Posted by on February 15, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c2g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 14 Jul 2024 Thousands of Protesters Expected at Republican National Convention [DNYUZ]
LOW 01 May 2024 Violent Clashes Spread across US between Gaza Protesters and Riot Police [MetroUK]
LOW 22 Apr 2024 Police Storm Yale Campus with Riot Gear, Arrest Students as Hundreds Stage Anti-Israel Protest [NY Post]
LOW 14 Jan 2024 Pro-Palestinian Rioters Outside White House Hurl Objects at Officers as 'Non-Essential' Staff Evacuate [Fox News]
LOW 08 Jan 2024 NYPD Arrests 325 Hamas Supporters [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 13 Nov 2023 Atlanta Protesters Clash with Police over Construction of Training Center [Fox News]
HIGH 29 Sep 2023 At Least 61 Arrested following 2 Nights of Looting in Philadelphia [WCAU]
HIGH 27 Sep 2023 All Philly liquor stores closed after at least 18 looted overnight [Philadelphia Inquirer]
HIGH 04 Aug 2023 Social Media Giveaway Causes Riot in NYC's Union Square [NY Post]
LOW 24 Jul 2023 Mob of 500 Takes over Philadelphia Intersection, Gawks at Cars Doing Donuts at 2 AM and as Cops Move in, Officer Hit by Vehicle, Driver Flees Scene [The Blaze]
LOW 02 Jul 2023 30 People Shot, 2 Dead as Block Party in Baltimore Turns into 'War Zone' [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 17 Apr 2023 Large mob ransacks gas station in Compton [ABC]
MOD 16 Apr 2023 Hundreds of teenagers flood into downtown Chicago, smashing car windows [WFLD]
LOW 12 Apr 2023 Mob stampedes through Baltimore City's Inner Harbor after gunfire rings out [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 27 Jan 2023 Major Cities Brace for Violence as Tyre Nichols Video Released on a Friday Night [Yahoo]
SEVERE 22 Jan 2023 Police Arrest 6 after Fiery Atlanta Riots, Mayor Confirms Antifa Used Explosives [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 28 Dec 2022 Buffalo Descends into Chaos, as Store Owners Open Fire on Looters [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 26 Dec 2022 Looting across Buffalo as City Plunged into Chaos after Blizzard [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 30 Sep 2022 Looting, Other Crimes amid Former Hurricane Ian Drive Officials to Enforce a Curfew [Yahoo]
SEVERE 25 Sep 2022 Mob Spontaneously Ransacks Convenience Store in Philadelphia [ZeroHedge]
LOW 04 Jul 2022 'City Gonna Burn': Akron Police Deploy Tear Gas to Quell Rioters Bent on Destruction [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 18 May 2022 Leaked Memo Shows DHS Preparing for Violence after Abortion Ruling [Axios]
LOW 15 Feb 2022 Florida Walmart Puts Steaks in Locked Metal Cages [TEC]
LOW 12 Feb 2022 Shoplifting Reaches Crisis Proportions [Axios]
LOW 10 Feb 2022 Mob of Thieves Ransack Jewelry Store in Central California [NewsWars]
LOW 14 Jan 2022 Thieves Loot Freight Trains in Los Angeles with Impunity [Yahoo]
LOW 21 Dec 2021 Mob Beats Man Unconscious, Batters Him with Chair on NYC Sidewalk [NewsWars]
LOW 22 Nov 2021 80-Strong Mob Flash Loots Nordstom... [Information Liberation]
LOW 22 Nov 2021 San Francisco Bay Area Hit by Third Consecutive Day of Brazen Looting [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 16 Nov 2021 Jury Begins Deliberating at Kyle Rittenhouse Murder Trial [U.S. News & World Report]
HIGH 31 Aug 2021 Thieves ransack stores in New Orleans in wake of Hurricane Ida [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 23 Aug 2021 Hundreds Clash in Portland [Yahoo]
LOW 18 Jul 2021 Dozens Arrested as Antifa Clash with Police Outside Controversial Korean LA Spa [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 20 Jun 2021 Mob Cheers as Woman Is Savagely Beaten at New Jersey Juneteenth Riot [National File]
