Posted by on May 10, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 03 Dec 2020 China Has Done Human Testing to Create Biologically Enhanced Super Soldiers [NBC]
MOD 29 Oct 2020 CRISPR Gene Editing Can Lead to Big Mistakes in Human Embryos [WSJ]
HIGH 16 Jun 2020 Scientists Made a Small Edit to Human Embryos. It Had a Lot of Unintended Consequences. [The Week]
LOW 01 Jun 2020 British defense think tank predicts genetically-modified Chinese soldiers [UK Sun]
LOW 14 Dec 2019 Is Technology Enabling Human Culling? The Rise of Genetic Editing [Organic Prepper]
LOW 04 Dec 2019 Chinese Gene-Edited Twins Created to Be Immune to HIV May Have Unintended Mutations [UK Telegraph]
MOD 26 Nov 2019 1 year later, mystery surrounds gene-edited Chinese babies [AP]
MOD 05 Jul 2019 New Technology May Allow Selection of Baby Gender [Jerusalem Post]
MOD 01 Jul 2019 New Technology May Allow Selection of Baby Gender [Jerusalem Post]
MOD 24 Jun 2019 Science Officials say no way to halt gene-edited babies [STAT]
LOW 22 Jun 2019 Claim: Even More DNA-Edited Babies Created by Chinese Scientists [UK Daily Star]
HIGH 04 Jun 2019 Gene-edited Chinese twins may suffer shorter lifespans [Yahoo]
LOW 15 May 2019 Gene Editing: Will It Make Rich People Genetically Superior? [UK Metro]
HIGH 11 May 2019 Secret Science Made Gene-Edited Babies [WSJ]
LOW 06 May 2019 Japanese to Begin ‘Basic Research’ on Gene-Edited Human Embryos [Genetic Literacy Project]
MOD 21 Feb 2019 Chinese CRISPR Twins Had Their Brains Altered [MIT Technology Review]
LOW 01 Feb 2019 Gene-Edited Human Embryo Experiments Underway in America [NPR]
SEVERE 21 Jan 2019 China Confirms Birth of Gene-Edited Babies, Vows to Punish Scientist Who 'Acted on His Own' [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 03 Dec 2018 Chinese Gene-editing Scientist Is Missing amid Rumors of Arrest [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 28 Nov 2018 Scientist claiming gene-edited babies reports 2nd pregnancy [AP]
HIGH 26 Nov 2018 Chinese Edit Baby Genes [AP]
HIGH 22 Oct 2018 Designer Babies Aren’t Futuristic. They’re Already Here. [MIT Technology Review]
LOW 09 Sep 2018 Parents Harvest Dead Son's Sperm to Create 'Designer Grandson' [UK Mirror]
LOW 17 Jul 2018 Genetically Modified Babies Given Go Ahead in UK [UK Guardian]
SEVERE 18 Apr 2018 Children today will be able to choose from array of gene-edited embryos to birth [Yahoo]
MOD 21 Jan 2018 China, unhampered by rules, races ahead in gene-editing trials [WSJ]
LOW 14 Jan 2018 Scientists use images of embryos to pick the best one [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 26 Dec 2017 Scientists are designing custom human proteins not found in nature [NYT]
LOW 26 Oct 2017 Scientists nse new Crispr system to edit RNA in human cells [WSJ]
MOD 28 Sep 2017 'Chemical surgery' used to mend harmful mutations in human embryos [UK Guardian]
HIGH 20 Sep 2017 Scientists edit embryos' genes to study early human development [Yahoo]
LOW 02 Aug 2017 SOON: Children with genes modified to improve appearance or intelligence... [UK Daily Mail]
SEVERE 28 Jul 2017 First human embryos edited in US [MIT Technology Review]
HIGH 05 Jul 2017 Joe Joseph: Designer Babies – The Nail in the Coffin of Humanity [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 31 May 2017 Human gene editing trials gear up... [NewScientist]
HIGH 28 Apr 2017 Chinese scientists edit human genes for 2nd time in history [Gizmodo]
HIGH 19 Mar 2017 First 'three-parent' babies in Britain turning children into spare parts [LifeNews]
MOD 14 Feb 2017 National Academy of Sciences endorses designer babies [MIT Technology Review]
MOD 14 Feb 2017 Scientists losing ethical restraint on DNA editing of human eggs, sperm, embryos [Yahoo]
LOW 16 Jan 2017 New biomedical procedure raises specter of 'embryo farming' [IBT]