Posted by on June 12, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SHTF 18 Jan 2024 Former NIH Director Now Agrees with Covid-19 Lab Leak Theory [Natural News]
MOD 05 May 2023 Did a military lab spill anthrax into public waterways? [Military Times]
SEVERE 20 Apr 2023 Chinese Lab Developed Covid-19 Virus, Senate Report Claims [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 17 Mar 2023 Chinese Scientists Quietly Uploaded New Data from Wuhan Wet Market Pointing to Raccoon Dog as Covid Source [The Blaze]
HIGH 12 Mar 2023 Director of National Intelligence Commits to Sharing Classified Assessment on Wuhan Lab Leak with Congress [Washington Examiner]
SHTF 05 Mar 2023 House Subcommittee Announces First Hearing on Covid-19 Origins [NTD]
SHTF 05 Mar 2023 Senate Votes to Declassify Intelligence on Covid Origins [Childrens Health Defense]
SHTF 05 Mar 2023 WHO Urges Countries to Reveal Intel on Covid Origins after FBI Director's Statements [Infowars]
SHTF 01 Mar 2023 FBI Director Says Covid Pandemic Likely Caused by Chinese Lab Leak [WSJ]
SHTF 26 Feb 2023 Lab Leak in China Most Likely Origin of Covid Pandemic, Energy Department Says [WSJ]
SEVERE 29 Oct 2022 Wuhan Virologist's 2015 Paper on Bat-to-Human Coronaviruses References Mystery Strain [The Blaze]
SEVERE 29 Oct 2022 Senate Report: Covid Virus 'Most Likely' Came from Wuhan Lab [New American]
LOW 17 Oct 2022 University Creates Covid Strain That Has an 80% Kill Rate [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 17 Jul 2022 FBI Launched Inquiry into NIH Funding of Wuhan Lab, Emails Show [Blacklisted News]
LOW 17 Jul 2022 Bat Virus Studies Raise Questions about Laboratory Tinkering [DNYUZ]
HIGH 04 Jun 2022 Two Studies Suggest the Circulating Monkeypox Virus Has Been Manipulated in a Biolab [Expose News]
SEVERE 15 May 2022 DIA Chief Reveals Other Intel Agencies Believe Covid Was Lab-Engineered [Washington Times]
SEVERE 12 May 2022 DIA Reports Intel Suggests Covid Virus Was Lab-Engineered [Washington Times]
MOD 02 May 2022 Wuhan Lab Agreement with Texas Lab Allows for Chinese Requests to Destroy Joint Records [100PercentFedUp]
SHTF 07 Apr 2022 Memo Reveals State Department Assessed in Early 2020 That Lab Leak Was Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 27 Feb 2022 Moderna CEO Struggles to Answer Why Covid-19 Contains Patented Gene Sequence [Infowars]
SHTF 13 Feb 2022 10 Reasons Why Scientists Believe Coronavirus Originated from Lab in Wuhan, China [Fox News]
HIGH 14 Jan 2022 Senator Demands DoD Investigate Leaked DARPA Bombshell over Covid-19 Origins [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 11 Jan 2022 NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in Wuhan [New American]
HIGH 11 Jan 2022 Military Documents about Gain of Function Contradict Testimony of Chief Medical Advisor to the President [CD media]
HIGH 22 Nov 2021 Government Docs Show Researchers Sent Strains of 'Viral DNA' to Wuhan Lab for Years [News Punch]
LOW 17 Nov 2021 Vials Labeled Smallpox Found at Philadelphia Lab [WCAU]
LOW 01 Oct 2021 Chinese Journalist Who Documented Covid-19 in Wuhan Resurfaces after 600 Days [WSJ]
SEVERE 12 Sep 2021 Scientists Who Dismissed Wuhan Lab Theory Linked to Chinese Researchers [UK Telegraph]
SEVERE 07 Sep 2021 New FOIA documents shows Fauci funded high-risk bat virus research at Wuhan Lab from 2014 to 2020 [The Intercept]
SEVERE 02 Sep 2021 DIA Leads on Lab Leak Theory [Washington Times]
SHTF 26 Aug 2021 Chinese Officials Threaten 'Retaliation' to Any Country That Forwards COVID Lab-Leak Theory [Bloomberg]
SHTF 26 Aug 2021 Gain of (Lethal) Function - A Science in the Shadows [MSN]
SHTF 25 Aug 2021 Early COVID Patient Samples from Wuhan Had Genetically Modified Virus Similar to Canadian Lab That Secretly Fired Chinese Scientists in July 2019 [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 12 Aug 2021 Danish WHO Chief Says Covid Patient Zero Was Likely Wuhan Lab Worker [Summit News]
SEVERE 11 Aug 2021 Intel Officials Draft Classified Report as They near Finish of 90-Day Covid Probe [CNN]
SEVERE 06 Aug 2021 US Intel Agencies Scour Reams of Virus Genetic Data from China [CNN]
