Posted by on June 19, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SEVERE 08 May 2024 Astrazeneca Pulls Covid Vaccine from European Market [AP]
SEVERE 22 Apr 2024 Multiple Covid Shots Linked to Higher Mortality Rates in 18- to 39-Year-Olds [Childrens Health Defense]
SEVERE 18 Jan 2024 Fully Vaxxed for Covid Manifesting New Disease Called Vexas Syndrome [Natural News]
SEVERE 18 Jan 2024 Covid Jabs Are Deadly: Here's a Summary of the Evidence so Far [DC Clothesline]
SEVERE 18 Jan 2024 Multiple Covid Injections Could Weaken Immunity and Lead to Cancer and Brain Disorders, Thai Corporate Media Reports [Expose News]
SEVERE 14 Jan 2024 Covid-19 Shots Linked to Autism in Vaxxed Rats [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 07 Jan 2024 Research Shows Long Covid a Direct Consequence of Vaxx [DC Clothesline]
SEVERE 06 Jan 2024 Scientists Detect Spike Protein from Covid Vaxx in Long Covid Patients [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 05 Jan 2024 Florida Surgeon General Warns against Using mRNA Covid Vaccines over Possible Cancer Risk [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 03 Jan 2024 Senator's Review Shows Covid-19 Vaxxs Are Significantly More Deadly than Flu Shots [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 20 Nov 2023 Texas AG Sues Pfizer for Defrauding Public on Covid Vaxx [Becker News]
SHTF 20 Nov 2023 Study Reveals Most Common Chronic Symptoms after Covid-19 Vaxx [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 07 Nov 2023 Insurance Industry Execs Alarmed by Surge in Deaths among Young People [LifeSiteNews]
SHTF 07 Nov 2023 Covid Vaccinated Suffering Psychosis, Panic Attacks and Hallucinations [DC Clothesline]
SHTF 05 Nov 2023 FDA Responds after Being Urged to Recall Pfizer's Vaccine over DNA Fragments [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 25 Oct 2023 3 Percent of Americans Have Gotten the New Covid Shot [Politico]
SEVERE 24 Oct 2023 Covid Vaxx Linked to Untreatable Eyeball Clots [The National Pulse]
SHTF 25 Sep 2023 Timeline: Covid-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis [GreatGameIndia]
SHTF 22 Sep 2023 Comprehensive Timeline of Covid-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 18 Sep 2023 90% of UK Covid Deaths over the Last Year Have Been among the Fully/triple Vaxxed [Expose News]
SHTF 18 Sep 2023 Journal Rejects Request to Retract Study Suggesting Negative Covid Vaxx Effectiveness [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 18 Sep 2023 Just 24% of Americans Seeking Covid Boosters [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 16 Sep 2023 Statistically Significant Increase in Myopericarditis and Single Organ Cutaneous Vasculitis Found after Covid-19 Vaxx [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 04 Sep 2023 mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children [Court Watch]
SEVERE 24 Aug 2023 CDC Says New Covid-19 Variant Could Cause Infections in Vaccinated People [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 01 Aug 2023 Confirmed in yet another study, the more early childhood vaccines, the higher the infant death rate [Steve Kirsch\'s Newsletter]
SHTF 01 Aug 2023 Risk of Stroke Skyrockets in Vaccinated on Covid Infection [Infowars]
SHTF 29 Jul 2023 mRNA Vaccine Shedding Confirmed [Expose News]
SHTF 29 Jul 2023 Increase in Miscarriages, Stillbirths Directly Linked to Covid Shots [Childrens Health Defense]
SHTF 29 Jul 2023 Subclinical Heart Damage More Prevalent than Thought after Moderna Vax [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 29 Jul 2023 Covid Vaccines Show 24 Times More Adverse Reactions than Others [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 24 Jul 2023 Senate Majority Whip Tests Positive for Covid-19 for Third Time in Past Year [Yahoo]
SHTF 24 Jul 2023 US Military Confirms Myocarditis Spike after Covid Vaccine Introduction [GreatGameIndia]
SHTF 09 Jul 2023 Lancet Study on Covid Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine - Study Is Removed within 24 Hours [Daily Sceptic]
SEVERE 10 Jun 2023 Covid Vaccination Increases Risk of Autoimmune Heart Disease by 13,200% [Expose News]
SEVERE 05 Jun 2023 Repeated Covid-19 Vaccination Weakens Immune System [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Apr 2023 Big Pharma Says New mRNA 'Vaccines' for Cancer and Heart Disease Will Be Ready by End of the Decade [Natural News]
SEVERE 04 Apr 2023 Court-order Pfizer Documents Confirms Toxic Graphene Oxide Is in the mRNA Vaccines [Expose News]
