Posted by on January 24, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c2g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 28 Oct 2023 Turkey Threatens War on Israel [UK Express]
LOW 05 Oct 2023 Air Force Shoots down Turkish Drone over Syria [WSJ]
MOD 20 Jan 2023 Turkey Threatens War with Greece [Greek City Times]
LOW 06 Jan 2023 Shots Fired in Tense Greece-Turkey Patrol Boat Ramming Incident [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Dec 2022 Turkey Warns Greece Its Ballistic Missiles Can Hit Athens [Daily Maverick]
LOW 14 Nov 2022 Turkey Suggests US Involved in Istanbul Bomb Attack [Daily Caller]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 Four Royal Navy Warships in BREXIT Show of Force to French Fisherman [The News, Portsmouth]
LOW 14 Dec 2020 US sanctions Turkey, a NATO ally, over its purchase of Russian missile defense system [USA Today]
LOW 15 Sep 2020 Greece and US Hold Armored Exercise near Turkish Border [Al-Masdar Al-Arabi]
LOW 12 Sep 2020 Tensions between NATO allies escalate over disputes in Mediterranean [TRT World]
LOW 08 Sep 2020 US-funded Radio Returns to Counter 'Disinformation' in NATO Ally Hungary [Washington Times]
LOW 06 Sep 2020 Turkey Escalates with Armor Deployed to Greek Border [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Aug 2020 France backs Greece in Standoff with Turkey [Barrons]
LOW 29 Aug 2020 Turkish and Greek F‑16's in mock dogfight over Mediterranean [The Times]
LOW 13 Aug 2020 France Sends Navy to Eastern Mediterranean amid Turkey-Greece Standoff [WSJ]
LOW 10 Aug 2020 Turkey Flexes Military Muscle in Maritime Feud with Greece [Financial Post]
LOW 16 Jul 2020 Is POTUS Using Nordstream 2 to Exit NATO? [Gold Goats \'N Guns]
MOD 16 Jun 2020 Turkey Caught with Plans to Invade Greece [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 05 Jun 2020 Greek Group Opens Fire on Turkish Police Boat near Border [Al-Masdar Al-Arabi]
LOW 25 May 2020 NATO looks the other way as Turkey continues to violate Greek airspace [National Herald (Greece)]
LOW 05 Apr 2020 Tensions Flare up between Greece and Turkey during NATO Meeting [Greek City Times]
LOW 11 Mar 2020 Vowing to Keep Pushing Refugees into NATO Ally, Turk President Compares Greeks to Nazis [France24]
LOW 06 Mar 2020 Turkey Sends 1,000 Special Forces to Greek Border to Prevent Migrant Return [ZeroHedge]
LOW 28 Feb 2020 North Atlantic Council to Meet following Turk Request for Article 4 Consultations [NATO]
LOW 09 Feb 2020 Italy Seizes Freighter Smuggling Turkish Arms to Libya [Ahval News]
LOW 16 Jan 2020 Turkish Jets Conduct Record of 91 Greek Air Space Violations on a Single Day [Keep Talking Greece]
LOW 04 Dec 2019 NATO Downplays Divisions as Infighting Roils Alliance [Washington Post]
LOW 04 Dec 2019 POTUS Leaves NATO Summit Early after Canadian PM Caught Mocking [Haaretz]
LOW 02 Dec 2019 London Summit: Three NATO President's have recently questioned collective defense [Yahoo]
LOW 28 Nov 2019 US Cutting Subsidies to NATO [CNN]
LOW 28 Nov 2019 Turkey holds up NATO military plans for the Baltics and Poland over Syria dispute [Reuters]
LOW 07 Nov 2019 French President: NATO Alliance Experiencing Brain Death [BBC]
MOD 22 Oct 2019 Secretary of State says US fully prepared’ to take military action against Turkey [CNBC]
LOW 17 Oct 2019 US Agrees to Lift Sanctions on Turkey in Syria Ceasefire Deal [Government Executive]
LOW 17 Oct 2019 Turkish Military Operation in Syria: All the Latest Updates [Aljazeera]
LOW 17 Oct 2019 VPOTUS Meets Turk President, Announces 5-day Syria Ceasefire [CNBC]
LOW 15 Oct 2019 VPOTUS to Head Delegation to Turkey for Ceasefire Talks [ABC]
LOW 14 Oct 2019 US prepping plans to evacuate roughly 50 tactical nukes at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey [MSN]
LOW 14 Oct 2019 NATO Secretary General says he voiced 'serious concern' to Turk President [Globe and Mail]
LOW 14 Oct 2019 President preps economic sanctions on Turkey for invasion of northern Syria [Reuters]
LOW 13 Oct 2019 Crisis: Several dozen American SOF Operators standing between Turk and Kurd forces [CBS]
