Posted by on June 29, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 10 Jul 2024 World's First 'Bioprocessor' Made Using Human Brain Tissue [Expose News]
LOW 25 May 2024 Cows Bioengineered to Squirt Insulin from Teets [Daily Bell]
LOW 06 Apr 2024 Geoengineering Test Quietly Launches Salt Crystals into Atmosphere []
HIGH 08 Dec 2023 FDA Approves 'World's First Crispr Gene-Editing Drug' for Sickle-Cell Disease [WSJ]
HIGH 09 Nov 2023 Chinese Scientists Create Chimera Monkey That Glows Green [MetroUK]
HIGH 29 Jul 2023 Semi-biological computer chips with human brain cells under development [EOTAD]
LOW 01 Apr 2023 Chinese gene experiments may lead to soldiers with supernatural resistance against radiation [South China Morning Post]
SHTF 24 Mar 2023 Scientists Create Mice from Two Dads [CNN]
SEVERE 09 Mar 2023 Scientists Create Mice with Two Fathers after Making Eggs from Male Cells [UK Guardian]
HIGH 17 Feb 2023 Genetically Modified Trees Planted in an American Forest [Yahoo]
LOW 07 Nov 2022 Lab-grown blood given to humans in world-first trial [CNBC]
MOD 21 Jul 2022 Type B white blood cells edited to fight HIV [Study Finds]
MOD 04 Jun 2022 Chinese Scientists Claim to Have Produced Robot-Cloned Pigs [Breitbart]
MOD 09 Apr 2022 Mosquitoes with Synthetic DNA Scheduled for California Release [Blacklisted News]
LOW 10 Mar 2022 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Set to Be Released in California and Florida [Epoch Times]
HIGH 24 Feb 2022 Scientists engineered artificial neuron to control the snapping of a living Venus flytrap [MSN]
MOD 20 Sep 2021 Scientists Growing mRNA Vaccine-Filled Plants to Replace Covid Injections [Infowars]
MOD 04 May 2021 Billion GMO Mosquitoes Start Being Released in Florida [Strange Sounds]
LOW 15 Dec 2020 FDA Approves Genetically Modified Pork for Human Consumption [Business Insider]
HIGH 14 Sep 2020 Precision Breeding: Scientists Creating Gene-Edited Livestock [Reuters]
MOD 24 Aug 2020 Scientists Grow Liver by Injecting Cells into Pigs' Lymph Nodes [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 08 Jul 2020 Last bastion of DNA that has resisted precision genome editing cracked [STAT]
HIGH 07 Dec 2019 Pig Monkey Hybrids Created in China Genetics Lab in Bizarre World First [UK Daily Star]
LOW 10 Oct 2019 China Developing Gene-Edited Super Soldiers in Biological Warfare Revolution [UK Daily Star]
HIGH 01 Oct 2019 Man Made Blood Touted as Better than the Real Thing [UK Daily Star]
LOW 07 Jul 2019 Chinese scientists develop gene-edited soybean [South China Morning Post]
LOW 05 Apr 2019 World's First Gene-Edited Lizards Are in the Pink [New Atlas]
LOW 02 Apr 2019 Scientists Create 3D Printer with Potential to Print Living Organs [CBS]
HIGH 09 Mar 2019 US regulators clear path for genetically modified salmon [AP]
MOD 28 Jan 2019 Chickens Genetically Modified to Lay Eggs Containing Cancer Drugs [UK Mirror]
MOD 04 Jan 2019 Scientists 'Hack' Photosynthesis' in Search of More Productive Crops [NPR]
LOW 03 Dec 2018 Pentagon to Genetically Engineering New Life Forms to Detect Enemy Subs [Defense One]
HIGH 16 Nov 2018 Lab-grown Kidneys 'Go Rogue' – Develop Brain and Muscle Cells [UK Daily Star]
HIGH 11 Oct 2018 Scientists Breed Mice with Same-Sex Parents [STAT]
LOW 03 Sep 2018 Scientists create lab-grown globules of human brain tissue [Washington Post]
HIGH 04 Aug 2018 Scientists create lungs in lab and transplant into pigs [ScienceNews]
LOW 06 Jul 2018 Dog Cloned 49 Times [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 21 May 2018 Robots can now human mini-organs from stem cells [NY Post]
HIGH 18 May 2018 Scientists bring a severed pig brain back to life [CBS]
LOW 14 May 2018 'Memory transplant' achieved in snails [BBC]
HIGH 15 Apr 2018 Humans to be genetically modified for the first time in Europe [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 05 Apr 2018 Mini human 'brain' implanted into a mouse [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 06 Mar 2018 Genetic tweak makes plants use 25% less water [Yahoo]
LOW 23 Feb 2018 Scientists to revive the dead in robots with AI [Sputnik]
LOW 08 Feb 2018 Sterlized mosquitos to be release in South Florida [CBS]
HIGH 30 Jan 2018 Lab-bred mosquitoes to fly near Miami to help combat Zika [Yahoo]
LOW 19 Dec 2017 Frozen embryo record broken [CBS]
MOD 04 Dec 2017 US military agency invests $100m in 'genetic extinction technologies' [UK Guardian]
MOD 08 Nov 2017 What could go wrong? EPA approves bacteria-infected lab-grown mosquitoes [SHTFplan]
MOD 04 Nov 2017 Wombs to be transplanted into men... [UK Sun]
LOW 25 Oct 2017 Scientists create low-fat pigs [CBS]
LOW 13 Oct 2017 Extreme horse breeding leaves animals looking like cartoons [UK Telegraph]
MOD 28 Aug 2017 AI computer chips made of mice neurons can 'smell' [UK Daily Mail]
SEVERE 10 Aug 2017 Edited Ants [Washington Post]
SEVERE 26 Jul 2017 Scientists build DNA from scratch to alter life's blueprint []
HIGH 22 Jul 2017 Rice engineered with human liver genes is being grown in Kansas [News Target]
LOW 16 Jul 2017 China genetically engineers hyper-muscular test-tube dogs [UK Express]
HIGH 30 May 2017 FIrst release on American soil of insects genetically engineered to die before they can reproduce [Hosted]
LOW 01 May 2017 Scientists carry out full head transplant on rats [UK Independent]
LOW 01 May 2017 Lab-grown meat coming to supermarket shelves soon? [Fox Business]
LOW 29 Apr 2017 Surgeon readies to transpant human head [ARS Technica]
HIGH 26 Apr 2017 Working brain circuitry grown in a lab dish for first time [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 03 Apr 2017 Zika vaccine to re-engineer your DNA [Natural News]
LOW 30 Mar 2017 Lab-resurrected wooly mammoths within a few years... [UK Sun]
LOW 25 Mar 2017 Scientists turn spinach leaf into working heart tissue [UK Telegraph]
LOW 15 Mar 2017 Chicken produced from cells in lab sold as food [WSJ]
MOD 03 Mar 2017 Fed Govt approves three types of genetically engineered potatoes [CBS]
LOW 16 Feb 2017 Woolly mammoth on the verge of resurrection [UK Guardian]
LOW 03 Feb 2017 Scientists create first gene edited, tuberculosis-resistant cows [Gizmodo]
LOW 02 Feb 2017 Genetically modified grass on the loose in Oregon [Newsweek]
HIGH 29 Jan 2017 Chimeras: Scientists growing organs of one animal species in the body of others [Yahoo]
HIGH 23 Jan 2017 First GMO apple slices to go on sale in America [Capitalpress]