SEVERE 04 Apr 2023 Number of Pro Soccer Players Dying Suddenly in the Year following Covid Vaccine Roll-Out Was 300% Higher than Previous 12-Year Average [Expose News]
SEVERE 30 Mar 2023 WHO Now Says Covid Vaccines Not Recommended for Healthy Kids & Teens [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 28 Mar 2023 Almost 27 million million people injured, 1.4 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines in 2022 [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 05 Mar 2023 Peer-reviewed scientific literature shows mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous [ Steve Kirsch substack]
SEVERE 05 Mar 2023 50% increase in excess deaths among children and young adults since rollout of Covid-19 Vaccines [Expose News]
SEVERE 19 Feb 2023 Natural Immunity Found to Be as Good as or Better than Covid-19 Vaccination [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 19 Feb 2023 Florida Surgeon General Warns Life-Threatening VAERS Reports up 4,400% since Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 02 Feb 2023 Covid Drug Linked to New Virus Mutations [MSN]
SEVERE 29 Jan 2023 FDA Quietly Delays End Date for Pfizer Covid Vax Heart Inflammation Study [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 26 Jan 2023 Project Veritas Video Shows Pfizer Employee Touting Directed Evolution of Covid [The Blaze]
SEVERE 15 Jan 2023 Multiple Young Athletes and Former Athletes Died Suddenly This Past Month [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 04 Jan 2023 Report: At Least 769 Recently Vaxxed Athletes Collapsed Last Year during Competition [Big League Politics]
SEVERE 03 Jan 2023 Vaccines May Be Fueling New Covid Variants [WSJ]
SEVERE 28 Dec 2022 Study Shows mRNA Covid Vaccine Damages Heart Muscle Cells [Natural News]
SEVERE 20 Dec 2022 Poll Finds 34% of Americans Were Injured by Covid Jabs, and 7% of the Injuries Were Major, Life Threatening [Natural News]
SEVERE 12 Dec 2022 Poll: 12 Million Americans Have Suffered Major Side Effect from Covid Shots [WND]
SEVERE 12 Dec 2022 Data Shows Vaccinated 'Have a 26% Higher Mortality Rate' [Natural News]
SHTF 23 Nov 2022 Vaccinated People Now Make up a Majority of Covid Deaths [Washington Post]
SEVERE 10 Nov 2022 British Govt Figures on Covid Vaccine Deaths: 1 in 310 Died within 1.5 Months of Receiving Booster [Expose News]
LOW 03 Nov 2022 Claim: 80% of Americans Took Covid Vax [Yahoo]
SEVERE 25 Oct 2022 One in 500 Children Who Gets Jabbed for Covid Ends up Hospitalized [Natural News]
SEVERE 14 Oct 2022 Study Finds 84% Increase in Incidence of Cardiac-Related Death among Men under 40 following mRNA Vaxx [Natural News]
SEVERE 28 Sep 2022 Covid Vaccines Detected in 45% of Breast Milk [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 28 Sep 2022 Swedish Study: Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Alters Dna within 6 Hours [Natural News]
HIGH 25 Sep 2022 FDA Vaccine Adviser Says Healthy Young People Shouldn't Get Another Covid Booster [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 23 Sep 2022 Less than 2% of Adults Have Gotten Updated Covid Booster Shots [NBC]
MOD 20 Sep 2022 Teen Deaths increased by 53% in 2021 following COVID Vaccination [Expose News]
MOD 20 Sep 2022 Court Orders CDC to Release Secret COVID Vaccine Adverse Events Data [Expose News]
SEVERE 13 Sep 2022 Study Confirms Vaccine-Linked Myocarditis Deaths for First Time [Epoch Times]
SEVERE 17 Jul 2022 Canadian Data Shows Covid 'Vaccines' Increase Risk of Death from Covid [Natural News]
HIGH 20 Jun 2022 1.3 Million Reports of Injuries after Covid Vaccines, as CDC Recommneds Shots for Children under 5 [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 04 Jun 2022 UK Government Report Confirms Covid Vaccination Significantly Increases Risk of Death [SHTFplan]
HIGH 31 May 2022 Electron Microscope Images Appear to Show Carbon Nanotech, Aluminum, Thulium in Covid-19 Vaccines [Natural News]
SEVERE 25 May 2022 Nearly 1.3 Million Adverse Events Linked to Covid-19 Vaccines [Natural News]
SEVERE 15 May 2022 Pfizer's Covid Vaccine Protection against Omicron Fades Just Weeks after Second and Third Doses [Forbes]
SEVERE 10 May 2022 All-Cause Death Rate 52 Times Higher among Vaccinated Children than Unvaccinated Children [Natural News]
LOW 10 May 2022 Lipid Nanoparticles in Covid Jabs 'Stick' to Bodily Organs, Reveals Pfizer Study [Natural News]
SEVERE 02 May 2022 Study Shows Covid-19 Natural Immunity Lasts Longer than Vax Protection [The National Pulse]