LOW 13 Oct 2019 Pro-Turk Fighters Massacre Kurds in Syria [UK Sun]
LOW 13 Oct 2019 US Troops Can Fire Back If Turkey Attacks Positions Again, Pentagon Says [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Oct 2019 U.S. Troops in Syria Fired at from Turkish Positions... [Reuters]
LOW 10 Oct 2019 Turkey Launches Attack against US-Allied Kurds in Northern Syria [AP]
LOW 21 Aug 2019 POTUS criticizes Denmark, European allies for not contributing enough to NATO [Fox Business]
LOW 07 Jul 2019 NATO Ally Turkey Confirms Plans to Buy S-400 SAMs from Russia [Stamford Advocate]
LOW 03 Mar 2019 Senator Questions Turk Commitment to NATO over Russian Missile Purchase [Ahval News]
LOW 13 Jan 2019 POTUS Threatens to 'Devastate Turkey Economically' If Kurds Attacked [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Nov 2018 German Chancellor Backs French Call for European Army [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Nov 2018 POTUS Mocks France for World War Losses [Bloomberg]
LOW 06 Nov 2018 French President Pushes for 'True European Army' [BBC]
LOW 24 Sep 2018 NATO Ally Turkey to Run Intel Ops on US Soil [Daily Caller]
LOW 20 Aug 2018 Shots Fired at US Embassy in Turkey [AP]
LOW 29 Jul 2018 Threatened Turkey Sanctions for Captive American Pastor Piles More Pressure onto NATO [Bloomberg]
LOW 12 Jul 2018 NATO Leaders hold Unplanned Emergency Session after POTUS Threatens to Withdraw [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Jul 2018 NATO Showdown over Russian Pipeline [Bloomberg]
LOW 04 Jul 2018 POTUS to tell NATO Nations US cannot be World's Piggy Bank [Reuters]
LOW 26 Jun 2018 Senate bans sale of stealth fighters to Turkey [Strategic Culture]
LOW 14 May 2018 Turkey recalls envoys to US [CNN]
LOW 05 May 2018 Turkish boat's collision with Greek warship sparks fears of 'hot incident' [UK Guardian]
LOW 01 May 2018 Greece sends forces to Turkish border as refugee influx spikes [ZeroHedge]
LOW 22 Apr 2018 US issues three warnings to Turkey in two days [Ahval News]
LOW 15 Apr 2018 Greek fighter jet pilot killed after intercepting two Turkish F-16's in Greek airspace [Business Insider]
LOW 07 Apr 2018 Turkey close to confrontation with NATO allies in northern Syria [Geopolitics Alert]
LOW 04 Apr 2018 Syria: French SOF deploy to boost US lines against Turkey [Debka]
LOW 30 Mar 2018 Turkey breaks with NATO, refuses to expel Russians [Geopolitics Alert]
LOW 26 Mar 2018 Turkish PM announces Iraq military incursion, threatens Americans... [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 Mar 2018 Turkey arrests 2 Greek soldiers, accusing NATO ally of espionage [ABC]
MOD 23 Feb 2018 Turkish warships threaten to sink NATO ally Italy's drillship in Cypriot waters [ZeroHedge]
MOD 19 Feb 2018 Turkey threatens to invade Greece [Gatestone Institute]
LOW 17 Feb 2018 Secretary of State says Turkish ties have reached a ‘crisis point’ [Bloomberg]
LOW 17 Feb 2018 Greece ‘will not tolerate’ border challenges from Turkey [Irish Times]
LOW 04 Feb 2018 Turkey warns US troops in northern Syria may be targeted by its armed forces [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Jan 2018 NATO Ally Turkey begins bombing American-backed Syrian Kurds [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Dec 2017 Turkey rages after 'coup' officer granted asylum in NATO Ally Greece [Yahoo]
LOW 20 Dec 2017 EU triggers treaty against Poland, members to decide if Poles breaching 'fundamental values' [Investment Watch Blog]
LOW 15 Dec 2017 Landmark treaty signed to create European Union Army [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 Dec 2017 Claim: NATO ally Turkey helped Iran evade US sanctions [CNN]
LOW 13 Nov 2017 Germany clumsily admits to supporting regime change in Poland [Orientalreview]
LOW 30 Oct 2017 NATO General threatens ‘consequences’ for Turkey buying Russian missiles [Antiwar]
MOD 12 Oct 2017 Turkish President tells US 'we don't need you' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Oct 2017 NATO ally Turkey sentences Wall Street Journal reporter to jail for terrorist propaganda [ZeroHedge]
