Posted by on February 3, 2024 3:59 pm
Categories: c2g6


Current Indicator Threat Grade


No reports. No current evidence. Click FIELD REPORT to share with us a link or your first-hand account.


The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
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Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 30 Apr 2024 China Threatens Retaliation for Taiwan, Tiktok Law [Fox News]
LOW 23 Apr 2024 US Commander: China Fast Becoming More Aggressive [Times of India]
LOW 11 Jan 2024 PLA fake aircraft carrier in the desert helps China better threaten US Navy [MSN]
LOW 11 Dec 2023 US Calls On Beijing To Stop Dangerous Conduct In South China Sea [Barrons]
LOW 22 Nov 2023 US, Philippines Conduct Joint Air, Sea Patrols in South China Sea [Newsmax]
LOW 03 Nov 2023 Chinese Jet Fires Flares at Canadian Sub-Hunting Helicopter in South China Sea [UK Express]
LOW 27 Oct 2023 B-52 Aircraft Intercepted by Chinese Fighter over South China Sea [Washington Times]
LOW 26 Oct 2023 US Military Flexes Nuclear Muscles in South China Sea [Newsweek]
LOW 25 Oct 2023 NOBLE CARIBOU: US, Japan, Australia, Canada and NZ Navies Exercise in South China Sea [Radio Free Asia]
LOW 03 Oct 2023 UK Intel Report: Chinese Sub Crew Dead after Getting Caught in a Trap Intended to Snare Adversary Vessels in the Yellow Sea [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 18 Sep 2023 ChiCom Military Conducts Massive Dispatch of Jets near Taiwan [Washington Times]
LOW 17 Sep 2023 Communist Chinese Defense Minister May Have Been Sacked [WSJ]
LOW 16 Sep 2023 Stepped-Up Chinese Aerial Intercepts May Lead to a Global Crisis, Pacific Command Warns [Washington Times]
LOW 09 Sep 2023 US, Canadian Ships Transit Taiwan Strait [Barrons]
LOW 04 Sep 2023 US, Australia, Japan Drill with the Philippines in South China Sea [USNI]
LOW 09 Aug 2023 Chinese Govt Food Stockpiling Indicates Prepping for War [Newsmax]
LOW 29 May 2023 China Rebuffs Defense Secretary [WSJ]
LOW 27 May 2023 US Navy Hit by Chinese Hacking Campaign [Yahoo]
LOW 20 Apr 2023 Around 200 American Military Advisers Are Instructing Taiwanese Armed Forces [Newsweek]
LOW 20 Apr 2023 Chinese Building 5th Base near South Pole [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Apr 2023 The Battle Lines Are Being Drawn for a War across East Asia [The Hill]
LOW 15 Apr 2023 China Conducts Antiballistic Missile Test [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Apr 2023 US Navy Challenges Beijing in South China Sea amid Taiwan Drills [MSN]
LOW 06 Apr 2023 BALIKATAN: Annual US-Philippines exercise to be bigger than ever [Navy Times]
LOW 04 Apr 2023 Chinese Spy Balloon Collected Intelligence from US Military Sites [Breitbart]
LOW 04 Apr 2023 Chinese have a chokehold on the American medication supply chain [BizPac Review]
LOW 13 Mar 2023 DIA says China may have hypersonic missile able to hit American bases in Pacific [South China Morning Post]
LOW 13 Mar 2023 Director of National Intelligence Confirms End of 'Strategic Ambiguity' over Defense of Taiwan [WSWS]
LOW 13 Mar 2023 Chinese Spy Satellite Caught Lasering Hawaii [UK Sun]
LOW 09 Mar 2023 China Suspected in Aircraft Electronic Interference [Washington Times]
LOW 07 Mar 2023 Chinese Foreign Minister warns of conflict with US [AP]
LOW 24 Feb 2023 Chinese Jet Fighter Shadows US Aircraft over South China Sea [WSJ]
LOW 23 Feb 2023 DoD Spokeswoman pledges 'consequences' if China arms Russia [U.S. News & World Report]
LOW 23 Feb 2023 US to Expand Troop Presence in Taiwan for Training [WSJ]
LOW 12 Feb 2023 US Military Shoots down 4th Unidentified Object in 2 Weeks [NBC]
LOW 12 Feb 2023 US Navy and Marine Corps hold joint exercises in South China Sea [AP]
LOW 12 Feb 2023 Baffled Pilots Who Shot down Mystery Object over Alaska Say It 'Interfered with Sensors' [UK Daily Star]
LOW 08 Feb 2023 Chinese Spy Balloons Sent over Military Sites Worldwide [DNYUZ]
LOW 04 Feb 2023 Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Downed by Air Force off SC Coast [Yahoo]
LOW 03 Feb 2023 Canada Says 'Potential Second Incident' Linked to Chinese Spy Balloon [Barrons]
LOW 03 Feb 2023 Secretary of State abruptly cancels trip to Beijing [AP]
LOW 03 Feb 2023 Flies over ICBM silo fields... [Fox News]
LOW 02 Feb 2023 Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Flies over Northern US []
LOW 31 Jan 2023 U.S. Military Securing Access to Philippine Bases [Stars & Stripes]
LOW 21 Jan 2023 US expands training of Taiwanese military with National Guard [Nikkei Asian Review]
LOW 06 Jan 2023 US Destroyer Enters Taiwan Strait [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Jan 2023 China Conducts Military Maneuvers near Guam, Okinawa [Libertarian Institute]
LOW 29 Dec 2022 Chinese Aircraft Carrier Spotted Edging Close to Guam for First Time [Global Times]
LOW 29 Dec 2022 Chinese Fighter Threatens US Spy Plane over Regional Waters, Coming within 20 Feet [ZeroHedge]
LOW 05 Dec 2022 China Is Building Weapons to Attack US Ground, Sea, or Air Targets from Orbit [Washington Times]
LOW 08 Nov 2022 Chinese President Is Prepping for War [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 18 Sep 2022 President Says US Would Defend Taiwan in the Event of a Chinese Invasion [Yahoo]
LOW 13 Sep 2022 US considers China sanctions to deter Taiwan action [Nasdaq]
LOW 06 Sep 2022 China Accuses NSA of Hacking Its Military Research University [Vice]
LOW 28 Aug 2022 7th Fleet Cruisers Transit Taiwan Strait [U.S. Navy]
LOW 16 Aug 2022 Indo-Pacific Commander Warns about Chinese Nuclear Buildup [Washington Times]
LOW 09 Aug 2022 China Tests Flying Submarine Drone [UK Sun]
LOW 08 Aug 2022 US to Participate in Military Drills near India's Disputed Border with China []
LOW 06 Aug 2022 White House summons Chinese ambassador as crisis escalates [MSN]
LOW 02 Aug 2022 Chinese Foreign Ministry says 'Those who play with fire will perish by it' [Channel News Asia]
LOW 02 Aug 2022 House Speaker Lands in Taiwan; Chinese Warplanes Take to Skies [Yahoo]
LOW 02 Aug 2022 Aircraft Carriers USS Ronald Reagan and USS Tripoli Operating near Taiwan [USNI]
LOW 02 Aug 2022 China Vows 'Targeted Military Actions' in Response to House Speaker's Taiwan Visit [Inside Paper]