SEVERE 02 May 2022 Study Finds Covid-19 Vax Increases Risk of Suffering a Stroke by 11,300% [The Exposé]
HIGH 07 Apr 2022 Second Covid Booster Shot Extends Protection for Just a Few Weeks [Yahoo]
SEVERE 13 Mar 2022 Children in China Diagnosed with Leukemia after Taking Chinese Vaccines [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 05 Mar 2022 8,817 Covid Vaccine Injuries Reported to CDC among Children 5 to 11 [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 27 Feb 2022 German Health Insurance Company Discovers 'Vaccine Side Effects' Are 10x Higher than Officially Reported [The Exposé]
SEVERE 10 Feb 2022 Cancer Patients Who Recovered but Then Got 'Vaccinated' for Covid Now Seeing Cancer Return with a Vengeance [DC Clothesline]
SEVERE 10 Feb 2022 Claim: Mysterious Clotting Found in 65% of Deceased Vaccinated Individuals [Natural News]
SEVERE 10 Feb 2022 Israeli Hospital: 70% to 80% of Serious Covid Cases Are Fully Vaccinated [RAIR Foundation USA]
SEVERE 10 Feb 2022 US Government Data Reveals Covid-19 Vaccines nearly 50 Times Deadlier than Flu Vaccines [The Exposé]
LOW 10 Feb 2022 US Military Medical Database: Covid-19 Vaccines Correlate with 1048% Increase in Nervous System Diseases among service members [The Exposé]
HIGH 27 Jan 2022 Nearly 40% of Illinois Covid Deaths in Last Month Are Vax Breakthroughs [Wirepoints]
HIGH 27 Jan 2022 Swedish Govt not recommending Covid Vaccines for Children Aged 5-12 [Reuters]
HIGH 14 Jan 2022 Triple/Double Vaccinated Account for 80% of Covid-19 Cases since November [The Exposé]
HIGH 14 Jan 2022 150-300 thousand American deaths estimated to have been caused by Covid vaxxes [National File]
HIGH 14 Jan 2022 ‘Very rare’ spinal cord inflammation possibly related to Covid vaccines [RT]
HIGH 14 Jan 2022 Senator Asks FDA, CDC for Information Related to Adverse Covid-19 Vaccine Reactions []
HIGH 14 Jan 2022 Covid Shots Could Cause 'Crippling' Neurodegenerative Disease in Young People [Childrens Health Defense]
SEVERE 14 Jan 2022 Myocarditis Tops List of Covid Vaccine Injuries among 12- to 17-Year-Olds [Childrens Health Defense]
SEVERE 11 Jan 2022 mRNA Vaccine Inventor Warns of 'Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever' Super Virus in China Caused by Mutations from Mass Vaccinations [National File]
SEVERE 11 Jan 2022 Study: Deadly Reactions to Covid Vaccines 21 Times Higher than All Other Vaccines Combined [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 11 Jan 2022 Pfizer CEO Says 2 Shots Offer 'Very Limited Protection, If Any' against Covid [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 02 Jan 2022 New data from Germany shows over 95% of Omicron Cases are in the Vaxxed [The National Pulse]
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 Covid Outbreak Hits World's Largest Cruise Ship Full of Vaccinated Passengers [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 16,000 Physicians Sign Declaration Stating Covid Vaccines Are Irreversible and Permanently Damaging to Children [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 Three Vaccine Doses Not Enough to Withstand Omicron, CEO of German Biotechnology Company Warns []
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 Highly Vaccinated South Korea Sees Surge in Breakthrough Cases [The Exposé]
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 CDC Monitoring 8 Cases of Heart Inflammation in 5- to 11-Year-Olds Who Got Pfizer Vaccine [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 21 Dec 2021 Omicron Variant Overwhelms Most Vaccinated States [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 18 Dec 2021 Moderna vaccine proven to cause inflammation of the heart [ABS-CBN]
HIGH 18 Dec 2021 CDC warns against J&J shot over blood clot risk [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 17 Dec 2021 Columbia University Finds Omicron Vaccine Resistance [NY Post]
HIGH 11 Dec 2021 Nearly 8 in 10 Omicron Patients Are Fully Vaxxed [Headline USA]
HIGH 05 Dec 2021 SKorea Sees Record High Covid Cases, Deaths despite Country's High Vaccination Rate [National File]
HIGH 05 Dec 2021 Over 42,000 Adverse Reaction Reports Revealed in First Batch of Pfizer Vax Docs [ZeroHedge]
LOW 05 Dec 2021 Covid Outbreak on US Cruise Ship despite Fully Vaxxed Passengers [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Dec 2021 Omicron variant appears able to get around some immunity [Reuters]
