017 Report: Iran may deploy conventional ground forces to Syria [Middle East Eye]
LOW 29 Apr 2017 Israeli air strike reported against Syrian-Hezbollah force nearing Golan border [Debka]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Time Magazine catches up: 'Israeli Airstrikes turning Syria into Proxy War with Iran' [Time]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Claim: Iran behind massive cyberattack on Israel [World Israel News]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Iranian special naval forces test new anti-ship cruise missile [Newsweek]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Israelis engage intruding drone with anti-ballistic missile in the Golan [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 27 Apr 2017 Israelis hammer Hezbollah near Syrian capital [ZeroHedge]
LOW 26 Apr 2017 Claim: Israel has been striking Syrian Army's defense lines [Ynet]
LOW 26 Apr 2017 Israel warns Russia it will not let Iranians, Hezbollah buildup on Syrian border [Debka]
LOW 20 Apr 2017 Iran shows off new air defense systems, declares ‘death to Israel’ [Times of Israel]
LOW 19 Apr 2017 Iranians show off long-range antiaircraft missiles at parade in Tehran [Debka]
LOW 12 Apr 2017 Israeli Defense Minister 'wouldn't be surprised' if Iranian President was soon assassinated [Newsweek]
LOW 07 Apr 2017 Iranian-sponsored militia launches terror group to fight Israel [Algemeiner]
LOW 07 Apr 2017 Iranian Navy active in the Red Sea [Maritime Executive]
LOW 30 Mar 2017 Israel preps for urban warfare with Hezbollah [Hosted]
LOW 28 Mar 2017 Israeli and Sunni Arab air forces train together [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 27 Mar 2017 Israeli airstrike on Syria spooks Middle East [UPI]
LOW 27 Mar 2017 Pakistani convicted in Germany for staking out Israeli targets for Iran [Times of Israel]
LOW 26 Mar 2017 Israel launches military exercises on two fronts, high alert on third [Debka]
LOW 23 Mar 2017 Israeli Air Force to host 7 nations in its largest-ever drill [Defense News]
LOW 21 Mar 2017 IDF Chief: 'Will not let sophisticated weapons reach the wrong hands' [Debka]
LOW 19 Mar 2017 Israel said to strike Syria for 2nd time in 24 hours... [Times of Israel]
LOW 19 Mar 2017 Report: Israelis struck Syrian airbase with Iranian and Russian troops present [Debka]
LOW 19 Mar 2017 Israeli military is mobilizing, says for Gaza Strip ops [Debka]
LOW 19 Mar 2017 Israeli Defense Minister: Will destroy Syria's antiaircraft system if it fires on IAF again [Debka]
LOW 18 Mar 2017 Israel confirms air strikes in Syria - reprisal threatened [Debka]
LOW 17 Mar 2017 Syrian Army claims it shot down Israeli jet [ZeroHedge]
LOW 14 Mar 2017 Rev Guard Commander: Hezbollah more prepared than ever to attack Israel [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 13 Mar 2017 Iran tests anti-ship ballistic missile [Quwa]
LOW 12 Mar 2017 Iranian UN envoy accuses Israel of assassinating nuclear scientists [Times of Israel]
LOW 12 Mar 2017 Israel warns Russia against Iranian troops buildup in Golan Heights [Ibtimes]
LOW 10 Mar 2017 Israeli Minister: If Hezbollah fires missiles at Israel, Lebanon gets sent back to the Middle Ages [i24 News]
LOW 10 Mar 2017 Pakistani accused of compiling Israeli targets for Iran in Germany [Times of Israel]
LOW 10 Mar 2017 Iran-backed Iraqi Shiite militia in Syria vows to ‘liberate’ Golan Heights from Israel [CNSNews]
LOW 09 Mar 2017 Iran tests naval ballistic missile [Reuters]
LOW 09 Mar 2017 Hezbollah Leader: Our missiles are aimed at Israel's nuclear reactor [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 06 Mar 2017 Now 'operational'... [Times of Israel]
LOW 06 Mar 2017 Israeli PM: Iran attempting to open a front in the Golan Heights [Israel National News]
LOW 06 Mar 2017 Iran prepares for 'weapons shopping spree' [Breitbart]
LOW 06 Mar 2017 Israeli Intel Chief: Shiite Axis led by Iran in Syria is leading threat [Times of Israel]
LOW 06 Mar 2017 Iran test launches ballistic missiles [Fox News]
LOW 04 Mar 2017 Iran claims successful test of S-300 missile system [Tasnimnews]
LOW 27 Feb 2017 Iran says it test-fired cruise missile from submarine [Times of Israel]
LOW 22 Feb 2017 Senior Iranian Commander: Israel in no position to attack us [Times of Israel]
LOW 22 Feb 2017 Report: Israeli jet strikes Syrian Army in west Damascus [Sputnik]
LOW 21 Feb 2017 Iranian Supreme Leader calls on Palestinians to pursue intifada against Israel [Reuters]
LOW 18 Feb 2017 Revolutionary Guard to conduct drills next week [Yahoo]
LOW 17 Feb 2017 Hezbollah Chief threatens Israel's nuclear reactor [Times of Israel]
LOW 15 Feb 2017 Debka: Iranians, Palestinians meet secretly in Brussels [Debka]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 Iran launches another ballistic missile [ZeroHedge]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 Iranians trying for land corridor to the Israeli frontier... [BBC]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 Jonathan Marcus: Is a new middle east war on Israel's horizon? [BBC]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 Iran enlarges uranium stockpile by 60% [World Israel News]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 Iran vows to destroy Israel if POTUS 'makes a mistake' [IBT]
LOW 06 Feb 2017 Iran: Seven minutes needed for missile to hit Tel Aviv [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 04 Feb 2017 Iran threatens to fire 'roaring missiles' at 'enemies' [UK Independent]
LOW 02 Feb 2017 Ex-IDF General: Disabling an entire enemy air force with one keystroke is not imaginary [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 02 Feb 2017 Report: Iran tests nuclear-capable cruise missile [Reuters]
LOW 01 Feb 2017 Iran tests new-generation centrifuge [World-nuclear-news]
LOW 30 Jan 2017 Iran tests ballistic missile [Fox News]
LOW 28 Jan 2017 Ex-Mossad Chief: POTUS should give Israel bunker-buster bombs [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 21 Jan 2017 Israeli PM wants to discuss Iranian threat with POTUS [Yahoo]
LOW 18 Jan 2017 Israel steps up shadow war with Hezbollah [UPI]
LOW 18 Jan 2017 Israel deploys system to intercep ballistic missiles in space [Yahoo]
LOW 17 Jan 2017 Gunfire rattles Tehran as drone buzzes over Iranian capital [Hosted]