LOW 01 Aug 2022 US deploys ships and planes near Taiwan [Nikkei Asian Review]
LOW 29 Jul 2022 China Warns: House Speaker Trip Marks 'invasion' and Military Has Right to Fire on Her Plane [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 25 Jul 2022 China Threatens US over House Speaker Trip to Taiwan [Yahoo]
LOW 07 Jul 2022 China Insulating Economy from Sanctions That Would Follow Invasion of Taiwan [CNSNews]
LOW 12 Jun 2022 Covert Chinese Drones conducting surveillance on US Naval Forces off California [NY Post]
LOW 11 Jun 2022 Defense Secretary Warns Chinese Military Is Increasingly Aggressive [WSJ]
LOW 06 Jun 2022 China secretly building PLA naval facility in Cambodia [MSN]
LOW 05 Jun 2022 Chinese fighter jet threatens safety of Australian maritime surveillance plane over South China Sea [ABC]
LOW 25 May 2022 Chinese Communist Party Warns Elites to Get Rid of Overseas Assets following Western Sanctions on Russia [Natural News]
LOW 23 May 2022 President says US military would defend Taiwan from CHICOM attack [MSN]
LOW 19 May 2022 China Warns US a Dangerous Situation Forming over Taiwan [MSN]
LOW 18 May 2022 US Navy Amasses 'Show of Force' near China amid Taiwan Invasion Threats [ZeroHedge]
LOW 02 May 2022 China preps to counter freeze of its dollar assets or exclusion from the Swift [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 27 Apr 2022 Chinese Protest as US Navy Missile Destroyer Transits Taiwan Strait [Washington Times]
LOW 07 Apr 2022 Security alliance between China and the Solomon Islands established [AP]
LOW 27 Mar 2022 China Expands Military into Solomon Islands [Forward Observer]
LOW 15 Mar 2022 11 Signs US Relations with China Are Deteriorating and an Invasion of Taiwan Is Drawing Near [EOTAD]
LOW 17 Feb 2022 Government Accountability Office says Defense Department Ill-Prepared for China War [Washington Times]
LOW 12 Feb 2022 China seeks naval base in Equatorial Guinea [WSJ]
LOW 27 Jan 2022 Computer Chip Shortage Could Incite Conflict with China [DNYUZ]
LOW 27 Jan 2022 Chinese state-affiliated media on Ukraine: Russia won’t be alone... China will offer support... [Twitter]
LOW 27 Jan 2022 PLA Holds Large-Scale Exercise near Taiwan [Global Times]
LOW 27 Jan 2022 US Navy Rushes to Retrieve Crashed F-35 from Depths of the South China Sea before China Does [CNN]
LOW 25 Jan 2022 US Navy's newest and costliest carrier sows doubt that it can defend itself [Bloomberg]
LOW 23 Dec 2021 US and Japan Draft Operation Plan for Taiwan Contingency [Kyoda News]
LOW 21 Dec 2021 Satellites Reveal Chinese Electronic Warfare 'Dead Zone' across South China Sea []
LOW 06 Dec 2021 China May Be Hiding Missiles in Shipping Containers for Trojan Horse-Style Plan to Launch Attack Anywhere in World [UK Sun]
LOW 05 Dec 2021 China Seeking First Military Base on African Atlantic Coast [WSJ]
LOW 30 Nov 2021 Seventh Fleet Commander Calls for More Aircraft Carriers in Pacific to Deter China [WSJ]
LOW 30 Nov 2021 DoD to Improve Airfields in Guam and Australia to Confront China [WSJ]
LOW 24 Nov 2021 China Says US 'Playing with Fire' after Warship Conducts 11th Taiwan Strait Transit This Year  [ZeroHedge]
LOW 23 Nov 2021 Chinese Hypersonic Mystery Weapon Released Its Own Payload and Nobody Knows Why [The Drive]
LOW 23 Nov 2021 Chinese Orbital Bombardment System Firing Hypersonic Weapons Shows 'Unprecedented Capability' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 09 Nov 2021 Chinese Navy Is Now World's Largest [Washington Times]
LOW 02 Nov 2021 Navy says Sub 'grounded on uncharted seamount' in South China Sea [USNI]
LOW 28 Oct 2021 Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Warns Chinese Military Progress Is 'Stunning' [CNN]
LOW 27 Oct 2021 Taiwanese President Confirms Presence of US Military Trainers on the Island [CNN]
LOW 18 Oct 2021 Chinese state media celebrates nuke-capable 21,000 mph missile [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 18 Oct 2021 US Ambassador Says US Has No Defense against Chinese Hypersonic Missiles [Epoch Times]
LOW 12 Oct 2021 Chinese Testing Experimental Armed Drone Ships [USNI]
LOW 11 Oct 2021 DoD's first chief software officer China has won the AI arms race [Reuters]
LOW 08 Oct 2021 Report: US Marines stationed on Taiwan for more than a year [Washington Post]
LOW 08 Oct 2021 Attack Submarine USS Connecticut Suffers Underwater Collision in South China Sea - Usni News [USNI]
LOW 14 Sep 2021 Chinese Warships Sailing Near Aleutian Islands Shadowed by US Coast Guard [The Drive]
LOW 17 Aug 2021 Chinese State Media Outlet Says US Will 'Abandon' Taiwan Like Afghanistan 'Once a War Breaks Out' [CNSNews]
LOW 17 Aug 2021 PLAAF Exercises in Bashi Channel off southern Taiwan after 'Provocations' [Reuters]
LOW 12 Aug 2021 China building third missile field for hundreds of new ICBMs [Washington Times]
LOW 29 Jul 2021 China Stages Massive 'Taiwan Invasion' Drills and Boasts It Would Defeat US and UK in Any Conflict [UK Sun]
LOW 15 Jul 2021 China Begins Military Flights from Disputed South China Sea Bases [Washington Times]
LOW 01 Jul 2021 China Is Building More than 100 New Missile Silos in Its Western Desert [MSN]
LOW 01 Jul 2021 US, Japan Hold Exercises amid Escalating Tensions between China and Taiwan [Bay Side News]
LOW 22 Jun 2021 US Navy challenges China by sailing guided-missile destroyer through Taiwan Strait [Washington Times]
LOW 10 Jun 2021 Defense Secretary Speeds up Efforts to Counter China [WSJ]
LOW 10 Jun 2021 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: China hiking military capability at 'very serious and sustained rate' [Reuters]
LOW 03 Jun 2021 Chinese state-run newspaper says country must prep for nuclear war with America [New American]
LOW 18 May 2021 China Says US Threatening Peace as Warship Transits Taiwan Strait [Reuters]
LOW 08 May 2021 Report: China Has Been Prepping for WW3 with Biological Weapons for Last Six Years [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 06 May 2021 China Plans to Revive Strategic Pacific Airstrip, Kiribati Lawmaker Says [Reuters]
LOW 06 May 2021 AFRICOM Commander: China looking to establish naval base on Africa’s western coast [AP]
