Posted by on June 18, 2023 3:59 pm
Categories: c4g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SEVERE 26 Jan 2024 To Get US Residency Still Requires the Covid Jab [ZeroHedge]
MOD 12 Apr 2023 MIT Confirms RNA Vaccines Can Be Absorbed through the Stomach and Intestines [DC Clothesline]
MOD 12 Apr 2023 China Successfully 'Vaccinates' Mice for Covid by Feeding Them mRNA-Tainted Cow's Milk [DC Clothesline]
LOW 04 Apr 2023 Claim: mRNA Vaccinations Passed through Food [Infowars]
MOD 11 Nov 2022 Supreme Court Justice Denies NYC Workers' Bid to Halt Vax Mandate [Epoch Times]
HIGH 18 Sep 2022 NYC Fires Another 850 Teachers and Teaching Aides for Refusing to Vax [UK Daily Mail]
MOD 07 Apr 2022 Hospital Refuses Father-to-Son Kidney Transplant over Covid Jab [Epoch Times]
HIGH 22 Feb 2022 Supreme Court Rejects Challenge from Religious Objectors to Maine Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate [The Blaze]
MOD 14 Feb 2022 NO JAB, NO JOB: 1,428 NYC workers terminated for wanting to be unvaxxed [Audacy]
LOW 02 Feb 2022 Army begins discharges for COVID vax-refusing Soldiers [Military Times]
LOW 27 Jan 2022 Football Fans Charged with Using Forged Covid Vaccine Cards [Yahoo]
LOW 25 Jan 2022 Unvaxxed Massachusetts Man Denied Heart Transplant [CBS]
HIGH 22 Dec 2021 Washington, DC Becomes First Major American City to Impose Vaccine Mandate on Students [National Review]
MOD 21 Dec 2021 Chicago Mayor Announces Citywide Covid-19 Vaccine Passport [Epoch Times]
MOD 21 Dec 2021 Chicago to force vaccination to patronize restaurants, bars [AP]
MOD 21 Dec 2021 Boston Bans Unvaccinated from Bars, Restaurants, Gyms, Theaters and Arenas [Blacklisted News]
LOW 17 Dec 2021 Navy and Army Each Prepare to Ax 2% of Their Active Force for Refusing to Get the Covid Vaccine [UK Daily Mail]
HIGH 06 Dec 2021 Over 200 Health Employees Fired after Not Receiving Covid Vaccine [CBS]
HIGH 06 Dec 2021 New York City Forces First-in-the-Nation Vaccine Mandate on Private Companies [CBS]
LOW 30 Nov 2021 Over 7,000 Unvaccinated Marines Oppose Mandate as Deadline Hits [Epoch Times]
LOW 19 Nov 2021 Army to Begin Forcing out Soldiers Who Refuse Covid Vaccine, including Guardsmen [Defense One]
LOW 02 Nov 2021 Air Force discharging service members who refuse coronavirus vaccination [U.S. News & World Report]
LOW 01 Nov 2021 Marines who refuse COVID-19 vaccination will be booted [Military Times]
MOD 22 Oct 2021 Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Surviving Nearly All Court Challenges [WSJ]
MOD 20 Oct 2021 NYC Scraps Testing Option and Forces Vaccine Mandates on All Govt Employees [Bloomberg]
MOD 18 Oct 2021 Parents Keep Students Home to Protest California Vaccine Mandate for All Schoolchildren [CBS]
MOD 18 Oct 2021 Fed Govt Threatening to Make Navy SEALs Resisting the Vax Mandate Repay Their Training Cost [American Thinker]
MOD 18 Oct 2021 New York City Judge Prevents Unvaccinated Father from Visiting Daughter [Big League Politics]
MOD 16 Oct 2021 Navy to Discharge Sailors Refusing Covid-19 Vaccination without Exemption [USNI]
SEVERE 08 Oct 2021 Doctor escorted from work for refusing COVID vaccine [Sacramento Bee]
SEVERE 06 Oct 2021 Hospital System Says It Will Deny Transplants to the Unvaccinated in 'Almost All Situations' [MSN]
SEVERE 06 Oct 2021 Colorado woman with stage 5 renal failure denied kidney transplant for being unvaccinated [CBS]
SEVERE 06 Oct 2021 Los Angeles Requires Proof of Vaccination for Entertainment Venues [Deadline]
SEVERE 02 Oct 2021 Supreme Court Lets New York School Employee Vaccine Mandate Stand [MSN]
SEVERE 01 Oct 2021 California First to Require Students Be Covid-19 Vaccinated [Audacy]
LOW 22 Sep 2021 Federal Workers Can Be Fired for Refusing Vaccination, but Must Show up to Work until Their Cases Are Determined [MSN]
LOW 20 Sep 2021 Flight Bookings Plummet amid Potential of Forced Vaccinations to Fly [The Hill]
LOW 20 Sep 2021 White House Debates Vaccines for Air Travel [The Hill]
LOW 20 Sep 2021 US Army Sets Deadlines for Covid-19 Vaccines, Threatens Disciplinary Action [Epoch Times]
HIGH 12 Sep 2021 One in Five Americans Say Employer Requires Vaccination [statista]
HIGH 11 Sep 2021 President orders sweeping Federal vaccine requirements for as many as 100 million Americans [AP]
LOW 31 Aug 2021 Vaccine Card or Negative Test Will Soon Be Required for Entry to Many Honolulu Businesses [Hawaii News Now]
MOD 23 Aug 2021 Biden Urges Private Companies to Impose Vaccine Mandates following FDA Approval [Infowars]
MOD 23 Aug 2021 150 Nurses, Hospital Workers Fired for Vaccine Refusal in Houston [Free Thought Project]