LOW 25 May 2021 Mob Filmed Jumping on Occupied Police Cruiser in St Louis [Information Liberation]
LOW 25 May 2021 Drive-By Shooting Takes Place at George Floyd Square One Year to the Day after His Death [Big League Politics]
LOW 17 May 2021 Police Departments across America Preparing for Violent Summer [Summit News]
SEVERE 23 Apr 2021 6 Rioters Arrested for Defacing NYC Central Park Monument [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 19 Apr 2021 Video: Citizens Say Minnesota Will 'Burn Down' If Chauvin Acquitted [Infowars]
HIGH 19 Apr 2021 Minneapolis Braces for Unrest [MSN]
SEVERE 19 Apr 2021 Jury now has Derek Chauvin case for deliberations in killing of George Floyd [StarTribune]
SEVERE 15 Apr 2021 Rioters Wave Pig Head on Fourth Night of Brooklyn Center Chaos as Hundreds Storm Police Station [UK Sun]
SEVERE 15 Apr 2021 Clashes, Tear Gas in Minnesota [StarTribune]
SEVERE 15 Apr 2021 Riot Declared after Protesters Set Fire to Portland Police Association Building [True Pundit]
SEVERE 13 Apr 2021 Riots rock Minneapolis for second night [Financial Times]
LOW 12 Apr 2021 Prepare Prosecution in Derek Chauvin Trial Having Trouble Proving George Floyd Was Murdered [Natural News]
LOW 12 Apr 2021 Homicide Rates Soaring across America [EOTAD]
LOW 12 Apr 2021 Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters as Officer Fatally Shoots Man 10 Miles from George Floyd Killing [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 14 Mar 2021 Riot police in stand-offs with activists in Los Angeles, Louisville, New York [Scottish Sun]
MOD 21 Jan 2021 Portland Antifa bust up DNC building and fight with cops [The Right Scoop]
MOD 21 Jan 2021 Antifa Blocks Streets, Set Fire in Seattle Inauguration Day Riot [Breitbart]
HIGH 08 Jan 2021 Video Shows Police Push Protester off Capitol Balcony, Falls 50 Feet [Information Liberation]
HIGH 08 Jan 2021 Five dead and dozens of other were arrested in Capitol Riot [OANN]
HIGH 08 Jan 2021 US Capitol Police Officer Dies from Riot [NY Post]
HIGH 07 Jan 2021 Capitol Police Officer Dies From DC Riot Injuries [Newsmax]
HIGH 07 Jan 2021 Video shows DC cops HELPING Capitol rioters and posing for selfies [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 POTUS Supporters Breached Gate at Washington Governor's Mansion [KING]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 US Capitol Riot - MAGA Attack the Press [UK Sun]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 Weapons Out, Windows Smashed, Rioters Turn Congress into Battlefield [Yahoo]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 Congress halts vote certification, recesses as rioters breach Capitol Hill Buildings [Harbringers Daily]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 Protestors Beg DC Police to Arrest Woman Who Punched POTUS Supporter in the Face, Cops Mace Them Instead [Information Liberation]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 Unarmed Capitol Rioter Shot Dead by DC Police [National File]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 Protestors Storm US Capitol, Lawmakers Evacuated [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 US Capitol Goes into Lockdown as POTUS Supporters Tear Down Security Fences [We Are Change]
HIGH 06 Jan 2021 Teargas in US Capitol as MAGA Storm Grounds [Washington Free Beacon]
HIGH 04 Jan 2021 Kenosha braces for more rioting as DA decision to charge officer in Blake shooting [Journal Sentinel]
SEVERE 02 Jan 2021 Antifa Loot Businesses, Set Fires in New Year's Day Riot in Portland [Daily Wire]
HIGH 05 Nov 2020 NYPD Arrests 60 Rioters in Manhattan [WSJ]
HIGH 03 Nov 2020 Cops Clash with BLM and Antifa Protestors outside White House [UK Sun]