LOW 04 May 2021 Australian Special Forces Commander Secretly Warned Troops in 2020 of 'High Likelihood' of 'Grey Zone' War with China [UK Sun]
LOW 04 May 2021 Chinese President and Communist Party General-Secretary Xi Adopts Mao Zedong Title 'Helmsman' Claiming Ultimate Authority [Washington Times]
LOW 26 Apr 2021 China Demonstrates New Warships [UK Sun]
LOW 13 Apr 2021 American forces in the Philippines open annual combat exercises with troop scaled down from 3,650 to 225 [U.S. News & World Report]
LOW 05 Apr 2021 With Swarms of Hundreds of Ships, PRC Tightens Its Grip on South China Sea [DNYUZ]
LOW 05 Apr 2021 Philippines' Defense Chief Says China Intends to Occupy More South China Sea Areas [Yahoo]
LOW 09 Mar 2021 INDOPACOM Commander Says Guam Needs More Defenses to Stop China from Knocking It Out [MSN]
LOW 09 Mar 2021 How the US and China Could Go to War [Laredo Morning Times]
LOW 09 Mar 2021 Chinese President tells PLA to be prepared to respond in unstable times [South China Morning Post]
LOW 17 Feb 2021 7th Fleet Destroyer Conducts Freedom of Navigation Operation in South China Sea [DVIDS]
LOW 08 Feb 2021 COPE NORTH: US, Australia and Japan stage air combat exercises to protect Guam [South China Morning Post]
LOW 02 Feb 2021 Nimitz Carrier Group Sails to the Pacific [DoD]
LOW 01 Feb 2021 In an unusual admission, Taiwan says U.S. Aircraft entered Air Defense Zone simultaneously with Chinese Fighters [Reuters]
LOW 29 Jan 2021 Chinese Bombers Simulate Attack on USS Roosevelt Carrier near Taiwan [ZeroHedge]
LOW 26 Jan 2021 China to Conduct Military Drills in South China Sea [Reuters]
LOW 24 Jan 2021 US Navy Carrier Group Enters South China Sea [Reuters]
LOW 13 Jan 2021 US Indo-Pacific Strategy Declassified [Epoch Times]
LOW 06 Jan 2021 Chinese Army Ordered to Prepare for War at Any Second [News Punch]
LOW 04 Jan 2021 China Amends Defense Law to Strengthen CMC Powers over State Council [Hindustan Times]
LOW 04 Jan 2021 Chinese Foreign Minister says US economic policies amount to attempt to start New Cold War [Business Insider]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 Chinese President Marks New Year with Victory Speech and Warning for US [Newsweek]
LOW 02 Jan 2021 Two US Navy warships sail through the Taiwan Strait [LA Times]
LOW 31 Dec 2020 President Declassifies Intel on Chinese Bounties on American Soldiers [Axios]
LOW 30 Dec 2020 Chinese Submarine Drone Discovered near Gateway to Indian Ocean [Naval News]
LOW 30 Dec 2020 Map of US Military Presence near China [ZeroHedge]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 Russian and Chinese bombers fly joint patrol over Pacific [AP]
LOW 22 Dec 2020 China Says It 'Expelled' a US Navy Destroyer near Spratly Islands [ZeroHedge]
LOW 15 Dec 2020 China's second aircraft carrier completes third patrol this year [Global Times]
LOW 15 Dec 2020 Report Estimates Chinese Nuclear Stockpile at 350 Warheads [Defense News]
LOW 13 Nov 2020 China Warns of Action after Secretary of State Says Taiwan Not Part of China [Reuters]
LOW 15 Oct 2020 Chinese President Tells Elite Troops Prepare for War as US Destroyer Sails through Taiwan Strait [ZeroHedge]
LOW 15 Oct 2020 China Demonstrates Weaponized Drone Swarm Launched from a Box on a Truck [The Drive]
LOW 09 Oct 2020 Chinese Military Accuses US of Provocative Actions in South China Sea [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 04 Oct 2020 China Says Killing Americans over Taiwan Is Morally Justified [Gatestone Institute]
LOW 21 Sep 2020 PLA Eastern Theater Command exercises close to Taiwan Straits [UK Express]
LOW 21 Sep 2020 Chinese Air Force Video Shows Simulated Attack on Guam [Reuters]
LOW 17 Sep 2020 China Threatens US over Taiwan Visit by Military Sales Diplomat [U.S. News & World Report]
LOW 12 Sep 2020 Chinese State Media: Prepare for War [Breitbart]
LOW 10 Sep 2020 China said to boost strategic commodities reserves [FXStreet]
LOW 01 Sep 2020 Pentagon reports China is doubling nuke warhead stockpile, expanding global bases [Washington Times]
LOW 31 Aug 2020 US Warship Again Transits Taiwan Strait [ZeroHedge]
LOW 28 Aug 2020 US Warship Sails near Disputed Islands in South China Sea [Yahoo]
LOW 27 Aug 2020 China Test-Fires Carrier-Killers [Washington Times]
LOW 26 Aug 2020 China Fires Missiles in South China Sea after US Recon Plane Enters 'No-Fly Zone' [UK Express]
LOW 24 Aug 2020 Chinese Navy drills in 4 regions show ability to counter US [South China Morning Post]
LOW 12 Aug 2020 Chinese Communist Paper Accuses US of Flying Spy Planes near Mainland Masked as Commercial Airliners [ZeroHedge]
LOW 11 Aug 2020 China Increases Military Drills [CNN]
LOW 28 Jul 2020 US puts record number of military aircraft in the skies off Chinese coast in July [South China Morning Post]
LOW 14 Jul 2020 US Warship Challenges Chinese South Sea Claims [Business Insider]
LOW 13 Jul 2020 US Set to Reject Certain Chinese Maritime Claims in South China Sea [WSJ]
LOW 23 Jun 2020 China Warns Risk of Naval Incident with US on the Rise [France24]
LOW 21 Jun 2020 Three US Aircraft Carriers Operating near South China Sea [Japan Times]
LOW 18 Jun 2020 Chinese air force approaches Taiwan for fifth time in 10 days [Yahoo]
LOW 03 Jun 2020 The Three Flashpoints... [The Diplomat]
LOW 03 Jun 2020 Chinese Coast Guard intrudes into Japanese territorial waters [Japan Times]
LOW 03 Jun 2020 China may be readying to announced South China Sea air defense identification zone [South China Morning Post]
LOW 28 May 2020 China Claims US Warship 'Expelled' for 'Trespassing' in S.China Sea [ZeroHedge]
LOW 26 May 2020 POTUS Signals Sanctions over Hong Kong This Week [Jerusalem Post]
LOW 24 May 2020 US Air Force bombers conduct 11 flights in March and 13 in April in Western Pacific [UK Express]
LOW 24 May 2020 US Warship Demonstrates Powerful New Laser in the Pacific [Breaking Defense]
LOW 15 May 2020 US Navy warship transits Taiwan Strait as PLA starts live-fire drills [South China Morning Post]
LOW 15 May 2020 POTUS won't talk to China, could even cut ties [Reuters]
LOW 04 May 2020 New Chinese Nuclear Stealth Bomber Can Reach Los Angeles [UK Daily Star]
LOW 02 May 2020 Air Force Bombers Fly over South China Sea in Latest Foray into Contested Space [Stars & Stripes]