LOW 05 Oct 2017 NATO ally Turkey arrests US consulate employee [WSJ]
LOW 19 Sep 2017 Turkey buys NATO-incompatible Russian missiles [Strategic Culture]
LOW 13 Sep 2017 Turkey pivots from NATO, signs Russian missile deal [ZeroHedge]
LOW 29 Aug 2017 Grand jury indicts Turkish Presidential guards for violence near DC embassy [WRC-TV]
LOW 18 Aug 2017 Turkish President says German leaders are enemies [BBC]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 Turkey denies role in map showing American military posts in Syria [Taiwan News]
LOW 20 Jul 2017 Germany blocks defense exports to Turkey in 'worst crisis since World War II' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Jul 2017 Germany warns its citizens they risk arrest if traveling to Turkey [ZeroHedge]
LOW 16 Jul 2017 City of London accuses France of plot to ‘wreck Britain’ [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 16 Jul 2017 Russia clinches $2.5 billion deal to sell Turkey advanced missile defenses [Debka]
LOW 16 Jul 2017 Turkey bars German lawmakers from visiting NATO's Incirlik airbase [ZeroHedge]
MOD 10 Jul 2017 German forces start pull out from Incirlik base in southern Turkey [Debka]
MOD 05 Jul 2017 Turkey accuses US of creating 'terrorist army' in Syria [ZeroHedge]
LOW 04 Jul 2017 Greek coast guard fires at Turkish cargo ship [UK Express]
LOW 27 Jun 2017 Germany warns Turkish President's protester-beating guards not to attend G20 [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 27 Jun 2017 Growing concerns about US nuclear weapons in Turkey [American Thinker]
LOW 14 Jun 2017 Turkish Guards to be charged for DC Embassy protest beatings [NYT]
MOD 05 Jun 2017 NATO Splinters: Germany says 'has no choice but to pull out' troops from Turkey's Incirlik airbase [ZeroHedge]
MOD 02 Jun 2017 EJ Insight: EU setting up its own nuclear arsenal is no longer a joke [Ejinsight]
MOD 02 Jun 2017 Reuters quotes 'EU Naval Force' [Reuters]
MOD 02 Jun 2017 Russian President says he's ready to sell S-400 anti-aircraft system to Turkey [Times of Israel]
MOD 02 Jun 2017 Gun Deal in Jeopardy for Turkish Guards Who Beat Protesters [NYT]
MOD 02 Jun 2017 Europeans rejecting Turkey's bid to host NATO gathering [Newsweek]
MOD 02 Jun 2017 UK Paper calls German Chancellor: 'Merkel, the Red footsoldier' [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 30 May 2017 US now arming Syrian Kurds [NBC]
MOD 30 May 2017 Turkey refuses to grant German lawmakers access to Incirlik airbase [ZeroHedge]
LOW 28 May 2017 German Chancellor says Europe 'must take its fate into its own hands' [Yahoo]
LOW 25 May 2017 POTUS demands Europe pay more toward NATO [UK Telegraph]
MOD 22 May 2017 Turks condemn US over ‘aggressive’ acts against President’s protester-beating guards in DC [Washington Post]
MOD 18 May 2017 Video shows Turkish President watched his guards clash with protesters [The Hill]
MOD 17 May 2017 Turk President's bodyguards attack pro-Kurd protesters in DC [UK Guardian]
MOD 16 May 2017 Turkish President warns American President not to arm Kurds [RFERL]
LOW 16 May 2017 Germany to consider withdrawing troops after Turkey denies lawmakers access [Nrttv]
LOW 16 May 2017 In Turkey, new demands to evict US forces from Incirlik air base [Military Times]
MOD 10 May 2017 Turkish Foreign Minister: US decision to arm Syrian Kurds endangers Turkey [Debka]
MOD 04 May 2017 Russian, Turkish Presidents hail return to 'normal partner' relations [RFERL]
MOD 04 May 2017 Turkey threatens to strike US forces partnered with Kurdish militias in Syria [Washington Times]
LOW 30 Apr 2017 DEBKA: US Marines in Syria to defend Kurds against Turkey [Debka]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Turks clinch arms deal with Russia [Tass]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 NATO Chief says Turkey must show 'full respect' for rule of law [Yahoo]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 US slams NATO ally Turkey for airstrikes against Kurds []
LOW 23 Apr 2017 Turkey in final stage of buying Russian anti-aircraft weapon system [Inserbia]