SEVERE 02 Aug 2021 Congressional Report Questions Unusual Activity at Wuhan Lab Involving Air Disinfection, Hazardous Waste Systems [Summit News]
SEVERE 19 Jun 2021 Former State Department Investigator: China Already Knows Origin of Pandemic [Summit News]
SEVERE 18 Jun 2021 Wuhan Lab Found All Genes to Recreate 'Epidemic Strain' of Coronavirus in 2017 [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 17 Jun 2021 POTUS 45 Says Covid-19 Resulted from ‘Accidental’ Lab Leak [OANN]
SEVERE 15 Jun 2021 Footage Proves Live Bats Were Kept at Wuhan Lab [Summit News]
SEVERE 07 Jun 2021 In May 2020, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Found It Plausible Covid-19 Leaked from Wuhan Lab [WSJ]
SEVERE 07 Jun 2021 Yet Another Scientific Study Concludes Covid Is Likely Lab Engineered [Summit News]
SEVERE 07 Jun 2021 The Lab-Leak Theory: Inside the Fight to Uncover Covid-19's Origins [Vanity Fair]
HIGH 04 Jun 2021 Researcher Who Funded Wuhan Lab and Admitted to Manipulating Coronaviruses Thanked Fauci for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 04 Jun 2021 Uncovered Emails Show Fauci supported Grotesque' Experiments at Wuhan Lab [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 04 Jun 2021 Email Shows Fauci Was Told in Jan. 2020 the Coronavirus 'Looked Engineered' [Gateway Pundit]
HIGH 04 Jun 2021 Fauci Emails Point to February 2020 Phone Call as Possible Pivot for Lab-Leak Theory []
HIGH 04 Jun 2021 NIH Director Admits Funding Wuhan Lab: 'We Had No Control over What They Were Doing' [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 24 May 2021 Trump: 'I Have Very Little Doubt' Covid Came from the Wuhan Lab [TPM]
SEVERE 24 May 2021 Former Secretary of State says Chinese Communists must be held accountable for their role in Wuhan Lab Leak [TPM]
SEVERE 24 May 2021 China denies again... [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 24 May 2021 Escalating calls for probe into whether Covid pandemic came from a Chinese laboratory [WSJ]
SEVERE 24 May 2021 Intelligence on Sick Staff at Wuhan Lab Fuels Debate on Covid-19 Origin [WSJ]
SEVERE 21 May 2021 House Intel Minority Members say 'significant circumstantial evidence' of COVID Wuhan lab leak [Fox News]
SEVERE 18 May 2021 Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases approved coronavirus gain-of-function research grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology [Natural News]
HIGH 17 May 2021 House Intelligence Committee Minority Members Demand Update on Wuhan Lab Leak Possibility [Summit News]
HIGH 11 May 2021 Senator Exposes Chief Medical Advisor to the President for Funding Dangerous Research in Wuhan Before Covid-19 Pandemic [Big League Politics]
LOW 04 May 2021 NIH Sued for Documents Related to Controversial Gain-of-Function Research [Childrens Health Defense]
SHTF 13 Apr 2021 CNN Chief Medical Reporter suspects COVID-19 is escaped gain-of-function research out of Wuhan Lab [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 26 Mar 2021 Former CDC Director Says Covid-19 Escaped from Wuhan Lab [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 Genetic Characteristics of SARS-CoV Suggest Unnatural Origin [GNews]
HIGH 12 Feb 2021 In Major U-Turn, WHO Says Wuhan Lab-Leak Hypothesis Still a Possibility [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 07 Feb 2021 Washington Post says COVID lab accident 'plausible' and 'must be investigated' [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 10 Jan 2021 Chinese Officials Delete Critical Data about the Wuhan Lab [UK Daily Mail]
SEVERE 06 Jan 2021 Chinese Communist Party Denies World Health Org Researchers Access to Wuhan [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 04 Jan 2021 Deputy National Security Adviser: Likely virus leaked from Wuhan Institute of Virology [UK Sun]
SEVERE 03 Jan 2021 Growing Body of Evidence COVID-19 Leaked from ChiCom Lab [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 31 Dec 2020 Chinese COVID-19 Response: A Year of Secrecy and Top-Down Control [SupChina]
SEVERE 19 Sep 2020 Thousands Test Positive for Dangerous Bacteria Linked to Lab Leak in 2019 [Outbreak News Today]
SEVERE 16 Sep 2020 Coronavirus Whistleblower Speaks out on Fox News about Possible COVID Origin [Youtu]