LOW 02 May 2020 US intel believes China hid severity of COVID-19 epidemic while stockpiling supplies [ABC]
LOW 28 Apr 2020 Communist Chinese Government Calls US Secretary of State Enemy of World Peace [Summit News]
LOW 21 Apr 2020 Two US Warships in South China Sea dispatched near China-Malaysia standoff [Reuters]
LOW 18 Apr 2020 Chinese Aircraft Carrier Conducts Exercises in South China Sea [Global Times]
LOW 18 Apr 2020 US Recon Planes Spotted after China Sends Ships Past Taiwan [NY Post]
LOW 16 Apr 2020 USAF Bombers, Tankers, Drones Elephant Walk on Guam []
LOW 15 Apr 2020 Possible Chinese Nuclear Testing Underway [WSJ]
LOW 15 Apr 2020 Did Chinese Communists Deliberately Sicken the World? [The Diplomat]
LOW 05 Apr 2020 US Deploys Stealth Fighters to Philippine Sea for Training Mission [Nation]
LOW 05 Apr 2020 Chinese Military Advances under Cover of Coronavirus [The Trumpet]
LOW 01 Apr 2020 Chinese military conducts drills and deploys large-scale assets to South China Sea [Asia Times]
LOW 31 Mar 2020 US military aircraft fly near Taiwan for fourth time this month [Focus Taiwan]
LOW 30 Mar 2020 Crews of two Pacific aircraft carriers struck with coronavirus [Fox News]
LOW 27 Mar 2020 US increases support for Taiwan, China threatens to strike back [Reuters]
LOW 27 Mar 2020 USS McCampbell Transits Taiwan Strait [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 Mar 2020 Sino-American Tensions Heat Up [Defense One]
LOW 17 Mar 2020 Chinese Foreign Ministry suggests US Army brought coronavirus epidemic to Wuhan [UK Daily Star]
LOW 16 Mar 2020 China Accuses US Army Lab of Manufacturing the Coronavirus [Breitbart]
LOW 13 Mar 2020 US Navy South China Sea FONOPS Continue [Yahoo]
LOW 13 Mar 2020 State Department summons Chinese Ambassador over Coronavirus Disinformation [Fox News]
LOW 13 Mar 2020 China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs [Fox News]
LOW 12 Mar 2020 Chinese Official Says US Army May Have Brought Coronavirus to Wuhan [Business Insider]
LOW 28 Feb 2020 Chinese Navy ship fires laser at US surveillance aircraft flying over Philippine Sea [AP]
LOW 12 Feb 2020 USAF flies bombers near Taiwan after Chinese drills [Reuters]
LOW 08 Feb 2020 Secret Cambodian Base under Construction by Chinese Military []
LOW 08 Feb 2020 Why is Chinese Military Idle as Coronavirus Spreads? [Defense One]
LOW 06 Dec 2019 With China Gunning for Aircraft Carriers, US Navy Says It Must Change How It Fights [Defense News]
LOW 26 Nov 2019 Long-range multi-warhead nuclear strike weapon test adds to growing Chinese Arsenal [Washington Times]
LOW 23 Nov 2019 US Navy Ships Sail near Chinese South China Sea Militarized Islands [Naval Technology]
LOW 11 Nov 2019 How China Stole Top Secret Information on American Stealth Warplanes [National Interest]
LOW 07 Nov 2019 China racing to weaponize AI [Asia Times]
LOW 01 Oct 2019 PLA Demonstrates New Missiles, Drones at CHICOM 70th Anniversary Parade [Reuters]
LOW 15 Sep 2019 Navy Sails Warship near Paracel Islands in Challenge to Chinese South China Sea Claim [The Hill]
LOW 06 Aug 2019 US Carrier Sails into Disputed South China Sea Waters [Military Times]
LOW 01 Aug 2019 STRATCOM: China Rapidly Building up Nuclear Forces [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 29 Jul 2019 Giant Chinese Spy Drone Tails US Navy Cruiser [National Interest]
LOW 24 Jul 2019 US Navy Warship Sails through Taiwan Strait [Yahoo]
LOW 19 Jul 2019 Filipino President invoking mutual defense pact, 'would like America to gather their Seventh Fleet in front of China' [Business Insider]
LOW 15 Jul 2019 Update: China Launched 6 anti-ship ballistic missiles into the South China Sea [Naval News]
LOW 07 Jul 2019 USS Ronald Reagan Strike Group arrives... [The Diplomat]
LOW 07 Jul 2019 Chinese Spy Ship Heading toward Australia to Monitor TALISMAN SABRE Exercise [Australian Broadcasting Corporation]
LOW 07 Jul 2019 China Likely Tested Carrier-killer Missiles in the South China Sea [National Interest]
LOW 01 Jul 2019 Chinese test anti-ship ballistic missile in contested South China Sea [CNBC]
LOW 20 Jun 2019 Report: China Continuing Cyberattacks on American Networks [Real Clear Defense]
LOW 31 May 2019 DIA: China Doubling Nuclear Warhead Arsenal [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 31 May 2019 Beijing Warns US Not to Underestimate Chinese Military [Yahoo]
LOW 23 May 2019 US Navy again sails through Taiwan Strait [Reuters]
LOW 13 May 2019 POTUS indicates he may put tariffs on remaining $325 billion in Chinese goods [CNBC]
LOW 06 May 2019 Two US warships sail in disputed South China Sea [Reuters]
LOW 06 May 2019 Chinese Laser Attack on US Aircraft Left out of Pentagon Report [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 02 May 2019 China Poised to Deploy Stealth Fighters in South China Sea [UK Express]
LOW 30 Apr 2019 US Warns China on Aggressive Acts by Maritime Militia [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 Apr 2019 China Goes Unconventional in South China Sea's Escalating Confrontation [Japan Times]
LOW 17 Apr 2019 China Conducts Military Drills Involving Long-Range Bombers near Taiwan, Japan [The Diplomat]
LOW 10 Apr 2019 US and Japanese Air Forces drill in Western Pacific [Japan Times]
LOW 09 Apr 2019 US Sails F-35-Laden Warship in Disputed South China Sea [Japan Times]
LOW 25 Mar 2019 US sends 2 warships through Taiwan Strait [Fox News]
LOW 13 Mar 2019 US Flies Bombers over South China Sea [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 03 Mar 2019 Secretary of State Reassures Philippines that US Will Defend It If China Attacks [Washington Examiner]
LOW 23 Feb 2019 US, UK Hold Second South China Sea Joint Drills in Two Months [Philstar]
LOW 23 Feb 2019 Chinese Warplane Enters SKorean Air Defense Zone [Yonhap]
LOW 23 Feb 2019 How Chinese Navy Is Prepping to Fight America If War Comes [National Interest]
LOW 15 Feb 2019 US Destroyers Sail into Disputed Waters [Washington Times]
LOW 15 Feb 2019 US Stealth Jets Conduct Bombing Drill in Philippine and East China Sea [ZeroHedge]
LOW 14 Feb 2019 US Bolstering Pacific Military Forces to Counter 'Massive' Chinese Buildup [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 30 Jan 2019 China tests naval railgun [CNBC]