LOW 01 Dec 2021 First omicron patient in US is fully vaccinated [CNBC]
SEVERE 23 Nov 2021 Covid Vaccines Waning against Infections [Bloomberg]
SEVERE 23 Nov 2021 Vaccinated English Adults under 60 Are Dying at Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated People the Same Age [Blacklisted News]
SEVERE 23 Nov 2021 Subpoenaed FDA Files Show Pfizer Documented 158,893 Adverse Events in First Few Months of Vax Distribution [Humans Are Free]
SEVERE 22 Nov 2021 Four Times More Vaxxed People Are Dying than Unvaxxed… [Natural News]
SEVERE 17 Nov 2021 72% of Vermonters Vaccinated But Covid Is Surging [ABC]
SEVERE 16 Nov 2021 Covid-19 Kills 8, Infects Dozens at Connecticut Nursing Home with 98% Vaccination Rate [WVIT]
SEVERE 16 Nov 2021 Israeli study shows two shots of Pfizer vaccine 'don't last' [Jerusalem Post]
SEVERE 11 Nov 2021 Taiwan Halts 2nd-Dose Pfizer Vaccinations for Children [Taiwan News]
SEVERE 11 Nov 2021 Moderna Defends Covid Shot as Questions on Heart Risks Mount [MSN]
HIGH 09 Nov 2021 French Govt Says People under 30 Should Not Get Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 09 Nov 2021 Whistleblower Claims Pfizer's Covid Vaccine Safety Trial Contained False Data []
SEVERE 01 Nov 2021 Americans Who Received the One-Dose J&J Covid Vaccine Are 3.5 Times Likely to Develop Blood Clots [UK Daily Mail]
SEVERE 01 Nov 2021 28K Deaths, 2.6M Injuries following Covid Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions [Humans Are Free]
MOD 30 Oct 2021 Children Dying at 62% Higher Rate than the 5-Year-Average since Covid-19 Vaccinations Began [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 18 Oct 2021 FDA Delays Moderna Vaccine for Teens until Heart Condition Studied [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 18 Oct 2021 Covid Is Surging in Waterford, Ireland Where 99.7% of Adults Are Fully Vaccinated [Citizen Free Press]
HIGH 18 Oct 2021 Study Shows No Discernable Relationship between Vaccine Status and Covid Cases [National File]
HIGH 18 Oct 2021 Vaccine Effectiveness Is -109%: Infection Rate in Vaccinated People in Their 40s Now More than Double the Rate in Unvaccinated [Humans Are Free]
LOW 18 Oct 2021 Fully Vaccinated Former Secretary of State dies due to complications from COVID-19 and cancer [CBS]
SEVERE 13 Oct 2021 Why Are Different Nations Have Deadlier Outbreaks with the Same Vaccines? [MSN]
SEVERE 09 Oct 2021 Iceland Bans Moderna Vaccine over Heart Inflammation Risk [Epoch Times]
HIGH 08 Oct 2021 Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine protection drops off after two months [CNN]
HIGH 06 Oct 2021 Sweden Suspends Moderna Vaccine for Those 30 and Under [NY Post]
SEVERE 22 Sep 2021 Big Gap between Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Seen for Preventing Covid Hospitalizations [Yahoo]
SEVERE 22 Sep 2021 'Experts' say Breakthrough COVID-19 cases expected to become more common in coming months [Roll Call]
SEVERE 20 Sep 2021 Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS since December 2020 Rollout of Covid Vaccines [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 20 Sep 2021 Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 poised to acquire complete resistance to the existing vaccine supply [DC Clothesline]
HIGH 20 Sep 2021 Claim: Nearly All Covid Cases at Public High Schools Occurring in 'Fully Vaccinated' Students [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 20 Sep 2021 Testimony from FDA Vaccine Hearing: Covid Injections Killing More than Saving & Driving Variants [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 05 Sep 2021 Even those who have gotten their shots can still contract and spread Covid [Yahoo]
HIGH 05 Sep 2021 Rare Body Inflammation after Covid-19 Vaccinations Being Investigated in Europe [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 31 Aug 2021 CDC VAERS Data Shows Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 27 Aug 2021 Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective than Vaccines at Stopping Delta [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 26 Aug 2021 Study Finds Natural Immunity Superior to Vaccination [UnHerd]
HIGH 25 Aug 2021 Japan halts use of 1.63 million Moderna vaccine doses over contamination [Reuters]
HIGH 23 Aug 2021 155,000 Hospitalized for Vaccine Effects [WND]
HIGH 22 Aug 2021 CDC Only Tracking a Fraction of Covid-19 Infections among the Vaccinated, Even as Cases Surge [ProPublica]
HIGH 17 Aug 2021 Iceland has one of the planet’s most vaccinated populations and COVID-19 is surging there [SHTFplan]
