Posted by on January 11, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c2g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SEVERE 20 Dec 2022 Texas National Guard Arrives at El Paso Border [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 07 Nov 2022 National Guard Cybersecurity Units Activated in 14 States Ahead of Midterm Elections [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Dec 2021 National Guard Deployed to 55 Hospitals [SHTFplan]
LOW 19 Oct 2021 White House May Order National Guard to Address Mounting Supply Chain Backlog [MSN]
LOW 13 Apr 2021 Los Angeles Sheriff Ready to call National Guard if unrest spreads from Minnesota [Yahoo]
HIGH 13 Apr 2021 Minnesota Enforces Curfew, Deploys National Guard after New Police Shooting Sparks Riots [PBS]
SEVERE 06 Jan 2021 National Guard Deploys to US Capitol [Breitbart]
SEVERE 05 Nov 2020 Oregon National Guard Activated [Fox News]
SEVERE 04 Nov 2020 National Guard Troops Patrol Philadelphia, Chicago [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 02 Nov 2020 National Guard Troops Arrive in Multiple Cities ahead of Election Night Chaos  [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 02 Nov 2020 Massachusetts National Guard Activated for Election Day [CBS]
HIGH 31 Oct 2020 National Guard Arrives in Philadelphia following Several Days of Riots [CBS]
HIGH 28 Oct 2020 National Guard responds as Riots engulf Philadelphia [Washington Post]
HIGH 26 Oct 2020 Texas Gov to Order 1,000 Troops to Cities during Election [mySA]
LOW 02 Oct 2020 AZ AL military police guard units designated for riot rapid reaction [AP]
HIGH 23 Sep 2020 KY Gov Authorizes National Guard as Protesters Gather over Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Decision [The Hill]
HIGH 27 Aug 2020 Fed Govt Sends Nearly 1,000 National Guard Troops, 200 Federal Officers to Kenosha [Infowars]
HIGH 24 Aug 2020 Wisconsin Governor summons National Guard to Stop Rioting [AP]
SHTF 06 Jul 2020 Georgia Governor to Deploy National Guard Troops after Violence in Atlanta [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
LOW 17 Jun 2020 250 Oklahoma Army National Guard soldiers activated to secure POTUS campaign rally Saturday in Tulsa [Washington Times]
SHTF 04 Jun 2020 National Guard from Indiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Maryland deploying to DC [WAMU]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Nevada Governor puts National Guard in Las Vegas [Reviewjournal]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Illinois Governor deploys National Guard to Suburbs [Chicago Tribune]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Oregon Governor sends National Guard to stop Portland Riots [KATU]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 67,000 National Guard Troops Activated is Most Ever [WSJ]
SHTF 30 May 2020 National Guard Sent to Streets of Los Angeles [CBS]
SHTF 30 May 2020 Minnesota National Guard Reports 4,100 Troops Deployed in Twin Cities [KSTP]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 DC National Guard Deploy in Capital [WTTG]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 National Guard Mobilized by 5 States to Control Riots [UK Sun]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 1,700 National Guard Troops deploying to Minneapolis [KROC]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Georgia National Guard Arrive in Atlanta amid Mass Riots, Looting [Blue Lives Matter]
SEVERE 29 May 2020 Over 500 National Guard Soldiers Deployed in Minneapolis [KSTP]
SEVERE 28 May 2020 Minnesota National Guard Activated in Response to Minneapolis Riots [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 28 May 2020 National Guard Support Requested by City to Combat Riots in South Minneapolis [KSTP]
SEVERE 24 May 2020 40,000 National Guard troops activated for coronavirus is largest deployment since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 []
SEVERE 21 Apr 2020 National Guard Troop Count at 38,700 [Military Times]
SEVERE 21 Apr 2020 Iowa Sends National Guard Troops to Defend Meat Plants from Virus [Yahoo]
SEVERE 18 Apr 2020 31,600 National Guard Troops Activated [Military Times]
SEVERE 14 Apr 2020 National Guard Troop Activation Holding at 29,000 [Military Times]
SHTF 05 Apr 2020 NY Gov Orders National Guard to Seize Upstate Hospital Respirators for Use in NYC [Shore News Network]
SHTF 02 Apr 2020 Thursday: 18,500 National Guard Troops Mobilized [Military Times]
SHTF 29 Mar 2020 Saturday: 13,880 National Guard members activated [DVIDS]
SHTF 29 Mar 2020 National Guard mobilizations may deprive communities of first responders [National Interest]
SHTF 27 Mar 2020 11,400 National Guard Troops Mobilized for COVID-19 Response [Military Times]
SEVERE 22 Mar 2020 Coronavirus Draws Maryland National Guard to Fan out across State [Patch]
SEVERE 21 Mar 2020 Friday: 3,300 Guardsmen activated in nearly 30 States and territories [WSJ]
SEVERE 19 Mar 2020 Chief of the National Guard Bureau: Tens of thousands of troops may be used inside the States as coronavirus grows [Reuters]
SEVERE 16 Mar 2020 National Guard units in 54 states and territories gearing up with FEMA [Heavy]
HIGH 13 Mar 2020 National Guard Activated to Combat Coronavirus Spread in Six States, More to Follow [Military Times]
LOW 09 May 2018 DHS requesting 700 additional troops, helicopters for border security [ABC]
MOD 04 Apr 2018 POTUS to call up National Guard to Mexican border within 30 days [Bloomberg]
MOD 05 Sep 2017 Florida Governor activates National Guard ahead of Hurricane Irma [Miami Herald]
MOD 28 Aug 2017 Texas Governor activates State's entire National Guard [CNBC]
LOW 14 Feb 2017 All 23,000 California national guard troops ordered to be on alert for Oroville Dam collapse [LA Times]