LOW 24 Jan 2019 US Warships Sail through Taiwan Strait [South China Morning Post]
LOW 23 Jan 2019 Chinese Military Units Training with ASAT Missiles [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 16 Jan 2019 China to US Navy Chief: Army will defend Taiwan Claims 'At Any Cost' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 07 Jan 2019 US Navy Warship Passage Challenges Beijing Control of S. China Sea Islands [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 04 Jan 2019 Chinese H-6K Bomber Demos 20-foot Conventional Weapon [Dawn]
LOW 03 Jan 2019 US Travel Advisory Warns of Chinese 'Exit Bans' [U.S. Department of State]
LOW 03 Jan 2019 US to Hold Surface-to-Ship Missile Drill on Okinawa [Japan Times]
LOW 02 Jan 2019 Chinese Warship Spotted Carrying Terrifying ‘Next Generation’ Hypersonic Railgun Proving Beijing Has Beaten the World in Developing ‘Superweapon’ [UK Sun]
LOW 21 Dec 2018 Japan, UK, US train sub hunting in Philippine Sea [U.S. Navy]
LOW 21 Dec 2018 China Tests Sub-Launched Nuclear Missile [UK Sun]
LOW 20 Dec 2018 DOJ Accuses China of Broad Economy Espionage [Bloomberg]
LOW 19 Dec 2018 China Flight Tests New Submarine-Launched Missile [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 13 Dec 2018 Chinese Military Official Suggests Ramming US Ships in South China Sea [YouTube]
LOW 22 Nov 2018 US Flies B-52 Bombers near Contested Islands in the South China Sea [CNN]
LOW 18 Nov 2018 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit Ends in Unprecedented Chaos after Dramatic US-China Showdown [ZeroHedge]
LOW 18 Nov 2018 POTUS Demands China Remove Missiles in South China Sea [Real Clear Defense]
LOW 18 Nov 2018 US Navy Carrier Strike Groups Conduct Dual Operations in Philippine Sea [USNI]
LOW 07 Nov 2018 US and Japan Plan Military Response to Chinese Incursions of Disputed Islands [ZeroHedge]
LOW 01 Nov 2018 KEEN SWORD: US, Japan Start Biennial 57,000-troop Exercise [UPI]
LOW 28 Oct 2018 Chinese President orders Military to 'concentrate preparations for fighting a war' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 Oct 2018 US Flies B-52s near Contested Islands amid China Tensions [CNN]
LOW 17 Oct 2018 US Navy Carriers Will Soon Have to Worry about Chinese Stealth Bombers [We Are The Mighty]
LOW 17 Oct 2018 SECDEF: Chinese Island Militarization Continues [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 12 Oct 2018 National Security Advisor Warns Chinese Military to Halt Dangerous Naval Encounters [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 11 Oct 2018 US Air Force stealth warplanes practicing new tactics for war in the Pacific [Business Insider]
LOW 10 Oct 2018 Chinese Intelligence Officer Arrested for Economic Spying [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 04 Oct 2018 US Navy Proposing Major Show of Force to Warn China [CNN]
LOW 04 Oct 2018 CLOUDHOPPER: DHS Warns of New Hacking Spree from Group Linked to China [Yahoo]
LOW 01 Oct 2018 China Cancels Security Talks with United States [Youtu]
LOW 30 Sep 2018 American Warship Sails near Disputed Islands, Challenging China [WSJ]
LOW 28 Sep 2018 Live Fire Drills in South China Sea Showcase US Military Muscle in Contested Region [Washington Times]
LOW 26 Sep 2018 US B-52s Fly near Contested Islands in South China Sea [CNN]
LOW 26 Sep 2018 Chinese Military Cuts off Talks, Recalls Admiral over Sanctions for Arms Sales to Russia [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 25 Sep 2018 Chinese Spy Arrested in Chicago [Patch]
LOW 25 Sep 2018 China stops US Navy ship dock in Hong Kong [NBC]
LOW 25 Sep 2018 US Approves $330 Million Military Sale to Taiwan  [VOA]
LOW 20 Sep 2018 China’s Sea Control Is a Done Deal, ‘Short of War’ [WRAL]
LOW 18 Aug 2018 Chinese Air Force adds 130 nuclear bombers in past year [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 16 Aug 2018 Pentagon Report to Congress: Chinese Bombers Likely Training for US Strikes [Yahoo]
LOW 16 Aug 2018 Chinese Satellites to watch South China Sea to ‘reinforce National Sovereignty’ [South China Morning Post]
LOW 06 Aug 2018 China tests hypersonic nuke bomber prototype [UK Daily Star]
LOW 29 Jul 2018 South Korea scrambles jets to intercept Chinese warplane in its air defense identification zone [South China Morning Post]
LOW 22 Jul 2018 China adding ‘significant capabilities’ to Nuclear Forces [WND]
LOW 12 Jul 2018 China preps to dominate South Pacific with week of Electronic Warfare Drills [ZeroHedge]
LOW 07 Jul 2018 Two US Destroyers sail into Taiwan Strait: [Yahoo]
LOW 26 Jun 2018 Third US aircraft carrier this year deployed to patrol South China Sea [Times of India]
LOW 26 Jun 2018 Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs warns China could deploy hypersonic weapons on a 'large scale' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Jun 2018 Chinese missile launchers reappear on disputed South China Sea island [CNN]
LOW 10 Jun 2018 Chinese front company used to recruit American double agents exposed [Daily Beast]
LOW 09 Jun 2018 China hacked US Navy contractor, stole supersonic anti-ship sub missile secrets [Washington Post]
LOW 05 Jun 2018 China tests new multi-warhead ICBM [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 05 Jun 2018 Nuclear capable B-52 bombers fly by Chinese-made islands in the Spratlys [CNN]
LOW 04 Jun 2018 US Navy may sail carrier through Taiwan Strait [Sydney Morning Herald]
LOW 02 Jun 2018 SECDEF warns of consequences if Beijing keeps militarizing South China Sea [WSJ]
LOW 28 May 2018 China steps up pace in new nuclear arms race [South China Morning Post]
LOW 27 May 2018 US Navy warships in ‘serious incident’ with China after sailing into disputed waters [Scottish Sun]
LOW 26 May 2018 Chinese fighter jets complete night landings on carrier, live-fire drills [Reuters]
LOW 23 May 2018 US disinvites China from world's largest naval exercise [ZeroHedge]
LOW 23 May 2018 American embassy staffer suffers brain injury after 'sound' incident in China [Channel News Asia]
LOW 18 May 2018 China lands bombers on South China Sea airfield [Defense News]