LOW 09 Apr 2017 Turkish officers get asylum in Norway [Taiwan News]
MOD 07 Apr 2017 Russia and Turkey hold joint naval drills in the Black Sea [Newsweek]
MOD 04 Apr 2017 Spanish warship violates UK waters in Gibraltar after Brexit war threat [UK Independent]
MOD 03 Apr 2017 262 Turkish diplomats, military personnel seek asylum in Germany [Turkeypurge]
MOD 03 Apr 2017 Turk President says his people in Europe should defy 'grandchildren of Nazism' [Yahoo]
MOD 02 Apr 2017 UK PM would go to war with Spain to protect Gibraltar, ex-party leader suggests [UK Guardian]
MOD 31 Mar 2017 Germany slams POTUS' 'unrealistic' NATO demands [ZeroHedge]
MOD 30 Mar 2017 American support for Kurdish forces in Syria becoming major flashpoint with Turkey [WSJ]
MOD 28 Mar 2017 German official accuses Turkey of 'unacceptable' spying [Debka]
MOD 23 Mar 2017 Norway grants asylum to pro-coup Turkish soldiers [Daily Sabah]
MOD 23 Mar 2017 Turkey summons German diplomat over intel chief's Gulen remarks [Global Times]
MOD 23 Mar 2017 Report: Germany blocks arms sales to Turkey [Deutsche Welle]
MOD 22 Mar 2017 Turk President warns Europeans 'will not walk safely' if attitude persists [Yahoo]
MOD 19 Mar 2017 NEXT LEVEL: Turk President says 'Europeans would revive the gas chambers if they weren't ashamed' [ZeroHedge]
MOD 18 Mar 2017 Turkey continues to get into spats with NATO allies [Daily Caller]
MOD 18 Mar 2017 Austro-Turkish feud draws in NATO [Reuters]
MOD 18 Mar 2017 POTUS: Germany owes NATO 'vast sums'. US 'must be paid more' for providing defense [Hosted]
MOD 17 Mar 2017 Turkey threatens to hit Europe with '15,000 refugees a month' [Yahoo]
MOD 14 Mar 2017 NATO Secretary General calls on Turkey, Netherlands to defuse row [Reuters]
MOD 14 Mar 2017 Turk-Dutch diplomatic crisis [UPI]
MOD 13 Mar 2017 Turkey says 'migrant deal has ended', may unleash millions of refugees [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Mar 2017 Turkey bans Dutch diplomatic flights, may 'abolish friendship' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Mar 2017 Turkey warns 'fascist' Netherlands will pay... [Yahoo]
LOW 12 Mar 2017 Dutch police expel Turkish minister as 'Nazi remnants' row escalates [UK Guardian]
LOW 11 Mar 2017 Dutch block Turkish Foreign Minister from joining immigrant rally for growing Turk dictatorship [Yahoo]
LOW 10 Mar 2017 No let-up in Turkey-Germany war of words after ministers meet [Reuters]
LOW 06 Mar 2017 Europeans thinking about repurposing French nuke arsenal under EU command [NYT]
MOD 25 Feb 2017 Air Combat Command Chief concerned Turkey might attack US-backed forces [Washington Examiner]
MOD 24 Feb 2017 Michael Rubin: Can NATO survive Turkey? [Aei]
MOD 23 Feb 2017 NATO member Turkey to acquire advanced Russian air defense missiles [Debka]
LOW 20 Feb 2017 Poll: Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia and Turkey would pick Russia to defend them rather than US [American Thinker]
MOD 19 Feb 2017 French Foreign Minister: American attempts to 'divide and rule Europeans will not work' [Reuters]
MOD 17 Feb 2017 Germany warns US not to seek Russian rapprochement behind the backs of NATO allies [ZeroHedge]
MOD 15 Feb 2017 SecDef issues ultimatum to NATO: Start spending or US will 'moderate commitment' [Yahoo]
LOW 10 Feb 2017 CIA Director to visit Turkey amid tension over exiled cleric [CBS]
MOD 08 Feb 2017 POTUS demands US 'money back' from freeriding NATO countries [Daily Caller]
LOW 06 Feb 2017 Tensions flare between uneasy allies Greece and Turkey [Yahoo]
LOW 03 Feb 2017 Tensions between Greece and Turkey mounting [Inserbia]
LOW 30 Jan 2017 Turkey urges Germany to reject soldiers' asylum bids [Yahoo]
LOW 30 Jan 2017 Greek, Turkish warships in brief standoff near disputed islets [Japan Times]
LOW 27 Jan 2017 Turkey threatens to flood NATO ally with Islamic refugees if coup fugitives not returned [Reuters]
LOW 26 Jan 2017 Greeks deny Turkish coup extradition demands [BBC]
HIGH 16 Jan 2017 PEOTUS slams NATO, prepared to 'cut ties' with German Chancellor [ZeroHedge]