HIGH 31 Oct 2020 Across America, Businesses Are Boarding up in Anticipation of Election Night Chaos [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 31 Oct 2020 Philadelphia City Council Strips Cops of Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas after Dozens Wounded in Street Violence   [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 27 Oct 2020 30 Police Officers Injured during Rioting in Philadelphia [CBS]
LOW 26 Oct 2020 Military, police in Washington state prepare for possible civil unrest after election [Seattle Times]
SEVERE 12 Oct 2020 Portland Rioters Topple Statues of Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln [Oregonlive]
LOW 07 Oct 2020 Cop Charged with Murder of George Floyd Released on $1M Bond [NBC]
SEVERE 25 Sep 2020 Louisville Riots Day 2 [UK Sun]
SEVERE 24 Sep 2020 Nearly 100 Arrested in Louisville Riots [Infowars]
SEVERE 23 Sep 2020 Officer Shot in Louisville; Cops Draw Guns While Rioters Set Fires and Destroy Property [ZeroHedge]
LOW 23 Sep 2020 Grand jury brings no charges against Louisville police for killing Breonna Taylor [AP]
LOW 21 Sep 2020 Louisville State of Emergency ahead of Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Decision [WAVE]
HIGH 21 Sep 2020 Seattle Demonstrator Arrested for Wildfire Arson [Natural News]
HIGH 19 Sep 2020 Portland Riots Restart [Oregonlive]
SEVERE 08 Sep 2020 The Left Secretly Preps for Violence after Election Day [Daily Beast]
SEVERE 07 Sep 2020 Riots Have Hit 48 out of 50 of Largest US Cities since May [Summit News]
SEVERE 06 Sep 2020 Man Catches Fire after Molotov Cocktail Thrown in Portland; Riot Declared, Tear Gas Deployed [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 05 Sep 2020 Rioters Shut Down Restaurants in Rochester, Smash Bank Windows in Manhattan [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 01 Sep 2020 Medical Examiner Informs Prosecutors that Fentanyl Overdose Killed George Floyd [ABC]
SEVERE 01 Sep 2020 March to Portland Mayor's Home Declared Riot as Burning Debris Thrown into Building [Oregonlive]
SEVERE 30 Aug 2020 Rioters Cleared from outside White House during Another Night of Unrest [UK Daily Mail]
SEVERE 26 Aug 2020 71 Arrested Louisville Riots [The Hill]
SEVERE 25 Aug 2020 Multiple buildings set on fire during 2nd night of unrest in Kenosha [WITI]
SEVERE 24 Aug 2020 Riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin [Rockford Register Star ]
SEVERE 24 Aug 2020 Riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin [Rockford Register Star ]
LOW 19 Aug 2020 Portland rioters set fire to county government building [AP]
SHTF 10 Aug 2020 Chicago Looters Raid Shop in Front of SWAT Unit [Infowars]
SEVERE 10 Aug 2020 Chicago Bridges Raised to Prevent Armed Looters Getting Downtown [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 30 Jul 2020 Tear Gas in the Air, Officers Hit the Streets on Day 63 of Portland Riots [KGW]
SEVERE 26 Jul 2020 Police declare riot in Seattle [AP]
LOW 24 Jul 2020 Unlawful Assembly Declared in Portland as Fires Burn, Federal Officers Battle with Rioters [Daily Caller]
LOW 17 Jul 2020 Meet the Youth Liberation Front behind a Militant Marathon of Portland Riots [Herald Mail Media]
HIGH 05 Jul 2020 38th straight day of Riots in Portland, Oregon [Fox News]
HIGH 05 Jul 2020 Rioters throw Columbus statue into Baltimore harbor on Fourth of July [UK Daily Mail]
SHTF 15 Jun 2020 Eye-Witness Account: What's Really Happening during the Seattle Riots [Organic Prepper]
SHTF 14 Jun 2020 Protesters burn down Wendy's in Atlanta where black man was slain by police [Reuters]
SHTF 11 Jun 2020 Seattle 'Autonomous Zone' Now Has a 'Heavily-Armed' Warlord as Crime Spikes 300% [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 10 Jun 2020 Seattle Rioters Storm City Hall after Running Cops out of Precinct, Establishing 'Autonomous Zone' [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 07 Jun 2020 50 Arrested in Unlawful Assembly in Portland [KATU]
