Posted by on June 22, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c1g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


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The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
SEVERE 02 Feb 2024 US CENTCOM Forces Strike Iranians in Iraq and Syria [Daily Caller]
SEVERE 29 Jan 2024 Bipartisan Lawmakers Accuse POTUS of Violating the Constitution with Unauthorized Middle-East Strikes [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 29 Jan 2024 POTUS to Retaliate without Congressional Authorization after 3 American Troops Killed in Drone Attack in Jordan by Iran-Backed Militia [AP]
SEVERE 13 Jan 2024 Pair of Navy SEALs go missing off Somalia during secret night boarding mission [ABC]
SEVERE 11 Jan 2024 US Missiles Strike Targets in Yemen Linked to the Houthi Militia [NYT]
LOW 04 Dec 2023 American forces get pulled deeper into War in the Mideast [MSN]
MOD 27 Oct 2023 Air Force Strikes 'Iranian Proxies' In Syria [ZeroHedge]
LOW 25 Oct 2023 Air Force Deploys Multiple Squadrons to Bolster US Posture in Middle East [The Aviationist]
LOW 25 Oct 2023 DOD Reports American Forces Attacked 13 Times in Iraq and Syria in Past Week [Stars & Stripes]
HIGH 12 Apr 2023 National Security Council Spokesman Confirms US Special Forces on Ground in Ukraine [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 25 Aug 2022 CENTCOM attacks Iran-Backed Militias in Syria [Washington Times]
LOW 16 May 2022 SOF Ground Forces Deploying to Somalia [MSN]
LOW 24 Jan 2021 US Military Convoy Rolls into Syria on First Day of New Presidency [We Are Change]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 Israel, Saudi Arabia Reportedly Pushing President for a Strike on Iran ahead of Biden Inauguration [Business Recorder]
LOW 27 Mar 2020 Mission 7: US Navy Submarine received classified Presidential Unit Citation in 2013 for 'Heroism against an Armed Enemy' [National Interest]
LOW 13 Mar 2020 Iran-backed Kataib Hezbollah authorized target for US response to rocket attack in Iraq that killed American and British troops [Reuters]
LOW 27 Jan 2020 Rockets hit US Embassy in Iraqi Capital, Iran-backed military factions blamed [Yahoo]
SEVERE 09 Jan 2020 House of Representatives passes non-binding deauthorization of force against Iran [Fox News]
SEVERE 09 Jan 2020 Senators say Intel briefers offered little on the legal justification for attack on Iranian General []
SHTF 07 Jan 2020 Iran launches dozen plus missiles into Iraq targeting US, coalition forces [Fox News]
SEVERE 06 Jan 2020 USS Bataan with embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit sailing in... [USNI]
SEVERE 06 Jan 2020 USAF positioning six B-52 aircraft at British territory of Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean [CNN]
SEVERE 06 Jan 2020 More... [Yahoo]
SEVERE 06 Jan 2020 House Speaker to Bring Vote on Resolution Limiting War against Iran [The Hill]
SHTF 04 Jan 2020 Missiles Hit Green Zone and Iraqi Base Housing US Troops [MSN]
SHTF 04 Jan 2020 Round Two: US Drone Airstrikes Kill Six Pro-Iran Militia Commanders [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 03 Jan 2020 Airborne Brigade, Several Dozen SOF Deploy to Middle East as Pentagon Prepares for Soleimani Strike Fallout [Stars & Stripes]
SHTF 02 Jan 2020 Iranian Quds Force Commander Killed by US Dronestrike at Baghdad Airport [Washington Post]
HIGH 16 Jan 2019 U.S. troops killed in Syria suicide attack claimed by ISIS [CBS]
HIGH 03 May 2018 Secret Green Berets operations in Yemen [NYT]
SHTF 15 Apr 2018 Ilya Somin: Originalism, Living Constitutionalism, and the Power to Initiate War [Reason]
SHTF 15 Apr 2018 Standoff mssile attack based on a secret legal justification no one – including Congress – can read [The Intercept]
SHTF 13 Apr 2018 POTUS strikes Syria [NBC]
LOW 09 Apr 2018 SECDEF on taking action in Syria: 'I don't rule anything out' [Yahoo]
LOW 09 Nov 2017 Mission creep in darkest Africa [Oriental Review]
HIGH 23 Oct 2017 Top Senators didn't know US has troops in Niger [Daily Sheeple]
SHTF 13 Sep 2017 Rand Paul takes a stand against unconstitutional war... [Libertyblitzkrieg]
SHTF 13 Sep 2017 Senate rejects bipartisan push for new war authorization [AP]
SEVERE 21 Jun 2017 Senator: 'We've been at war illegally for a long time now' [RealClear Politics]
SEVERE 21 Jun 2017 Senate panel agrees current war authorization is outdated, does nothing [CNSNews]
SEVERE 21 Jun 2017 Pentagon relying on 2001 authorization issued after 9/11 to shoot down Syrian jets [CNSNews]
LOW 17 Jun 2017 Daniel DePetris: Congress Needs to Take Back Its War Powers from the President [The Federalist]
LOW 14 Jun 2017 US rocket artillery enters southern Syria for first time [CNN]
HIGH 10 Jun 2017 Bill requires Pentagon to report cyber ops outside of war zones [Washington Examiner]
HIGH 09 Jun 2017 Mapping where where American troops are based in the Middle East [ZeroHedge]
HIGH 07 Jun 2017 US wages new strike on pro-Syrian Government forces [Reuters]
SEVERE 02 Jun 2017 US 'hikes combat power' in Syria [Reuters]
LOW 26 May 2017 Senators introduce legislation to authorize war on terrorists we are already fighting [Ktar]
HIGH 18 May 2017 US bombs Syrian army convoy [CBS]
HIGH 28 Apr 2017 Bipartisan push grows for new war authorization [The Hill]
LOW 20 Apr 2017 House Deputy Majority Whip presses POTUS to submit Syria war authorization [The Hill]
MOD 13 Apr 2017 Eli Lake reports 50,000 troops may go to Syria [Bloomberg]
SHTF 12 Apr 2017 Gene Healy: Weak legal pretext for POTUS's drive-by tomahawking [Cato]
SHTF 09 Apr 2017 Senate Majority Leader will 'look at' performing constitutional duties if 'President feels like it' [Roll Call]
SHTF 09 Apr 2017 Nearly four years later, authorization for Syria War still stalled [Roll Call]
SHTF 09 Apr 2017 US Ambassador to UN: 'Regime change in Syria is now a top priority' [ZeroHedge]
SHTF 08 Apr 2017 Influential supporters break with POTUS [Activist Post]
SHTF 08 Apr 2017 David French: This is not a 'marginal case' [National Review]
SHTF 08 Apr 2017 US Envoy to UN threatens further military action in Syria [France24]
SHTF 07 Apr 2017 Rand Paul: POTUS needs Congress to authorize Syrian War [The Hill]
SHTF 06 Apr 2017 Trump Tomahawks Syria [Breitbart]
LOW 06 Apr 2017 'Chatter' of Syrian airstrikes as soon as tonight [ZeroHedge]
SEVERE 23 Mar 2017 SECDEF says Congress should authorize war against ISIS [The Hill]
HIGH 10 Mar 2017 Senate Marine veteran introduces new war authorization [Stars & Stripes]
LOW 21 Feb 2017 19 members of Congress from both parties call for war votes on ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Yemen [Reason]