Posted by on June 15, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
HIGH 08 Feb 2024 5.5 Tons of Radioactive Water Leaks out of Damaged Fukushima Nuke Plant [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 04 Jul 2023 Discharge of Fukushima Radioactive Water into Pacific Gets Green Light [WSJ]
LOW 12 Mar 2023 Unprecedented Rise in Ocean Plastic Pollution Since 2005 [Al-Monitor]
LOW 03 Oct 2021 Oil Slick off Los Angeles Coast Covers 13 Square Miles [LA Times]
MOD 13 Jul 2021 Red Tide Still Killing Marine Life off Florida [The Big Wobble]
MOD 13 Jul 2021 Sewage from Chinese fishing vessels is killing South China Sea coral reefs [South China Morning Post]
LOW 13 Apr 2021 China warns of action over Japan’s decision to dump radioactive Fukushima water into the sea [South China Morning Post]
LOW 12 Apr 2021 Japan to Dump Radioactive Fukushima Water into the Ocean [Natural News]
LOW 20 Feb 2021 Water leaks at Fukushima nuclear plant after recent 7.3-mag quake [AP]
LOW 16 Oct 2020 Japan May Release Fukushima Contaminated Water into Sea [Reuters]
LOW 12 Aug 2020 Oil Spill Disaster off Mauritius [NPR]
LOW 06 Dec 2019 Highly Toxic Foam Covers People on Beach in Chennai, India [YouTube]
MOD 17 Oct 2019 Thousands of Bags of Radioactive Fukushima Waste Swept Away by Typhoon [UK Daily Star]
LOW 05 Oct 2019 Fukushima: Million of Tonnes of Radioactive Water [Yahoo]
LOW 06 Sep 2019 Japan Set to Dump Radioactive Fukushima Water into Ocean as Storage Runs Out [UK Daily Star]
LOW 29 Aug 2019 At Least 60,000 Gallons of Sewage Spills Harbor in Huntington Beach, California [News Breaking Live]
MOD 10 Jun 2019 NOAA Predicts Very Large 2019 Dead Zone for the Gulf of Mexico [The Watchers]
HIGH 28 May 2019 High Radiation Levels Found in Giant Clams of Marshall Islands near US Nuclear Dump [LA Times]
HIGH 28 Mar 2019 Fukushima Contaminants Found as Far North as Bering Strait [Yahoo]
MOD 20 Mar 2019 Alzheimer-like Brain Disease Found in Florida Dolphins Poisoned by Algae Toxins [Miami Herald]
LOW 17 Oct 2018 Japan Planning to Flush Radioactive Fukushima Water into Pacific Ocean [UK Telegraph]
MOD 28 Sep 2018 Half of Killer Whales Doomed to Die from Pollution [UK Guardian]
MOD 25 Sep 2018 Satellites Show Polluted Carolina Rivers Flowing into Ocean [WJLA]
LOW 18 Aug 2018 Scientists warn millions of Pacific Ocean Sea Creatures 'in real peril' as temperatures rise to dangerous new records [Infowars]
LOW 04 Aug 2018 Massive Flotillas of Putrid Seaweed Wash up in Caribbean and South Florida [PJ Media]
LOW 23 Jul 2018 Waves of garbage washing up on Dominican Republic shores [NYT]
LOW 08 Jun 2018 Gulf of Mexico hypoxic 'dead zone' forecasted to exceed 6,660 square miles [The Watchers]
MOD 21 May 2018 Storage capacity for radioactive water at Fukushima power plant nears limit [The Japan News]
LOW 09 May 2018 World's deepest plastic bag found at bottom of Mariana Trench [UK Telegraph]
LOW 29 Apr 2018 Hawaiian beachgoers report rashes as coastal waters possibly contaminated are mass flooding [U.S. News & World Report]
MOD 23 Mar 2018 Pacific garbage patch, world's largest collection of ocean trash, grows [USA Today]
LOW 09 Mar 2018 High levels of fecal bacteria found at Texas beaches [CBS]
LOW 21 Feb 2018 Palestinians pump sewage straight into sea [Yahoo]
LOW 01 Feb 2018 Pacific island nuke dome leak: Radioactive waste at risk of pouring into ocean [UK Daily Star]
HIGH 28 Jan 2018 Asia is about to be hit by the 'worst oil tanker spill in decades' [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 27 Nov 2017 Japan could pump 1,000,000 tons of radioactive water into the sea from Fukushima [Metro]
LOW 01 Nov 2017 California shoreline hit by Mexican sewage without warning [San Diego Tribune]
SEVERE 03 Aug 2017 Second garbage patch the size of Texas discovered in Pacific Ocean [SFGate]
SEVERE 17 Jul 2017 Fukushima plant owner decides to dump 777,000 tons of nuclear waste into ocean [Daily Sheeple]
SEVERE 16 Jul 2017 Fukushima plant set to release radioactive material into ocean [UK Telegraph]
MOD 06 May 2017 Ocean oxygen levels declining since 1980s [The Watchers]
LOW 04 May 2017 Dolphins' immune systems are failing due to polluted oceans [UK Independent]
MOD 04 Apr 2017 Claim: Massive cover-up of collapse of ocean food chains [Natural News]
LOW 07 Mar 2017 Mexicans release 143 million gallons of raw sewage into California beaches over 18 days [WND]
MOD 01 Mar 2017 'Tsunami of sewage spills' in Tijuana fouls San Diego beaches, may have been intentional [LA Times]
LOW 11 Feb 2017 Millions of gallons of raw sewage dumped into Puget Sound [Strange Sounds]