Posted by on September 11, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c3g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SHTF 16 Dec 2023 Homelessness Soars to Record High in America [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Aug 2023 Shocking Scenes in Los Angeles as Homeless Smoke Drugs on the Streets, Tents Litter the Downtown Area and Hawkers Sell Stolen Goods [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 13 Jul 2023 Spike in Homelessness in American Cities Isn’t Slowing Down [MSN]
LOW 15 Feb 2023 Homeless Encampment Set up inside Chicago's Airport [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 13 Dec 2022 Los Angeles Mayor Declares Homelessness State of Emergency [Yahoo]
SEVERE 13 Oct 2022 NYC Homeless Shelter Population Hits All-Time High [Yahoo]
MOD 21 Sep 2022 Rising Homelessness Is Tearing California Cities Apart [Politico]
LOW 09 Mar 2022 Almost 1,000 Homeless Live in Phoenix Tent City [Vice]
HIGH 18 Aug 2021 Los Angeles County Sheriff Again Calls for State of Emergency to Address Homelessness [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Aug 2020 Evictions Signal Housing Crisis for Renters Nationwide [NBC]
LOW 06 Dec 2019 Los Angeles Spending over $1 Billion on Homeless [Reason]
MOD 05 Jun 2019 L.A. County now has 59,000 Homeless [KTLA]
LOW 19 Feb 2018 LA County's homeless problem is worsening... [LA Times]
MOD 01 Feb 2018 55,000 homelessness in Los Angeles [LA Times]
MOD 31 Dec 2017 Deaths among Seattle area homeless reach new high amid growing crisis [Seattletimes]
LOW 07 Dec 2017 Homelessness rate rose this year for first time since 2010 [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 25 Nov 2017 Homelessness continues to set new records in major cities all over the Nation [TEC]
HIGH 23 Nov 2017 California homeless: 'We haven't seen numbers like this since the Great Depression [LA Times]
MOD 07 Nov 2017 Growing homeless camps on West Coast [SFGate]
MOD 08 Sep 2017 California’s homelessness crisis moves to the country [San Francisco Chronicle]
LOW 31 Aug 2017 Orange County state of emergency for homeless considered [OC Regster]
LOW 15 Aug 2017 1 in 7 NYC elementary students this fall will be homeless [NYT]
LOW 28 Jul 2017 San Diego wants to let homeless live in empty football stadium [Theantimedia]
HIGH 05 Jul 2017 Street homelessness in NYC up 40% [WNBC]
LOW 29 Jun 2017 Homeless camps becoming entrenched in Oakland [San Francisco Chronicle]
LOW 31 May 2017 LA County homelessness jumps a 'staggering' 23% [LA Times]
MOD 17 May 2017 San Diego homelessness crisis [UK Guardian]
LOW 18 Mar 2017 County in Oregon to pay homeowners to let homeless live in backyard shacks [Oregonlive]
MOD 06 Mar 2017 Video: Tent city crisis in California [Infowars]
LOW 28 Feb 2017 NYC to add 90 homeless shelters [NY Daily News]