HIGH 11 Aug 2021 Pfizer vaccine only 42% effective against COVID infection in July [Axios]
HIGH 11 Aug 2021 Over 1 Million People Have Obtained Extra Covid-19 Booster Shots without FDA Approval [Washington Examiner]
HIGH 06 Aug 2021 Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized Fully Vaccinated [Infowars]
HIGH 03 Aug 2021 Thousands of Scandinavian Women Report Menstrual Disorders after Vaccination against Covid-19 [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 03 Aug 2021 European Union Database of Adverse Reactions to Covid-19 Shots show 20,595 Dead and and 850K Seriously Injured [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 03 Aug 2021 mRNA Vaccine Inventor Says Covid-19 Vaccines May Make Virus More Dangerous [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 03 Aug 2021 Vaccinated People May Play Key Role in Aiding Evolution of More Dangerous Covid Variants [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 03 Aug 2021 Doctors Warn Humans Become Toxin Factories with Covid Injection [New American]
HIGH 03 Aug 2021 First Autopsy of Dead Person Vaccinated for Covid Found to Contain Spike Proteins in Every Bodily Organ [Natural News]
HIGH 30 Jul 2021 74% of Covid-19 Cases from Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred in Fully Vaccinated People [Epoch Times]
HIGH 28 Jul 2021 Over 25% of new COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County are fully vaccinated people [WNYW]
HIGH 27 Jul 2021 Vaccinated People Account for 75% of Coronavirus Infections in Singapore [Natural News]
HIGH 27 Jul 2021 Higher Covid Rate Found in Densely Populated California Counties with Higher Vaccination Rate [CBS]
HIGH 27 Jul 2021 CDC says vaccinated people should wear masks indoors in places with high Covid transmission rates [CNBC]
HIGH 27 Jul 2021 Vaccinated cruise passenger tests positive for COVID-19 [AP]
LOW 22 Jul 2021 Claim: Covid Vaccines Producing Symptoms of Parkinson's, Other Neurodegenerative Disorders [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 13 Jul 2021 FDA Warns Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine Can Cause Your Immune System to Attack Your Nervous System [GreatGameIndia]
LOW 13 Jul 2021 6 Fully-Vaccinated People Infected with Covid at Outdoor Wedding [News Punch]
HIGH 30 Jun 2021 Heart Inflammation Linked to Covid Vaccines in Department of Defense Study [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 30 Jun 2021 4,115 Fully Vaccinated Have Been Hospitalized or Died with Breakthrough Covid Infections [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 21 Jun 2021 4,000 women report period problems after Covid jab [The Times]
HIGH 19 Jun 2021 Death Rate from Variant Covid Virus Six Times Higher for Vaccinated than Unvaccinated [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 18 Jun 2021 Some Vaccine Experts Having Second Thoughts about Rushing to Inoculate Kids [Yahoo]
HIGH 17 Jun 2021 CDC Emergency Meeting to Discuss Reports of Myocarditis in Young People after Covid Vaccines [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 17 Jun 2021 Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in 'High Concentrations' in Ovaries [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 17 Jun 2021 Pfizer, Moderna Jabs Cause Heart Inflammation in Some Young Men [True Pundit]
HIGH 15 Jun 2021 Moderna and Pfizer Are Developing COVID Booster Shots [SHTFplan]
HIGH 15 Jun 2021 CDC data shows over 25K 'unexplainable' deaths during COVID Vaccine Push [Infowars]
SEVERE 07 Jun 2021 Vaccinated People Shocked When Magnet Sticks to Covid Injection Site [Infowars]
SEVERE 07 Jun 2021 14K Dead and 1.4M Injuries in European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for Covid-19 Shots [Health Impact News]
HIGH 04 Jun 2021 Covid Vaccine Spike Protein Travels from Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 03 Jun 2021 More than 10,000 Vaccinated People Catch Wuhan Coronavirus [Natural News]
HIGH 03 Jun 2021 Pro-Vaccine Canadian Researcher Warns Covid Vaccine Spike Proteins Are Killing People [Natural News]
LOW 03 Jun 2021 German Scientists Find How Broken Parts of Covid-19 Vaccines Mutate to Trigger Blood Clots [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 25 May 2021 First Man to Receive Covid Vaccine Dies [NewsWars]