SHTF 06 Jun 2020 Man Arrested for Dispersing protesters with a Chainsaw [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 06 Jun 2020 Chicago Police Find Suspicious Buckets of Bricks around City [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 ANTIFA Attempt to Riot in California Suburb Goes Awry [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Gangs Who Ransacked NYC Arrived in Chauffeured Cars, Used Power Tools [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Retired St. Louis Police Captain Killed by Looters [KMOV]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 703 rioting arrests over three days in Philadelphia [Philadelphia Inquirer]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 1,500 rioters arrested in Chicago [WLS]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 50 ATMs blown up around Philadelphia during violent unrest [WCAU]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Man with Wolverine-Claws, Knives Threatens Protesters in NYC [Report Door]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Several Officers injured, businesses damaged in Brockton Riot [WPRI]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Bullet penetrates Missouri State Trooper's face shield during St. Louis Riot [Fox News]
SHTF 03 Jun 2020 Officer shot during Las Vegas Riot is on life support [Time]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 Evidence emerges of orchestrated internal uprising [TMIN]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 Philadelphia Pharmacy Looted for 15 Hours Straight [CBS]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 9 dead as 4,000 rioters arrested in 140 cities [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 4 Police Officers Shot during St. Louis Riot [St. Louis Post-Dispatch]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 Cop shot in head during Vegas Riot [CBS]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 Driver Plows into Dozens of Police amid Buffalo Riot [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 02 Jun 2020 Gasoline Bombs Found Stashed around Minneapolis Yards, Alleys [CBS]
SHTF 01 Jun 2020 Santa Monica business district looted with no police in sight [LA Times]
SHTF 01 Jun 2020 Lincoln and World War II Memorials Vandalized [Fox News]
SHTF 01 Jun 2020 700 Arrests, 132 Officers Injured amid Violent Chicago Riots [CBS]
SHTF 01 Jun 2020 More Bricks Appear for Monday Night Rioting [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Historic Church Set on Fire by DC Rioters [Blue Lives Matter]
SHTF 31 May 2020 21 police injured, 41 arrested after Salt Lake City Riot [Gephardt Daily]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Deputy slashed in neck during Jacksonville Riot [Fox News]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Four killed and 1,300 rioters arrested across 75 American cities [Perth Now]
SHTF 31 May 2020 NYPD makes 345 arrests after 33 cops injured and 47 police vehicles damaged in riots [NY Daily News]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Viral Riot Videos [Heavy]
SHTF 31 May 2020 1 shot dead, more injured by gunfire in Indianapolis Riot [UK Daily Mail]
SHTF 31 May 2020 3 Police Officers, 1 Civilian Injured in Hit-and-Run during Denver Riot [KDVR]
SHTF 31 May 2020 13 Police injured in Philadelphia Riot [WHYY]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Atlanta cop struck by ATV during riot [WAGA]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Dozens of Chicago Riot Police injured, one with broken bones [WMAQ]