LOW 10 May 2018 Ex-CIA officer indicted as Chinese spy [Washington Times]
LOW 05 May 2018 China deploys long-range missiles to Spratly Islands for first time [The Diplomat]
LOW 03 May 2018 Chinese military lasers injure US military pilots in Africa [CNN]
LOW 28 Apr 2018 US flies bombers over South China Sea [CNN]
LOW 22 Apr 2018 Chinese warships challenge Australian frigates in South China Sea [Maritime Executive]
LOW 21 Apr 2018 First launches by Chinese aircraft carrier in Pacific confirmed [Mainichi]
LOW 20 Apr 2018 Next Pacific Command chief: Chinese military islands now control South China Sea [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 17 Apr 2018 China brandishes new 'Guam Killer' missile brigade [Google]
LOW 10 Apr 2018 Aircraft Carrier Faceoff: American and Chinese flattops both in South China Sea [National Interest]
LOW 09 Apr 2018 China installs radar scramblers on contested Spratly Islands [ZeroHedge]
LOW 09 Apr 2018 China eyes South Pacific military base in plan with global ramifications [Sydney Morning Herald]
LOW 06 Apr 2018 China puts 40 warships in South China Sea as 3 US CSGs sail by [UK Sun]
LOW 30 Mar 2018 Chinese strategic bombers complete large-scale drill [Air Recognition]
LOW 29 Mar 2018 Intel officials fear China conducting sophisticated kidnapping programs in the US [The Week]
LOW 27 Mar 2018 China sends massive fleet for South China Sea war games [UK Sun]
LOW 25 Mar 2018 Record number of US Marines deployed to train in Australia [South China Morning Post]
LOW 25 Mar 2018 Chinese Air Force drills again in South China Sea, Western Pacific [Reuters]
LOW 25 Mar 2018 China says US warship sailing near Spratly islands is 'severe provocation' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Mar 2018 China reveals largest defense budget in three years [ZeroHedge]
LOW 10 Mar 2018 China to soon have nuclear powered aircraft carriers [National Interest]
LOW 10 Mar 2018 US Navy carrier in waters off Vietnam - the message it is sending to China [CBN]
LOW 10 Mar 2018 Infographic: China’s secret war against America [Epoch Times]
LOW 07 Mar 2018 Navy, Marine Corps leaders warn China is 'weaponizing capital' [The Hill]
LOW 28 Feb 2018 Navy sails massive fleet through South China Sea in defiance of Chinese []
LOW 23 Feb 2018 How China could freeze the US military [International Man]
LOW 23 Feb 2018 China tests anti-satellite missile [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 17 Feb 2018 PACOM: 7 new PLA bases in South China Sea [ABS-CBN]
LOW 17 Feb 2018 Pacific Command Chief warns of Chinese dominance in hypersonic missile race [South China Morning Post]
LOW 14 Feb 2018 US Navy calls new Chinese stealth fighter 'serious threat' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 13 Feb 2018 FBI says the whole of Chinese society is a threat to the US [Business Insider]
LOW 09 Feb 2018 Chinese stealth fighter ready for combat duty [South China Morning Post]
LOW 06 Feb 2018 New photos show Chinese almost finished transforming seven Filipino reefs into island fortresses [Inquirer]
LOW 05 Feb 2018 New Chinese naval gun has rocked the world - first electromagnetic []
LOW 20 Jan 2018 Chinese confront US guided missile destroyer on freedom of navigation op [Channel News Asia]
LOW 12 Jan 2018 Chinese military newspaper warns: 'war is not far' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 06 Jan 2018 China is building its second foreign military base in Pakistan [ZeroHedge]
LOW 06 Jan 2018 'Don't fear death': Chinese President issues call for PLA to be ready for war [France24]
LOW 28 Dec 2017 Chinese test new ballistic missile armed with a hypersonic glide vehicle [The Diplomat]
LOW 21 Dec 2017 Chinese aircraft drill again in Western Pacific [Reuters]
LOW 20 Dec 2017 SKorean Coast Guard fires warning shots at fleet of Chinese fishing boats [UK Daily Star]
LOW 20 Dec 2017 Chinese warplanes violate Taiwanese, Korean, and Japanese airspace [Taiwan News]
LOW 17 Dec 2017 China using cash, 'sharp power' to export communist system [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 14 Dec 2017 More Chinese infrastructure built in disputed waters [WSJ]
LOW 10 Dec 2017 Chinese Diplomat: We will attack Taiwan if US warship visits []
LOW 10 Dec 2017 Chinese stealth jet may have done flyover of SKorea to gather intel on Allied war game [Asia Times]
LOW 08 Dec 2017 China confirms test of newest and most powerful ICBM [Washington Times]
LOW 02 Dec 2017 China confirms deployment of fighters to South China Sea island for first time [Japan Times]
LOW 25 Nov 2017 Chinese bombers fly over disputed South China Sea [Sputniknews]
LOW 25 Nov 2017 Chinese Army conducts live-fire exercise using armored vehicles in Africa []
LOW 25 Nov 2017 China tests 10-warhead missile [Pakistan Observer]
LOW 14 Nov 2017 Chinese supercomputers race past US [CNET]
LOW 08 Nov 2017 China reveals images of new hypersonic strike aircraft [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 01 Nov 2017 Can China beat the US without a fight? [NBC]
LOW 01 Nov 2017 China practices bombing runs targeting Guam [Defense News]
LOW 21 Oct 2017 China eyes Pakistani port [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 10 Oct 2017 US Navy destroyer sails near islands claimed by China in South China Sea [Reuters]
LOW 06 Oct 2017 Chinese military expanding bases globally [Bloomberg]
LOW 10 Sep 2017 China warns: 'We will back North Korea if the US strikes first' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 06 Sep 2017 Chinese Air Force practices for 'surprise attack' over sea near Korea [Reuters]
LOW 28 Aug 2017 Bill Gertz: Oil tanker that rammed US Destroyer made sharp left turn... shadowed by Chinese ship [DJT Twitter]
LOW 18 Aug 2017 Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile succeeds in at sea B-1B bomber tactical launch test off California [USNI]
LOW 18 Aug 2017 Top American General reaffirms commitment to Japan -- 'ironclad' [Reuters]
LOW 18 Aug 2017 20 floating nuclear power plants set for South China Sea [Powerengineeringint]
LOW 14 Aug 2017 Chinese FM 'will not' say whether Beijing would remain neutral in Second Korean War [NK News]
LOW 12 Aug 2017 Chinese paper says if US attacks NKorea first, it's war with China [Reuters]