MOD 23 Aug 2021 New York Judges Order Defendants to Get Vaccinated [DNYUZ]
MOD 23 Aug 2021 NYC Orders 150,000 Teachers & School Staff to Either Get Vaccinated or Find a New Job; NJ Orders Jabs for State Workers [ZeroHedge]
MOD 23 Aug 2021 Pentagon to Mandate Covid Vaccine for All Service Members; One-Third Have Refused Jab [ZeroHedge]
MOD 17 Aug 2021 Pregnant Mom Not See by Doctor Because She's Unvaccinated [Infowars]
MOD 17 Aug 2021 FDA to authorize COVID booster shots once it formally approves the vaccines [AP]
MOD 16 Aug 2021 HHS Becomes Third Federal Department to Mandate Covid-19 Shots for Employees [LifeSiteNews]
MOD 14 Aug 2021 Bill Introduced in Congress to Ban Unvaccinated Americans from Flying [EOTAD]
MOD 11 Aug 2021 Los Angeles Officials Vote to Create Vaccination Requirement Indoors [Deadline]
MOD 09 Aug 2021 COVID vaccines to be required for military [AP]
MOD 03 Aug 2021 Federal Court of Appeals Forces Vaccines on Students at Indiana University []
MOD 03 Aug 2021 Federal Contractors Who Don't Get Vaccinated Can Anticipate Business Complications [Federal News Network]
MOD 03 Aug 2021 Former Surgeon General Says the 'Freedom Argument Is Bunk' [SHTFplan]
MOD 03 Aug 2021 NYC Orders Restaurants and Gyms to Demand Proof of Vaccination from All Customers [ZeroHedge]
MOD 27 Jul 2021 NYC, San Fran, California State, and VA start implementing COVID-19 vaccine mandates [NY Post]
MOD 27 Jul 2021 First Federal Covid-19 Shot Mandate Introduced by Department of Veterans Affairs [New American]
MOD 27 Jul 2021 President to Force Federal Employees to Take COVID Vaccine [CNN]
HIGH 02 Jul 2021 Latest CDC Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 400,000 following Covid Vaccines [Childrens Health Defense]
LOW 25 May 2021 Georgia Judges Offer Sentence Reductions to Offenders Who Get Covid Vaccine [News Punch]
LOW 25 May 2021 Stefan Stanford: Door-to-Door Vax Squads and Covid Camps in Our Futures [All News Pipeline]
LOW 24 May 2021 Report: Oregon to Demand Proof of Vaccination to Enter Businesses, Churches without a Mask [Summit News]
LOW 18 May 2021 President Says Unvaccinated Americans Will End up 'Paying the Price' [Headline USA]
LOW 18 May 2021 Uniformed National Guard Troops Go to Bars & 7-Eleven in Dallas to Randomly Vaccinate 'Younger Crowd' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 30 Apr 2021 President Will Not Rule out Ordering Military to Get Vaccinated []
MOD 12 Feb 2021 CBS Declares: You'll Need a Covid 'Vaccination Passport' to Travel by Summer 2021 [National File]
MOD 08 Feb 2021 Only 32% of Americans Oppose Government Vaccine Mandates [Childrens Health Defense]
MOD 08 Jan 2021 Biden to Use 'Federal Leadership' to 'Accelerate' COVID Vaccination [LifeSiteNews]
MOD 07 Jan 2021 Rate of Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines 50x Higher than Flu Shot [DC Clothesline]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 Fauci says mandatory COVID vaccines are on the table, especially for travel, school [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 19 Aug 2020 Flu Vaccine Now Required for All Massachusetts Students [CBS]
LOW 13 May 2020 Government Contract Lets Contract for Production of 500 Million Vaccine Injectors [EOTAD]
LOW 08 Feb 2020 Connecticut Lawmakers Revive Plan to Eliminate State’s Religious Exemption to Vaccines for Schoolchildren [Hartford Courant]
HIGH 26 Dec 2019 Seattle Schools to Exclude Unvaccinated Students [Seattle Times]
LOW 19 Apr 2019 NY Judge upholds Mandatory Measles Vaccinations enforced with $1,000 fine [NPR]
HIGH 27 Mar 2019 County in NY Bans Unvaccinated Children from Public Places [EOTAD]
MOD 10 Feb 2019 Washington Lawmakers Weigh Mandatory Vaccine Bill Amid Outbreak [Tribtown]
MOD 29 Jun 2018 California doctor punished for exempting 2-year-old from vaccines [LA Times]
MOD 22 Feb 2018 Oregon's 'school exclusion day' bans unvaccinated children... [SHTFplan]
LOW 25 Nov 2017 Minnesota-based health system fires 50 who refuse flu shot [Activist Post]
LOW 12 Nov 2017 Harvard Immunologist: Unvaccinated children pose no extra danger to the public... [Truthstream Media]
LOW 27 Oct 2017 Michigan mom jailed over vaccine refusal: Don't give my son more shots [USA Today]
MOD 13 Oct 2017 Jailed mom ‘devastated’ that her son has been vaccinated [CBS]
SEVERE 04 Oct 2017 California court jails mom for refusing to vaccinate son [CBS]
HIGH 10 Apr 2017 Middle School student sent home for refusing HPV vaccine in Rhode Island [YouTube]
HIGH 02 Mar 2017 MN school orders students out of class for not proving they've been vaccinated [CBS]