SHTF 31 May 2020 POTUS Designates Antifa as Terrorist Organization for Crossing State Lines to Incite Riots [UK Independent]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Dallas Rioters Beat Store Owner Unconscious [UK Daily Mail]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Dahboo77: Riots Are Organized Events [Youtu]
SHTF 31 May 2020 Police Arrest 1,400 Rioters in 17 Cities [Pittsburgh Post Gazette]
SEVERE 31 May 2020 Child Dressed in Black Bloc Hit with Pepper Spray at Seattle Riot [Breitbart]
SEVERE 31 May 2020 Riot Police Surround Miami Police Headquarters [Yahoo]
SEVERE 31 May 2020 Molotov attack on NYPD vehicle with several police officers inside [Breitbart]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Dallas Man Stoned with Rocks by Looters [Heavy]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Unlawful Assembly Declared in Manassas [WUSA]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Police Deploy Tear Gas on Rioters in Greensboro [WGHP]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Fargo Protests Turn into a Riot [KFGO]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Salt Lake Rioters Beat Man Who Confronts Them with Bow and Arrow [Breitbart]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets Used to Clear Minneapolis [CBS]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Fire, Looting, and Violence Reported in Tampa [Tampa Bay Times]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Riots Ravage Downtown Cleveland []
SEVERE 30 May 2020 NYPD Cruiser Drives into Crowd in Brooklyn [CBS]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Nashville City Hall Set on Fire [Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Abandoned LAPD cars burn in absolute chaos [Herald Sun]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Milwaukee Police Officer Shot during Overnight Riot [WISN]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Seattle looting, tear gas... [Seattle Times]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Largest Police Force in Minnesota History Not Enough to Stop Minneapolis Riots [KMSP]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Hundreds of Protesters Swarm White House [WUSA]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Oakland riots intensify... fires, tear gas, thousands in streets [San Francisco Chronicle]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Portland, Washington Justice Center Sacked [Oregonlive]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Downtown Cincinnati looted... [Cincinnati]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Des Moines Police Deploy Tear Gas against Protesters [KMEG]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Driver Rams Demonstrators with SUV in San Jose [CBS]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Detroit Riot: One Killed, Multiple Arrests [Click on Detroit]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Umbrella Man Smashing Windows... [UK Independent]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Minneapolis Riot Provocateurs: 'Suspicious people doing damage' [Twin Cities Pioneer Press]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Riot Police, National Guard Abandon Minneapolis [PJ Media]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Shots fired at police as Minneapolis riots continue [KMSP]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 White House Locked Down as Protesters Gather on Perimeter [Sydney Morning Herald]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Car Plows through Protest Crowds in Bakersfield, California [The Blaze]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 San Jose police deploy tear gas, rubber bullets against rioters [San Francisco Chronicle]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Denver Police Fire Tear Gas at Rioters [Alton Telegraph]