LOW 10 Aug 2017 South China Sea: US Navy conducts freedom of navigation operation [The Diplomat]
LOW 02 Aug 2017 PLA Rocket Force practices striking THAAD mockup target [The Diplomat]
LOW 31 Jul 2017 An 'angry, frustrated' China hits back over POTUS's latest tweets [ZeroHedge]
LOW 31 Jul 2017 Chinese President calls for stronger PLA, tells troops 'world isn't safe' [Bloomberg]
LOW 30 Jul 2017 China parades new missile in warning to rivals abroad—and at home [WSJ]
LOW 30 Jul 2017 China bets POTUS won't resort to NK strike, continues to prop up regime [Bloomberg]
LOW 29 Jul 2017 China stages high-profile naval drill off Korean peninsula [South China Morning Post]
LOW 28 Jul 2017 China criticizes CIA Director for calling Beijing greater threat than Russia [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 28 Jul 2017 Pacific Fleet Commander confirms he'd launch nukes if POTUS ordered [ZeroHedge]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 China sails warships to North Atlantic for exercises with Russia [Vice]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 Chinese spy ship rattles allied war games off Australian coast [Australian Broadcasting Corporation]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 Beware the illusion of South China Sea calm [The Diplomat]
LOW 22 Jul 2017 Chinese repeat bomber penetration flights into West Pacific [UPI]
LOW 16 Jul 2017 Chinese spy ship lurks off coast of Alaska during missile defense test [CNN]
LOW 11 Jul 2017 US, India & Japan deploy carriers for exercise vs China [Debka]
LOW 07 Jul 2017 Pair of B-1B Lancer bombers challenge China with South China Sea flyover [Reuters]
LOW 05 Jul 2017 MALABAR: US, Indian and Japanese warships to exercise in Bay of Bengal [Times of India]
LOW 05 Jul 2017 US kicks off naval drills with Vietnam [Sputnik]
LOW 05 Jul 2017 Chinese naval engineers claim super quiet sub... [We Are The Mighty]
LOW 04 Jul 2017 TALISMAN SABRE: 33,000 American and Australian warfighters train [DoD]
LOW 04 Jul 2017 Amid border stand-off, Chinese warships on prowl in Indian Ocean [Times of India]
LOW 02 Jul 2017 Pentagon sails Destroyer near disputed island in South China Sea [Fox News]
LOW 29 Jun 2017 China builds new military facilities on South China Sea islands [Reuters]
LOW 27 Jun 2017 China deploys advanced anti-sub warfare aircraft to South China Sea air base [The Diplomat]
LOW 25 Jun 2017 Chinese aircraft carrier sails for exercises [Japan Times]
LOW 23 Jun 2017 China deploys new anti-submarine aircraft to fringes of South China Sea [Defense News]
LOW 23 Jun 2017 Chinese espionage revealed with arrest of former CIA Officer [Washington Post]
LOW 21 Jun 2017 Report: China considering base in Pakistan [Slate]
LOW 21 Jun 2017 Chinese undersea power growing... [Asia Times]
LOW 21 Jun 2017 Iran, China hold joint military drills in Persian Gulf [Breitbart]
LOW 17 Jun 2017 Chinese Navy trains out of Pakistani port [Ibtimes]
LOW 13 Jun 2017 China hails new superweapon [UK Sun]
LOW 10 Jun 2017 US bombers above disputed South China Sea irks 'vigilant' Beijing [Breitbart]
LOW 10 Jun 2017 The specter of improving Chinese airpower... [Flightglobal]
LOW 07 Jun 2017 Pentagon: Beijing is arming its manmade islands in South China Sea [Defense One]
LOW 02 Jun 2017 Dahboo7: China "gravely concerned", calls to halt THAAD amid 'shocking news' of new launchers [YouTube]
LOW 26 May 2017 DOJ cracking down on Chinese corporate spies [Breitbart]
LOW 26 May 2017 Chinese jets intercept US sub recon plane over South China Sea [ABC]
LOW 24 May 2017 US Navy challenges Beijing's claims in South China Sea [Reuters]
LOW 23 May 2017 Chinese Navy exercises out of Myanmar's Indian Ocean port [Sputnik]
LOW 22 May 2017 Chinese media 'applauds' CIA-spy killing spree: 'Washington has no idea what's going on' [ZeroHedge]
LOW 20 May 2017 Report: CIA let China wipe out its spies in 2010 [ZeroHedge]
LOW 19 May 2017 Filipino President says Chinese President warned Philippines of war over South China Sea [NYT]
LOW 18 May 2017 Chinese fighters intercept US 'nuke sniffer' plane over East China Sea [NBC]
LOW 17 May 2017 Report: China installs rocket launchers on disputed South China Sea islands [Straits Times]
LOW 16 May 2017 Allied countries drill on Guam [Businessmirror]
LOW 13 May 2017 China deploys new spy aircraft in disputed South China Sea [Sputnik]
LOW 10 May 2017 Sat Images: China amassing anti-ship missiles [UK Express]
LOW 09 May 2017 Chinese test guided missile close to Korea [Hindustan Times]
LOW 04 May 2017 Chinese Air Force adopts freestyle, live-fire, long-range training strategy [Yahoo]
LOW 04 May 2017 Chinese taking lead in supercomputers used to build advanced weapons [Washington Times]
LOW 01 May 2017 THAAD anti-missile system operational in SKorea [ABC]
LOW 30 Apr 2017 Chinese cyber units attack companies linked to THAAD anti-missile system [Breitbart]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Report: China catching American spies [UPI]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 Pakistan gives China 40-year lease for strategic port [Maritime Executive]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 China releases video of home-built nuke subs for the first time [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 28 Apr 2017 PACOM Commander: US treaty with Russia giving China huge missile advantage [Fox News]
LOW 27 Apr 2017 Chinese Navy conducts more drills in Western Pacific [Reuters]
LOW 26 Apr 2017 Report: Chinese troops on Korean border to dissuade US [Sputnik]
LOW 26 Apr 2017 Deep Water Navy: Chinese launch first home-made aircraft carrier [BBC]
LOW 25 Apr 2017 US anti-missile system begins deploying to SKorea [Reuters]
LOW 23 Apr 2017 Chinese President inspects PLA's southern theater command [CCTV]
LOW 23 Apr 2017 Chinese challenge Philippines defense chief’s plane [Philstar]
LOW 23 Apr 2017 Claim: China trying to hack SKorea missile defense [Arstechnica]
LOW 20 Apr 2017 China restructures military, enhances cyber-warfare capabilities [Breitbart]
LOW 20 Apr 2017 'Blue Shield' – China conducts massive surface-to-air missile exercise [Defence Blog]
