Posted by on June 25, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 16 Jun 2024 Rare, Drug-Resistant Flu Variant Found in the US [KKCO]
LOW 04 Sep 2023 Super Gonorrhoea Cases Are Rising and Could Be Fatal, WHO Warns [UK Daily Star]
MOD 18 Apr 2023 One Dead in Michigan Paper Mill Fungal Outbreak [SHTFplan]
HIGH 29 Jan 2023 Rapid Emergence of Extensively Drug-Resistant Shigella Sonnei in France [Nature]
HIGH 25 Apr 2022 Treating Covid-19 with Antibiotics Leading to the Creation of More Superbugs [Study Finds]
MOD 02 Jan 2021 Deadly fungal infections that can shrug off the best treatments are on the rise [NewScientist]
MOD 22 Dec 2020 Mutant Drug-Resistant 'Super Gonorrhoea' Strain Emerges [UK Daily Star]
LOW 30 Aug 2020 Mass Use of Hand Gels Could Create Unstoppable Superbugs [UK Express]
MOD 21 Jan 2020 Killer Superbug Attacking the Body with Pneumonia [UK Mirror]
MOD 23 Nov 2019 Pakistan Grapples With Drug-Resistant Typhoid Outbreak [NYT]
HIGH 14 Nov 2019 Superbugs on the Rise up from Previous CDC Report in 2013 [IBT]
SEVERE 22 Oct 2019 Drug-Resistant Superbugs: 4th Leading Cause of Death in US [NRDC]
SEVERE 22 Oct 2019 Cancer-Causing Bug Has Become Twice as Hard to Treat in the Last 20 Years [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 10 Oct 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Nearly Triples in Livestock since 2000 [Science Daily]
LOW 31 Jul 2019 Drug-Resistant Superbug Spreading in European Hospitals [BBC]
MOD 04 Jun 2019 Sexually Transmitted Superbug Warning as Infections Soar 26% in a Year [UK Independent]
LOW 27 May 2019 World's Rivers 'Awash with Dangerous Levels of Antibiotics' [UK Guardian]
LOW 12 Jan 2019 CDC: Nasty Superbug Genetic Mutation in Mexican Hospital [San Diego Tribune]
LOW 07 Jan 2019 Super-Gonorrhoea Epidemic? [UK Daily Star]
MOD 22 Nov 2018 Drug-resistant Superbug Found in British Hospital Wards [UK Sun]
HIGH 12 Nov 2018 WHO Maps Dangerous Misuse of Antibiotics [France24]
LOW 18 Oct 2018 Drug-Resistant Salmonella Outbreak Reported in 29 States [SHTFplan]
LOW 10 Sep 2018 Superbugs Jumping Frequently between Humans and Animals []
MOD 28 Aug 2018 CDC warns gonorrhea showing signs of becoming resistant to antibiotics [U.S. News & World Report]
LOW 10 Aug 2018 A Scourge of Superbugs Is Killing Malawi's Babies [CNN]
LOW 08 Aug 2018 Super Gonorrhoea Outbreak Fears as 7 Strains Emerge in Australia [UK Daily Star]
MOD 25 Jul 2018 People Breathing Antibiotic Resistant Genes in Major Cities around the World [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 22 May 2018 Superbugs could render even the most routine procedures deadly [UK Telegraph]
LOW 05 May 2018 Hong Kong hospitals battle rising number of superbug cases [South China Morning Post]
MOD 17 Apr 2018 Antibiotic-resistant bacteria discovered in NYC rats [Science Daily]
HIGH 03 Apr 2018 CDC: Drug-resistant 'nightmare bacteria' pose growing threat [Brownsville Herald]
HIGH 30 Mar 2018 Multiple STD infections becoming drug resistant [UK Telegraph]
LOW 28 Mar 2018 Man has 'world's worst' super-gonorrhea [BBC]
HIGH 27 Mar 2018 The world keeps using more antibiotics and it's making us sick []
HIGH 06 Mar 2018 Common ‘superbug’ found to disguise resistance to potent antibiotic [WSJ]
LOW 20 Feb 2018 Promiscuity driving antibiotic resistance [STAT]
MOD 19 Jan 2018 Symptomless STD becoming drug-resistant [UK Daily Mail]
SEVERE 06 Dec 2017 UN warns of drug-resistant germ risk brewing in nature [Yahoo]
SEVERE 02 Dec 2017 Life expectancy dropping because of antibiotic resistance [UK Telegraph]
MOD 13 Oct 2017 Antibiotic resistance: Huge fears for ‘end of modern medicine’ [UK Express]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 High levels of resistant E Coli found in Indian poultry [CIDRAP]
MOD 07 Jul 2017 WHO warns of imminent spread of untreatable superbug... [Reuters]
LOW 10 Jun 2017 Antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea raises concern in Hawaii [Contagionlive]
MOD 26 May 2017 Researchers find antibiotic-resistant genes in four Californian city parks [Medicalxpress]
MOD 23 May 2017 Superbug fungus slowly spreading across the US [Strange Sounds]
MOD 21 May 2017 Antibiotics don't work in nearly 1 in 4 pneumonia cases [Outbreaknewstoday]
LOW 13 May 2017 Drug-resistant tuberculosis cases on the rise in India [Times of India]
MOD 06 May 2017 Why Bacteria Are More Threatening Than Ever [Time]
HIGH 25 Apr 2017 New super-fungus threatens NY, NJ hospitals [Hosted]
HIGH 23 Apr 2017 British doctors warn of 'almost untreatable' superbug [UK Guardian]
HIGH 10 Mar 2017 Deadly fungal infection that doctors have been fearing now reported in US [Washington Post]
MOD 03 Mar 2017 Number of children infected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria surging [Newsweek]
LOW 28 Feb 2017 Two-thirds of Americans know little or nothing about superbugs [UPI]
LOW 27 Feb 2017 Superbugs which pose greatest threat to humanity identified [UK Telegraph]
HIGH 24 Feb 2017 Soaring antibiotic resistance fuels steep rise in use of 'last hope' drugs [UK Telegraph]
LOW 11 Feb 2017 California reports first patient to die from superbug infection [Contagionlive]
HIGH 21 Jan 2017 Dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria known as CRE are spreading [Yahoo]
HIGH 17 Jan 2017 Drug-resistant 'nightmare bacteria' shows worrisome ability to diversify and spread [Medicalxpress]