SEVERE 30 May 2020 Brass-Knuckle-Wielding Man Punches NYPD Sergeant at George Floyd Riot [Report Door]
HIGH 29 May 2020 NYPD Precinct Attacked as Rioters Storm CNN in Atlanta [ZeroHedge]
MOD 29 May 2020 Violent riots spread in wake of George Floyd death [AP]
HIGH 28 May 2020 Looter Shot Dead by Pawn Shop Owner in George Floyd Minneapolis Riots [National File]
HIGH 28 May 2020 Fires from Rioting in Minneapolis Show up on Air Quality Maps [Infowars]
HIGH 28 May 2020 Los Angeles Rally Turns Riot [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 28 May 2020 Street Riots in Minneapolis for a Second Night [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 27 May 2020 Minneapolis Police Brutality Protest Escalates to Chaos [KMBZ]
LOW 20 Apr 2020 Coronavirus Devastates Detroit Police [DNYUZ]
LOW 05 Apr 2020 New York elites hiring armed guards outside luxury apartments in Manhattan and the Hamptons [Meawww]
LOW 05 Apr 2020 1 in 6 NYPD Officers Out Sick [NYT]
LOW 05 Apr 2020 Looting Wave Strikes NYC amid Coronavirus Lockdown [ZeroHedge]
LOW 03 Apr 2020 Store owners boarding up buildings across Manhattan [WNYW]
LOW 02 Apr 2020 Looters Caught in New York, California, and South Carolina [UK Sun]
LOW 31 Mar 2020 Retailers Prep for Civil Unrest; Board-Up Stores [Infowars]
LOW 29 Mar 2020 NYPD Detective Dies of Coronavirus, 700 Officers Test Positive [KMBZ]
LOW 28 Mar 2020 Coronavirus hits police forces, possibility of civil unrest growing [AP]
LOW 15 Mar 2020 Fights Break out at Stores across USA as Coronavirus Panic Buying Intensifies [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 18 Aug 2019 Portland Protests: 13 Arrested as Police Declare Civil Disturbance [Oregonlive]
LOW 15 Aug 2019 Several Injured as Officers Pepper-Spray Protesters Outside Ice Facility in Rhode Island [ABC]
MOD 09 Jul 2019 Dozens of Teens Loot Pharmacy in Philadelphia [CBS]
LOW 01 Jul 2019 Several Police Cars Damaged after Hundreds of Teens Gather in North Philadelphia [CBS]
MOD 13 Jun 2019 Rioters injure 25 officers in Memphis after Marshals kill fugitive [AP]
HIGH 08 Oct 2018 Portland Allows Antifa to Direct Traffic, Pound on Cars, Harass Elderly Motorists [Gateway Pundit]
LOW 04 Oct 2018 300 SCOTUS Nominee Protesters Arrested at Senate Building [Leavenworth Times]
LOW 16 Sep 2018 Police Arrest 5 in NC as Looters Begin to Capitalize on Florence Chaos [Google]
LOW 04 Aug 2018 Civil Disturbance declared after Portland Riot Cops use Flash Grenades on Antifa [ZeroHedge]
LOW 04 Aug 2018 Portland preps for Patriot Prayer vs. Antifa, Part 2 [AP]
HIGH 04 Jul 2018 Michael Snyder: Prep for a 'Summer of Rage' [TEC]
HIGH 04 Jul 2018 Nearly 30 Open Borders Protesters arrested in Philadelphia [CBS]
HIGH 01 Jul 2018 Portland police revoke permit, declare riot as protesters clash downtown [Oregonlive]
LOW 20 Jun 2018 LAPD fires rubber bullets, tear gas to disperse crowd at slain rapper memorial [Page Six]
LOW 12 Mar 2018 LAPD 'prepared for anything' when POTUS visits Southern California [Fresno Bee]
LOW 24 Nov 2017 Caught on tape: Chaos, multiple fights break out among ''Black Friday Zombies' [ZeroHedge]
MOD 17 Sep 2017 Officers injured and Mayor's home damaged during St. Louis Riots [Time]
MOD 11 Sep 2017 30+ looters arrested in Florida [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 28 Aug 2017 Police battling looters in Houston [KTRK]
MOD 23 Aug 2017 Cops lob tear gas and pepper balls at protesters in Phoenix [Daily Sheeple]
MOD 19 Aug 2017 27 arrested in Boston - rocks at cops [Yahoo]
MOD 17 Jun 2017 18 arrested as thousands protest verdict in police shooting case [WDSU]
LOW 14 Jun 2017 Baltimore cops put on 12-hour shifts as violence spirals [CBS]