HIGH 24 May 2021 OSHA Abruptly Reverses Course, Says Employers Will Not Be Liable for Covid Vaccine Injuries [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 24 May 2021 COVID victims found to experience significantly increased incidence and severity of vaccine side effects [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 24 May 2021 CDC Investigating Heart Inflammation in Adolescents Who Received Covid Shot [New American]
HIGH 24 May 2021 Doctors, Parents File Motion to Stop FDA Authorization of Covid Vaccines for Children [New American]
HIGH 24 May 2021 CDC Discovers More Blood Clotting Issues with Covid Vaccine [SGT Report]
HIGH 18 May 2021 Researchers Find 1,000 Different Proteins in Astrazeneca's Covid Vaccine Linked to Deadly Blood Clots [Natural News]
HIGH 18 May 2021 HBO Show Host and Eight NY Yankees Test Positive after Vaccination [GNews]
HIGH 18 May 2021 Connecticut Dept of Health Documents Admit Covid Vaccines Are Deadly [Natural News]
HIGH 17 May 2021 Large portion of Fed Govt doctors are refusing to take experimental mRNA COVID vaccine [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 17 May 2021 CDC Admits over 220 People Dead from Covid-19 after Getting Fully Vaccinated [WND]
HIGH 17 May 2021 Top 10 Most Questionable Ingredients Purposely Put in Today's Already Dirty Vaccines [NewsTarget]
HIGH 17 May 2021 25,000-member Reddit Subgroup Discussing Adverse Covid-19 Vaccine Effects [Natural News]
LOW 17 May 2021 Did Mass Vaccination Cause India's Double Mutant Covid-19 Wave? [GreatGameIndia]
LOW 11 May 2021 FDA grants Pfizer emergency use for COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 12 and up [CBS]
SEVERE 20 Apr 2021 J&J COVID vaccine blood clot link possible found [CNBC]
SEVERE 15 Apr 2021 Pfizer CEO says third Covid vaccine dose likely needed within 12 months [CNBC]
SEVERE 13 Apr 2021 J&J Vaccine Antibodies Cause Blood Clots in the Brain, Lungs and Heart… FDA Halts as Deaths Accelerate [Natural News]
HIGH 12 Apr 2021 Astrazeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Linked to Blood Clots in Brain [True Pundit]
HIGH 12 Apr 2021 Study: mRNA Vaccines May Progressively Degenerate Brain from Prion Disease [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 12 Apr 2021 US Begins Study of Allergic Reactions from mRNA Coronavirus Vaccines [NewsTarget]
LOW 30 Mar 2021 Man suffers severe rash over entire body after getting Covid-19 vaccine [WRIC]
HIGH 09 Mar 2021 Report: Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine Killed 40 Times More Old People than the Virus Itself Would Have [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 09 Mar 2021 CDC Reports 1,265 Deaths and 25,212 Injuries So Far from Experimental Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 06 Mar 2021 Is Gardasil Vaccine Linked to Record Birth Rate Declines? [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 02 Mar 2021 Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel following Pfizer Experimental Covid Vaccines [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 22 Dutch Elderly with Dementia Dead in 1 Week after Experimental mRNA Covid Injection [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 Dozens of Teachers in Northern Italy Call in Sick after Taking Experimental mRNA Injection [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 Large Numbers of French Hospital Workers Unable to Work following Covid Jab [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 Big Pharma may 'need to change' Covid vaccines to 'fight' new mutations [SHTFplan]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 Indonesian Nurse Dies after taking Chinese COVID Vaccine [GNews]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 CDC Removes Claim 'Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism' from Its Website [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 24 Feb 2021 Georgia Mother of Two Dead after Receiving Covid Vaccine [Infowars]
HIGH 20 Feb 2021 A Third of Deaths Reported to CDC after COVID Shots Occurred within 48 Hours of Vaccination [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 20 Feb 2021 Global Vaccine Rollout Will Cause New Mutated Covid-19 Variants Warns Oxford Scientist [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 20 Feb 2021 28-Year-Old Healthcare Worker Suffers Aneurysm, Brain Dead 5 Days after Second COVID Injection [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 20 Feb 2021 Former News Anchor Takes COVID-19 Vaccine, Dies One Day Later [Big League Politics]
HIGH 20 Feb 2021 mRNA Vaccines cause 600 new cases of eye disorders blinding 5 in UK [Natural News]
