Posted by on September 11, 2023 5:18 pm
Categories: c4g1


Current Indicator Threat Grade
Grade LOW


Unofficial, speculative, or topical news is evident at this time. No immediate danger is apparent.


The FutureDanger Indicator System contains nearly 500 predefined conditions or possible events. As our team fulfills it mission, check back soon for a thorough description of this one.
Background on this indicator will be provided here in the near future.
News relevant to this indicator that emerges from open sources may lead to threatening conditions for the American Nation. The team at FutureDanger will provide a clear explanation of these risks as soon as possible.
Developed by FutureDanger
Primary References

Full Indicator Record

Indicator Historical Trend
Grade Date Headline Source
LOW 15 Oct 2024 Is the US Government Using Weather Modification Technology to Strengthen Hurricanes? [LifeSiteNews]
HIGH 10 Sep 2024 Chinese Cloud-Seeding Experiment Leads to 76 MPH Storm [The Express]
HIGH 02 Sep 2022 Cloud Wars in the Middle East: Governments Drain the Heavens with Geoengineering [Strange Sounds]
LOW 27 Aug 2022 China Launches Giant Cloud-Seeding Drones to Combat Record Drought [ZeroHedge]
LOW 17 Aug 2022 China Is Seeding Clouds [CNN]
LOW 03 Feb 2020 US Military Hinted at Using HAARP Weather Weapon in 12-Year-Old Report [UK Daily Star]
LOW 13 Dec 2018 Key West weather radar anomaly... [DJT Twitter]
LOW 08 Nov 2018 China ‘Will Move Clouds and Make It Rain in Different Places Using Satellites’ in Terrifying Weather Control Plan [UK Sun]
LOW 06 Aug 2018 Huge Anomalies out of Antarctica: Waves Patterns Coming from 'Mystery Base' [Youtu]
LOW 30 Jul 2018 Huge Anomaly Coming from Antarctica, Multi-Wave Pattern over Caribbean Sea [YouTube]
LOW 01 Jul 2018 Massive anomaly stretches from suspicious Antarctica location to UK [YouTube]
LOW 19 Feb 2018 Another antarctic anomaly, massive pattern over Pacific from Hawaii to Alaska [YouTube]
LOW 17 Jan 2018 Dahboo7: More anomalies on MIMIC map... [YouTube]
LOW 09 Nov 2017 Congress hears ideas on altering clouds to offset climate change [McClatchy]
HIGH 28 Sep 2017 Scientists 'able to control the weather using lasers' [UK Express]
MOD 21 Sep 2017 Long list of patents... [Shtfplan]
MOD 21 Sep 2017 Artificial aurora to be created over western Arctic this week [YouTube]
LOW 30 Jul 2017 Strange weather anomalies baffled meteorologists... [Strange Sounds]
LOW 05 Apr 2017 Weird microwave pulse coming from Antarctica... [Daily Sheeple]
LOW 17 Feb 2017 Dahboo7: Radar anomaly at Oroville... [YouTube]
MOD 24 Jan 2017 Report: China controlling weather, will make it rain over area twice the size of France [UK Sun]