LOW 10 Jun 2017 Riot police gather after black man shot in Oklahoma [U.S. News & World Report]
LOW 03 May 2017 Portland aftermath: 25 arrests [NPR]
LOW 01 May 2017 Portland May Day Riot [Seattle Times]
LOW 26 Apr 2017 UC-Berkeley preps police, concerned Ann Coulter plans to speak in public plaza on campus [Washington Post]
LOW 26 Apr 2017 Poll: Los Angeles residents believe new riots likely [LA Times]
MOD 20 Apr 2017 Video shows Antifa rioters beating a POTUS supporter with a bike lock [MRCTV]
MOD 16 Apr 2017 Berkeley protests end with 23 arrests [Mercury News]
MOD 16 Apr 2017 Video: Berkeley Cops sit in patrol car and watch as POTUS supporters attacked [American Mirror]
LOW 15 Apr 2017 Berkeley violent protest: Dozen arrested [Washington Examiner]
LOW 09 Apr 2017 Campus mob shuts down pro-cop speech [The Blaze]
LOW 27 Mar 2017 Riot charges follow fights and several arrested at indoor amusement park in Cleveland [Cleveland19]
LOW 13 Mar 2017 New video of surrounding Ferguson police shooting sparks protests [KTLA]
LOW 08 Mar 2017 13 protesters arrested outside Trump Hotel in NYC [WABC]
LOW 08 Mar 2017 Dem VPOTUS candiate's son arrested for rioting in Minnesota [Daily Caller]
MOD 23 Feb 2017 Anti-police riots explode after off-duty LAPD officer clashes with teens [Infowars]
LOW 23 Feb 2017 24 protesters arrested after clashing with Police in Anaheim [CBS]
LOW 18 Feb 2017 POTUS 44-linked activists have a ‘training manual’ for protesting POTUS 45 [NY Post]
MOD 10 Feb 2017 Jerry Newcombe: Are Street Riots the New Normal? [Newsmax]
MOD 10 Feb 2017 Grand jury indicts 146 more on felony rioting charges from Inauguration Day [WJLA]
MOD 10 Feb 2017 Campus Police defend lack of intervention at UC Berkeley Riot [New American]
MOD 10 Feb 2017 Protest erupts in LA following reports of raids for illegal aliens [KTLA]
MOD 09 Feb 2017 Video: Stand-off... [Gateway Pundit]
LOW 09 Feb 2017 ICE deportations result in 7 protester arrests in Phoenix [Azfamily]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 Anti-Milo organizer: Window-smashing Cal protest ‘stunningly successful’ [San Francisco Chronicle]
MOD 03 Feb 2017 10 rioters arraigned for Inauguration mayhem [WJLA]
MOD 03 Feb 2017 Rioters inflicted over $100,000 in damage to UC Berkeley [Patch]
MOD 03 Feb 2017 Caught on tape: Chaos as 11 arrested... [ZeroHedge]
MOD 03 Feb 2017 Protesters storm NYU over conservative speaker’s seminar [NY Post]
MOD 02 Feb 2017 Violent protesters block Berkeley talk by Breitbart editor [SFGate]
MOD 30 Jan 2017 Michael Snyder: The United States is on the precipice of widespread civil unrest [TEC]
MOD 30 Jan 2017 Previous President encourages protests against current President's policies [ZeroHedge]
MOD 30 Jan 2017 Video: Rioter knocks out POTUS supporter at Portland airport [Infowars]
LOW 23 Jan 2017 Mexican protesters seize control of US border crossing in Tijuana [ZeroHedge]
MOD 21 Jan 2017 Up to 230 inauguration protester will be charged with felony rioting [WRC-TV]
MOD 21 Jan 2017 DC Police Chief: Rioters were 'armed with crowbars and hammers' [Washington Examiner]
MOD 21 Jan 2017 Thousands hit LA streets [KTLA]
MOD 21 Jan 2017 Historic buildings, cop cars defaced in New Orleans [Wbrc]
MOD 21 Jan 2017 Man shot at University of Washington protest [KING]
MOD 21 Jan 2017 Portland Police Crack Down Hard [Wweek]
MOD 21 Jan 2017 Mob shuts down Miami interstate [Local10]
MOD 20 Jan 2017 Hundreds march in Manhattan [WABC]
LOW 20 Jan 2017 Inauguration Riots end with 217 arrests [Townhall]
LOW 19 Jan 2017 Dahboo7 live... [DJT Twitter]
LOW 19 Jan 2017 Live feed at Deploraball [YouTube]
LOW 19 Jan 2017 Pepper spray fired at anti-Trump rally in DC [Tmz]
LOW 18 Jan 2017 Journalists warned to prepare for Ferguson-style riots during inauguration [Infowars]