HIGH 16 Feb 2021 Doctor Has Miscarriage 3 Days after Being Injected with Experimental COVID mRNA Shot [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 15 Feb 2021 653 Deaths, 12,044 Other Injuries Reported to CDC following COVID Vaccine [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 12 Feb 2021 39-Year-Old Doctor Found Dead after Covid Injection in Ireland [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 12 Feb 2021 Doctor Explains How mRNA Injections Might Cause Mass Deaths 3-6 Months Later [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 12 Feb 2021 School District Cancels Classes after Too Many School Staff Have Negative Reactions to Covid mRNA Injections [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 12 Feb 2021 CDC Data: Coronavirus Vaccine Has Caused 501 Deaths and over 11,000 Adverse Reactions [Natural News]
HIGH 12 Feb 2021 Covid-19 Vaccine Causing Deadly Rare Blood Disorder Thrombocytopenia [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 12 Feb 2021 Scientists Warn of Potential COVID Vaccine-Related 'Ticking Time Bomb' [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 11 Feb 2021 Could Spike Protein in COVID Vaccines Cause Blood Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks? [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 11 Feb 2021 President to Get Tested for Coronavirus Every Two Weeks despite Receiving Vaccine [The Hill]
HIGH 10 Feb 2021 Pfizer Bails out of India after Country Demands Safety Testing for COVID Vaccine [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 10 Feb 2021 NY Man Collapses 25 Minutes after Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine and Dies [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 10 Feb 2021 American Doctor from Wisconsin Has Miscarriage 3 Days after Getting COVID-19 Vaccine [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 08 Feb 2021 Local Radio Reports 'Many Dying' in Israel following Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Injections [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 01 Feb 2021 Proof: Aborted Babies Used in Vaccine Creation [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 01 Feb 2021 Germany Claims Astrazeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Only 8% Effective in People over 65 [Humans Are Free]
HIGH 01 Feb 2021 WHO Warns against Administering Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine to Pregnant Women [NewsTarget]
HIGH 01 Feb 2021 Johnson & Johnson's Coronavirus Vaccine Is 72% Effective, Offers Weaker Protection against New Strains [True Pundit]
HIGH 01 Feb 2021 CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System: 329 Deaths + 9,516 Other Injuries following COVID Vaccine [Childrens Health Defense]
HIGH 29 Jan 2021 60-Year-Old Father Dies after Receiving Second Dose of COVID Vaccine [CBS]
HIGH 28 Jan 2021 Professor of Molecular Genetics Warns about Side-Effects of mRNA Vaccines [GreatGameIndia]
HIGH 28 Jan 2021 California x-ray tech 'excited' to get COVID-19 shot dies after receiving 2nd dose [Infowars]
HIGH 25 Jan 2021 COVID-19 Vaccines Kill 181 Americans in Past 2 Weeks [GreatGameIndia]
MOD 24 Jan 2021 Intensive Care for 17-Year-Old after Receiving 2nd Coronavirus Vaccine Dose [Jerusalem Post]
MOD 24 Jan 2021 Californian Dies Hours after Getting Covid-19 Vaccine [NY Post]
MOD 23 Jan 2021 Eagle Scout Sues Merck, Alleges Gardasil HPV Vaccine Destroyed His Life [Childrens Health Defense]
MOD 23 Jan 2021 During COVID lockdown, child vaccine rates dropped... so did the number of SIDS deaths [Childrens Health Defense]
MOD 22 Jan 2021 12,400 Israelis Test Positive for Coronavirus after Being Injected with the Experimental COVID Shot [Humans Are Free]
MOD 22 Jan 2021 Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Dies Weeks after Receiving COVID Vaccine [NewsWars]
MOD 21 Jan 2021 13,000 NY Nursing Home Residents and Nearly Half of Staff Decline COVID-19 Vaccine [True Pundit]
MOD 19 Jan 2021 Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room after Getting COVID-19 Vaccine [Humans Are Free]
MOD 19 Jan 2021 California stops injections of COVID-19 vaccine after 'higher-than-usual' number of adverse events [DC Clothesline]
MOD 13 Jan 2021 Johns Hopkins Scientist: Medical Certainty COVID-19 Vaccine Caused Death of Florida Doctor [Childrens Health Defense]
MOD 13 Jan 2021 27-Year-Old Canadian Mother Suffers Seizures, Hospitalized after Taking COVID-19 Vaccine [LifeSiteNews]
