Posted by on May 29, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c1g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SEVERE 14 Jan 2023 Chicago Mayor Asks Teachers to Encourage Students to Help Her Win Reelection [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 02 May 2022 71% of Elementary Math Textbooks in Florida Contained Woke Indoctrination [Sovereign Man]
LOW 27 Apr 2022 POTUS Says Students Are 'All Our Children' When They're in the Classroom [The Blaze]
HIGH 22 Nov 2021 Rhode Island Teacher Warns Critical Race Theory 'Absolutely Everywhere' in Schools [Summit News]
SEVERE 08 Oct 2021 California Becomes 1st State to Make Ethnic Studies a Required Class for High School Graduation [KTLA]
SHTF 31 Aug 2021 California High School Teacher Admits Terrorizing Children to Turn Them into Communist 'Revolutionaries' [Big League Politics]
SEVERE 22 Jun 2021 MAGA Branded 'White Supremacy' In Leaked CRT Training for Iowa Teachers [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 03 Jun 2021 Fifth Grade Students Recite Critical Race Theory Sponsored by Pizza Hut [TPM]
HIGH 04 May 2021 American Teacher Training Org Partnered with a Chinese Communist Group Promoting 'Socialist' Nursery Rhymes [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 01 Feb 2021 Illinois Teachers Told to Adopt Progressive Ideology or Be Fired [New American]
HIGH 26 Jan 2021 Compulsory Political Ideology for Illinois Teachers Moves Closer to Finalization [Wirepoints]
SEVERE 07 Oct 2020 Elementary Schoolchildren Taught Objectivity and Perfectionism Are Racist Traits [Infowars]
MOD 05 Apr 2020 Anti-POTUS School Assignments Exposed [Patriot Post]
HIGH 22 Feb 2020 Baltimore School District Likens POTUS 45 to Nazis, Communists [American Mirror]
MOD 15 Jan 2020 California Teachers Could Be Required to Indoctrinate Climate Change [CBS]
HIGH 27 Mar 2019 My Son Was Taught by His HS History Teacher That the Electoral College Should Be Abolished [The College Fix]
HIGH 18 Mar 2019 School Lets Transgender Activist Read to Kindergarteners without Parents' Permission [The Blaze]
LOW 09 Sep 2018 Don't Call the Alamo's Defenders 'Heroic,' Texas School Curriculum Panel Urges [Dallas News]
LOW 27 Aug 2018 Child Punished for Calling Teacher 'Ma'am' [ABC]
HIGH 16 Mar 2018 Student suspended for refusing to leave classroom during gun control walkout [IJR]
MOD 15 Mar 2018 Principal removes student carrying sign saying 'guns don't kill people, people kill people' [SHTFplan]
MOD 15 Mar 2018 Govt schools to become anti-gun political platforms thanks to neo-marxist organization [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 12 Mar 2018 LA public school teacher filmed hitting POTUS pinata with students [Breitbart]
HIGH 21 Feb 2018 MD students stage walkout, march to US Capitol to demand 'action on guns' [The Hill]
HIGH 21 Feb 2018 Witness: Teacher caught telling Parkland students to attend anti-Second Amendment rally [Gateway Pundit]
HIGH 14 Feb 2018 Texas girl's homework assignment: Draw herself as a slave [Star-Telegram]
HIGH 23 Oct 2017 POTUS tombstone displayed at Massachusetts school Halloween party [CBS]
HIGH 22 Sep 2017 Florida teacher demands her 5th graders use gender neutral pronouns [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 21 Sep 2017 Dallas School Board designates Founding Fathers as having 'Confederate links' [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 19 Sep 2017 High School forces students to reenact slavery [CBS]
MOD 28 Jul 2017 Conference teaches K-12 educators how to combat ‘whiteness in schools’ [The College Fix]
HIGH 11 Jun 2017 Teen's Trump t-shirt photoshopped out of yearbook [USA Today]
LOW 09 Jun 2017 School bans Marine grad from commencement for wearing dress blues [EAG]
LOW 08 May 2017 Spanish high school teacher has class smash POTUS pinata [KDVR]
HIGH 03 May 2017 Brooklyn principal investigated for promoting communism [Daily Caller]
HIGH 18 Mar 2017 Philly schoolchildren learning that rioting in Ferguson unleashed wave of fake news [Heatst]
LOW 08 Mar 2017 Connecticut high school principal denounces 'Trump!' basketball game chant as 'hate speech' [Breitbart]
LOW 08 Mar 2017 Idaho school in turmoil over vile sex survey [Fox News]
LOW 20 Feb 2017 Maryland considers teaching schoolboys that they are presumed guilty in rape accusations [The College Fix]
SEVERE 14 Feb 2017 Mandatory white privilege, microaggression and 'implicit bias' training at Illinois high school [Campus Reform]
SEVERE 08 Feb 2017 Chicago schools send students home with letter trashing POTUS and Illinois Gov [Daily Caller]
SEVERE 08 Feb 2017 Authoritarians at the gate: How one high school is ripping its community apart [WirePoints]
HIGH 24 Jan 2017 Philly teachers protest Black Lives Matter lesson plans [Daily Caller]
HIGH 23 Jan 2017 ‘White Privilege’ high school essay contest aims to ‘increase awareness’ [The Blaze]
HIGH 23 Jan 2017 School worksheet describes woman who is ‘very fortunate’ to live under Sharia [The Blaze]