LOW 20 Apr 2017 POTUS launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel [Yahoo]
LOW 20 Apr 2017 Chinese bombers on 'high alert' [CNN]
LOW 19 Apr 2017 China tests missiles on new destroyer near NKorea [UK Sun]
LOW 16 Apr 2017 Philippines, US to hold military drills in May [Philstar]
LOW 13 Apr 2017 China flaunts rows of carrier-killer missiles on State TV [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 10 Apr 2017 Chinese Military Website: PLA ready to launch attacks on NKorea [Chinamil]
LOW 07 Apr 2017 Filipino President orders military to occupy South China Sea islands [CNN]
LOW 07 Apr 2017 Chinese tech investment flying under the radar, Pentagon warns [NYT]
LOW 07 Apr 2017 POTUS informs Chinese President of Syria strike over dinner [South China Morning Post]
LOW 06 Apr 2017 Chinese warplanes spotted on contested islands [Reuters]
LOW 02 Apr 2017 China: Opposition to US missiles in SKorea ‘will definitely not stay on words only’ [The Diplomat]
LOW 02 Apr 2017 Why the CIA is increasingly worried about China's moles [Newsweek]
LOW 01 Apr 2017 Chinese naval base in East Africa troubles US Africa Command [Business Insider]
LOW 30 Mar 2017 Pentagon tightens security on China contacts [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 30 Mar 2017 FBI uses FISA warrant to finger State Dept employee as spy for China [Reuters]
LOW 28 Mar 2017 Report: China able to deploy warplanes on artificial islands any time [Reuters]
LOW 25 Mar 2017 China is building a 100,000 strong marine corps [The Diplomat]
LOW 23 Mar 2017 China says US should respect its air defense zone [Reuters]
LOW 22 Mar 2017 China warns US bomber flying in East China Sea [Fox News]
LOW 14 Mar 2017 China begins new work on disputed South China Sea island [Reuters]
LOW 14 Mar 2017 Video: Chinese school children led to shout anti-US and ROK slogans [Hongkongfp]
LOW 13 Mar 2017 China preps countermeasures against missile shield in SKorea [ZeroHedge]
LOW 12 Mar 2017 US Navy drills with Japan in East China Sea [Nation]
LOW 10 Mar 2017 China warns of nuclear first strike in response to THAAD deployment [Infowars]
LOW 09 Mar 2017 China threatens arms race over US missile defense [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 07 Mar 2017 China threatens consequences for US missiles in South Korea [Fox News]
LOW 06 Mar 2017 China to increase military spending by 7% in 2017 [BBC]
LOW 04 Mar 2017 Carrier Strike Group Commander defies China in contested seas: 'We will be here' [Daily Caller]
LOW 02 Mar 2017 3rd Fleet Carrier Strike Group steaming between the Philippines and China [San Diego Tribune]
LOW 01 Mar 2017 China reacts with anger, threats after SKorea decides to deploy US missile defense [Reuters]
LOW 28 Feb 2017 China building suspected missile silos on contested islands [Daily Caller]
LOW 26 Feb 2017 Report: Chinese Army 'making preparations' for war with US [Infowars]
LOW 25 Feb 2017 DoD-funded school at center of Fed probes over Chinese military ties [Fox News]
LOW 22 Feb 2017 China building anti-air missile batteries on South China Sea islands [Reuters]
LOW 21 Feb 2017 Chinese Navy exercises in Indian Ocean [Indian Express]
LOW 19 Feb 2017 Carrier Strike Group begins patroling South China Sea [Reuters]
LOW 17 Feb 2017 Chinese air-sea forces to drill in Indian & Pacific Oceans simultaneously [Naval Technology]
LOW 17 Feb 2017 US Marines at de facto embassy in Taiwan prompts new Chinese warning [Daily Caller]
LOW 16 Feb 2017 China may try to 'legally' bar 'foreign ships' from passing through international waters [People]
LOW 15 Feb 2017 Admiral jumped two grades to become commander of Chinese Navy [The Diplomat]
LOW 15 Feb 2017 China warns against fresh US Navy patrols in South China Sea [Reuters]
LOW 14 Feb 2017 Study: Chinese weapons reaching 'near-parity' with West [Yahoo]
LOW 12 Feb 2017 Navy planning to challenge Chinese claims to militarized man-made islands [Navy Times]
LOW 10 Feb 2017 Pentagon views as major shift in arsenal... [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 10 Feb 2017 Chinese defense ministry confirms multi-warhead missile test [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 10 Feb 2017 Chinese and US Navy aircraft in rare, unsafe encounter over South China Sea [CNN]
LOW 09 Feb 2017 Report: China reinforcing military on South China Sea islands [Defense News]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 China rattled by US-Japan joint missile interceptor system aimed at NKorea [Yahoo]
LOW 08 Feb 2017 Report: China may be prepping for crippling preemptive missile strike on US bases [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 06 Feb 2017 China sails warships near islands SECDEF vowed to defend for Japan [Fox News]
LOW 06 Feb 2017 New Chinese ballistic missiles make appearance at drills [Bigstory]
LOW 03 Feb 2017 FBI employee convicted for giving surveillance tech data to China [Asia Times]
LOW 03 Feb 2017 SECDEF tells Japanese PM that security treaty covers islands contested by China [Reuters]
LOW 03 Feb 2017 China gains on US in the Artificial Intelligence Arms Race [NYT]
LOW 02 Feb 2017 China to place aircraft carrier in disputed waters [UK Daily Mail]
LOW 31 Jan 2017 China tests missile with 10 warheads [Washington Free Beacon]
LOW 28 Jan 2017 Chinese military official website: War becoming a 'practical reality' [Business Insider]
LOW 25 Jan 2017 Marine Corps reinforced in Australia with more aviation assets [Reuters]
LOW 24 Jan 2017 China to POTUS: Butt Out [NBC]
LOW 24 Jan 2017 China sails warships into Persian Gulf [Al Arabiya]
LOW 24 Jan 2017 China brandishes its most advanced ICBMs [Debka]
LOW 23 Jan 2017 China warns POTUS to limit relationship with Taiwan to nonofficial level [People]
LOW 23 Jan 2017 Chinese State-run Media: Drills in South China Sea will continue [Yahoo]
LOW 23 Jan 2017 US says it will stop Chinese from taking over territory in international waters [Reuters]
LOW 18 Jan 2017 Chinese military prepares 'to throw punches' over spying [Daily Caller]
LOW 18 Jan 2017 Cambodia suspends annual military drill with United States [Reuters]
LOW 16 Jan 2017 China will 'take off the gloves' if PEOTUS continues provoking on Taiwan [Reuters]