MOD 13 Jan 2021 Indiana Woman Suffers Whole Body Convulsions after Taking Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine [GreatGameIndia]
MOD 08 Jan 2021 Coronavirus Vaccines Sending Hundreds to ER, according to Fed Govt Reporting System [LifeSiteNews]
MOD 08 Jan 2021 27-Year-Old Canadian Healthcare Worker Suffers Multiple Seizures after Taking COVID-19 Vaccine [Humans Are Free]
MOD 08 Jan 2021 Portuguese Health Professional Dies Two Days after COVID-19 Vaccination [Natural News]
MOD 07 Jan 2021 Miami Beach doctor dies following COVID-19 vaccine [Miami Herald]
MOD 06 Jan 2021 21 Americans Have Life-Threatening Anaphylaxis after Receiving Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 06 Jan 2021 Portuguese Nurse Dies Suddenly after Receiving COVID Vaccine [True Pundit]
MOD 04 Jan 2021 Hundreds of Israelis get infected with COVID-19 after receiving vaccine [KXAN]
MOD 04 Jan 2021 29% of surveyed healthcare workers hesitant to receive vaccine due to side effects, lack faith Government can ensure shots are safe [Forbes]
MOD 02 Jan 2021 Large Numbers of Health Care Workers Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine [NY Post]
MOD 31 Dec 2020 60% of workers at one Ohio nursing home avoiding the COVID-19 vaccine [Cincinnati]
MOD 31 Dec 2020 ER Nurse tests positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving vaccine [KGTV]
MOD 30 Dec 2020 Swiss Nursing Home Resident Dies after Getting COVID Vaccine [NY Post]
MOD 28 Dec 2020 CDC: More than 5,000 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Have Reportedly Suffered 'Health Impact Event' [Sharyl Attilkisson]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 Growing Number of Lawmakers Decline Early Access to COVID-19 Vaccine [The Hill]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 COVID-19 vaccine injury claims to be steered to HHS's 'Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program' [AP]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 Howard University Hospital Workers Turning down COVIS-19 Vaccine [ZeroHedge]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 600,000 Americans Vaccinated for COVID-19 [Daily Caller]
LOW 03 Jun 2020 Scientist Warns against Fast-Tracking COVID-19 Vaccine Trials [Medical News Daily]
LOW 12 Mar 2020 6 of 10 Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality [Lew Rockwell]
LOW 29 Apr 2019 Measles Outbreak Raises Questions about Vax Effectiveness [Reuters]
HIGH 02 Jan 2019 CDC-Funded Study Confirms Flu Shots Linked to Spontaneous Abortions [News Target]
LOW 06 Dec 2018 Man Unable to Speak, Walk, See or Breathe Days after Getting Flu Shot [Infowars]
LOW 23 Jul 2018 Teen’s Legs Paralyzed after Receiving College-Mandated Vaccine [Infowars]
LOW 22 Jul 2018 Fresh Scandal Erupts over Vaccine Safety in China [Yahoo]
MOD 09 Feb 2018 Report: Half million Kenyan women & children infertile after vaccine administered in 2014-15 [Free Thought Project]
LOW 24 Jan 2018 Irrefutable, undeniable proof that mercury is still used in vaccines injected into children [Daily Sheeple]
HIGH 30 Nov 2017 Aluminium and Autism [Hippocratic Post]
LOW 08 Nov 2017 The Great Flu Vaccine Hoax: New Evidence [Daily Sheeple]
SEVERE 13 Sep 2017 Study prompts call to examine flu vaccine and miscarriage [ABC]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 CDC admits whooping cough vaccine doesn’t work, recommends doctors still test for disease among vaccinated patients [News Target]
LOW 04 Jul 2017 Claim: Polio vaccine causing more paralysis than wild polio [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 31 May 2017 Former CNN Anchor shares questions the media needs to ask about vaccines [Collective-evolution]
MOD 24 Apr 2017 Scientists find that babies who are given DTP vaccine are up to 10 times more likely to die [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 22 Apr 2017 Thousands sue Merck for shingles vaccine 'causing what it's supposed to prevent' [Free Thought Project]
LOW 03 Mar 2017 Report: Mercury in vaccines may be up to 50 times more toxic to the brain than mercury in fish [Natural News]
LOW 18 Feb 2017 De Niro: ‘Something is not right’ [Page Six]
HIGH 11 Feb 2017 Yale University study shows association between vaccines and brain disorders [Ecowatch]
LOW 02 Feb 2017 Missouri bill would ban mercury vaccines [Tenthamendmentcenter]
HIGH 21 Jan 2017 RFK Jr.: CDC knew vaccines were exposing children to dangerous mercury levels since 1999 [Ecowatch]