SHTF 12 Aug 2020 Might SARS‐CoV‐2 Have Arisen via Serial Passage through an Animal Host or Cell Culture? []
SHTF 12 Aug 2020 Andrew Kimbrell on the Origins of COVID-19 [c]
SEVERE 05 Jul 2020 China Found Coronavirus Strain Seven Years Ago and Sent It to Wuhan Lab to Study but Said Nothing after Pandemic [Infowars]
SEVERE 08 Jun 2020 Scientists publish unequivocal evidence COVID-19 pandemic is man-made [WION]
SEVERE 04 Jun 2020 Former Mi6 Head: Coronavirus Is Man-Made, Released from a Lab [Infowars]
SEVERE 24 May 2020 Leaked Classified Documents Show COVID-19 Information Considered State Secrets in China [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 24 May 2020 Scientists in Canada and US say COVID-19 likely introduced to Chinese market by humans, not animals [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 02 May 2020 Key Findings from Intel Dossier on Chinese Bat Virus Program [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 28 Apr 2020 Western Intel Keeping Close Watch on Wuhan Lab Bat Coronavirus Scientist [Meawww]
LOW 22 Apr 2020 Secretary of State: World Must Have Access to Chinese Labs to Determine Source of Coronavirus [The National]
SEVERE 17 Apr 2020 Nobel Laureate who discovered HIV says COVID-19 could only have been created in a lab [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 16 Apr 2020 UK Foreign Secretary: We have to ask hard questions about how coronavirus came about [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 16 Apr 2020 Govt Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab [Fox News]
HIGH 15 Apr 2020 POTUS Says US 'Thoroughly Examining' Possibility Virus Leaked from Wuhan Biolab [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 14 Apr 2020 Joint Chiefs Chairman: US Intel Has Taken Hard Look at Wuhan Lab as Origin of COVID-19 [Defense One]
HIGH 14 Apr 2020 Pew Poll: 30% of Americans Say Coronavirus Was Made in a Lab [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Apr 2020 Documentary Explores the Origins of COVID-19 [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 03 Apr 2020 Coronavirus Origin in Wuhan Lab Unproven, but Denials Unconvincing [National Review]
SEVERE 03 Apr 2020 Molecular Biologist Says COVID-19 Could Have Leaked from Wuhan Biolab [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 01 Apr 2020 YouTuber Finds Source of the Coronavirus [youtube]
MOD 01 Apr 2020 Mainstream Media Attention Turns to Chinese Biolab near COVID-19 Ground Zero [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Mar 2020 Chinese Researchers Isolated Bat Coronaviruses near Wuhan Wild Animal Market [Washington Times]
LOW 06 Mar 2020 Secretary of State on COVID-19: 'We have pretty high confidence that we know where this began" [CNBC]
HIGH 02 Mar 2020 A Timeline of Facts Linking COVID-19, HIV and Wuhan's Secret Bio-Lab [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 23 Feb 2020 New Chinese Study Indicates Novel Coronavirus Did Not Originate in Food Market [Global Times]
HIGH 22 Feb 2020 New Evidence Coronavirus May Have Leaked from a Chinese Lab [NY Post]
MOD 16 Feb 2020 Some Chinese scientists believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan laboratory [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 13 Feb 2020 Sudden Militarization of Wuhan Lab Raises New Questions about the Origin of the Deadly Covid-19 Virus [ZeroHedge]
LOW 09 Feb 2020 The Mysterious Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus [Epoch Times]
LOW 28 Jan 2020 Leading Chinese scientist researching lethal bat viruses works at Wuhan Institute of Virology [ZeroHedge]
LOW 25 Jan 2020 Virus-Hit Wuhan Has Two Laboratories Linked to Chinese Bio-Warfare Program [Washington Times]
LOW 24 Jan 2020 Wuhan SARS and Ebola Lab Suspected of Novel Virus Leak [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 23 Nov 2019 Operations at Army Biological Warfare Lab to Resume on Limited Basis [Frederick News Post]
LOW 10 Mar 2019 Controversial Experiments That Could Make Bird Flu More Risky Poised to Resume [Science Magazine]
LOW 23 Jan 2018 Scientists warn world is now 'more vulnerable to smallpox' after controversial virus synthesis [ScienceAlert]
LOW 19 Dec 2017 Federal Ban on making Lethal Viruses lifted [NYT]